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Everything posted by yikai

  1. to add, really tiny 2 inch majestic angel with full adult colouration
  2. yes possible, although not advisable. i started my current 3ft tank with live rocks only and addition of bacteria. after 1 week, added fish but no corals. till this day everything is A ok. but not advisable that is.
  3. 5 cirrhilabrus naokoae left at CF. 1 has been reserved and another 1 has been sold, making a total of 7. the most amount ever brought in to date. reefers don't miss your chance to get this extremely extremely rare fairy wrasse.
  4. don't forget we have to stop every once in awhile to deal with petty crimes all over this forum like vulgarities, explicit websites, off topic posts, etcetc. it's not easy and having finally stopped the cherade, there's some form of personal satisfaction felt too. you're right. the mods can't care two hoots about your personal opinion on us. love us or hate us, we're here to do our job. if you love us, great! we love you back. hate us, then well, personal opinions. we will still continue to serve this forum regardless.
  5. yup thanks for knocking sense into me :0 absolutely right. think i have gone TOO FAR! clouded judgement i guess. just happen to see that in the other forum. did not purposely search him out just feel that after spending months of sleepless nights searchign through those I.Ps, finding ways to ban him so that this forum will be a bettter place for you, it does hurt me a little to see such remarks being made still. but yep. you're right. move on and don't linger.
  6. nope lol. fuel can explain why they dont survive. even if you had 10 billion, not even one will survive in an empty live rock laden tank.
  7. thanks bro :) its okay lah. i don't take it to heart. its just a comment. sticks and stones my friend. words can never hurt me. he want to play war of the words with me fine. just prepare to suffer a humiliating defeat.
  8. nope. i very little rics so i only buy small rock. found it only when i got home.
  9. yeah thanks! but phone cam sometimes produce too yellow pictures. while digital cam produces too blue pics. moral of story, go get new cam. haha
  10. even after all that drama. daryl is still unremorseful. though he has been banished from SRC, he has found a new home in another local forum. and look what he posted about me yesterday! " I thought the 17 yrs old Keng Leng Kia go India liao?" there's nothing i can do about it there. whatever he wants to do there we have no control. just rest assured that SRC has one less clown to deal with. Thank you members for your "support". the moderators still need the support of the members in such situations. It's good to know who's your friend and who is your foe in such scenarios. here's to the last of him here. he can make a fool of himself whereever else he wants. just not here. members, now you know why the mods are so stern against him despite all your previous disagreement. a wolf in sheep's skin. End of saga! can sleep well tonight finally attention seeker has finally got what he wanted. fame! be it infamy or otherwise.
  11. still my phone cam proves to be better than my digital lol.
  12. 8 tubes! im using 4 nia lol. and i on actinics most of the time coz it looks nice. plus softies not so light demanding. i suit my lighting for viewing pleasure most of the time.
  13. hi jfield. interested in your A. bowerbanki if its still avail. thanks.
  14. moving on.... my gold and green fungia. the green is developing more than it orginally had... dam i hope it doesnt turn all green! :angry:
  15. thanks for the help. need some advice on BTA haha coz i never kept it before. some updates, it has moved quite abit to a shady spot under the rock. will move again if i'm not wrong! hopefully to a spot it finally likes. im hoping my T5's can sustain it, don't even talk about sustaining colour. it has expanded to the typical BTA appearance, fluffy and bubbly. unlike the photo shown just now.
  16. capnella and leather are different genus so they are different. its a capnella. sorry to hear about your SPS. hope you find the cause!
  17. first piece is a capnella. commonly known as kenya tree coral.
  18. scooters are easy to feed in my experience. only thing is they are slow as hell. even with a pellet feeding one, it might not get enough food becuse of its slowness. thus you should always have pods as backup. mandarins on the other hand are much harder to get feeding.
  19. powder series tangs are extremely difficult to co exist. especially so against different species like powder brown, blue and black. good luck desi i hope you succeed! will be very nice to see the powder series in the same tank.
  20. good buy one the second one. i took some out and put it in the middle tank next to the big brown table at iwarna. they are really special but didnt wanna buy any lifestock before my trip. glad someone bought them
  21. nice capnella and Cirrhipathes spiralis justin! capnella is easy as hell but the spiral coral does require daily feeding. good luck!
  22. yah saw orange tip GBTA at aunty shop opp ahbeng before. very nice. but my this pink tip dam small hope it will grow up. i saw it go under a rock but its emerging from underneath, to the surface through a crack. think they like this kinda footing right? hope it gets comfy! will have to move my cladiella away once it settles down. too near already
  23. i went to search up on my GBTA. only manage to find ONE picture of it! green with luminous pink tips, and some speckles. here's a big picture taken from someone's tank. notice the bubble tips are unusually long in these specimens. can see the FTS on the top left corner, the long tips. wah 1 inch anemone also can cause harm if go into wavemaker? oh dear
  24. very long since i last saw a crab. hoping there's none left lah haha!! thanks. the BTA is indeed very nice. went to crawl to somewhere dark liao. typical for most newly introduced BTA i guess? anyway see how. i doubt this 1 inch cutie can cause any harm.
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