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Everything posted by yikai

  1. firefishes bestkept only in TRUE pairs, or solitarily. most assume they can keep in groups but in the wild, they are found only in pairs. misconception. wild they form feeding groups but not schools. with regard to purple and red. can, but with caution. they might fight. if the tank is big enough, no problem
  2. thanks for the comments digiman! the tank is not so blue in RL, and its attributed to my digital camera those taken with my phone cam show the real colours. yes with regards to raops, have read up tons about them. i did my scape to provide more horizontal swimming space. and more swimming space on a whole. if i were to get one, i'll only get one around 2 inches, i dont like big fishes. but for wrasses, no choice. big means nicer the only raops i'll get is mitratus or declives.
  3. not only yours lah haha. i post to get comments on how to improve, opinions etc, but no one seems to be interested anymore lol. have started a tank thread in RC to get 2nd opinions now..
  4. SAY SUMMORE SAY SUMMORE!!! AHHHHH i hope its not the special TRUE hawaii flame angel. the one that is BLOOD RED with no orange or yellow.
  5. reborn stocklist. Hi All, the stocklist of the incoming Hawaii shipment for tomorrow. lemonpeel hybrid special flame angel tahiti butterfly - wild caught pair flame wrasse - wild caught pair and male mystery wrasse rhomboids flame angel multicolor angel tinker butterfly - wild caught pair huh.gif helfrich gobies flame hawk chervon tang - juv kole fisheri angel potteri angel blue stripe clownfish - wild caught pair yellow tang SERIOUSLY. I GO OVERSEAS AND A TINKERII PAIR APPEARS? MURPHY I HATE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  6. bro not to burst your bubble. rhomboids, or for that matter, any wrasse, have not been bred in captivity before. they are super difficult to breed, even harder than shrimps i think. this must ask fuel. you will probably stand a better chance getting live ones from LFS. not to mention, even IF fries were being raised, it will take years before they grow to a sellable alpha male size. it's seriously not practical in a commercial point of view, much less impossible. Female rhomboids are not popular. you see, wrasses live in a harem. if you raise a group from eggs, every single one will be female first. one dominant one will emerge to be the alpha male, and followed by smaller subordinate males. if you raise 30+ rhomboids, out of 30, only 1 will be a good male worth selling. rest will be juveniles, females and small males which, to be honest, are quite hard to sell. thing is, its extremely hard to raise them and don't think any wrasses have been captive bred before.
  7. so funny that i had to share it on facebook.
  8. he is at home. no more sneaky business.
  9. I'll explain in terms of wrasse currency. 1 rhomboid wrasse = 1 and a half naokoae.
  10. thanks ray! see y'all in 3 weeks time!
  11. seen here is when the fish expands its fin. the long paddle like fins and the shark like dorsal. very cute.
  12. Cirrhilabrus naokoae was recently described by Dr. Hiroyuki Tanaka and was thoughtfully named after Dr. Tanaka’s wife. The fairy wrasse Cirrilabrus naokoae is described as a new species from three male specimens obtained via the aquarium trade; the probable locality is the vicinity of Medan on the northwest coast of Sumatra. It is related to C. joanallenae, C. morrisoni, and C. rubriventralis, which share the characters in the male of an elevated anterior part of the dorsal fin, very large pelvic fins, a single row of scales on the cheek, and some features of colour. It is most similar to C. joanallenae, differing in having the anterior lobe of the dorsal fin about one-fourth of the standard length (instead of a pennant from the first two dorsal spines as long or longer than the standard length in C. joanallenae), having 16 instead of 14 or 15 anterodorsal lateral-line scales, and having a broad bright yellow stripe on the side of the body. Similar looking and closely related is cirrhilabrus rubriventralis, where the paddle like ventral fins and elongated first half of the dorsal fin is noticed. what's strikes me the most is the extremely beautiful iridescent SILVER tail that this fish harbours. it is to my understanding that not all specimens harbour this silver tail. some are black, while some are only silvery under certain angles. the one i have is silver in all angles and it is a very beautiful metallic silvery blue that captures light very very well. it sparkles. another interesting trait is the shark like dorsal fin and the paddle like ventral fin. giving this fish a very comical look but yet, extremely beautiful at the same time. here's some photos of mine. I named him sneaky. The first few days he was exhibiting snaking patterns, not swimming. he's fine now and eats prepared food with gusto. there's a very nice photo of the marine betta next to him. the marine betta is 2 inch + and feeds on frozen mysis. Cirrhilabrus Naokoae is very rare and almost always makes its way to japan, where people pay much much more for it there. CF's debut shipment featured 3-4 (if i'm not wrong, 3) of these. they were big around 3 inches. they stopped coming in for many months, and then suddenly, 2 smaller ones 2 inch+ appeared. this is CF's 3rd shipment of naokos and this time, 7 came. Let's hope these beauties show up more often. It's a shame because they're just as hardy as damsels.
  13. glad that someone appreciates it tank threads are hardly condusive anymore. its all chit chatting nowadays and very hard to get constructive comments. i thank you very much.
  14. elegance disease noted by extreme bloatedness, super shrunk tentacles, excessive slime and won't open. it doesnt manifest itself immediately at the LFS. sometimes only after weeks of purchase. place on sand, low-med flow, med lights.
  15. LOL hahaha. tonight will be my last night in singapore. if they wanna spawn they better spawn tonight. otherwise no eggs for 3 weeks.
  16. thanks. yep. saw the male courting the female again just now. but she seemed uninterested. i have a proper harem of 6 females and 1 very alpha male filamented flasher. but have yet to see anything besides flaring, from them. also have a true pair of firefishes that sleep together and do some courting behaviour. funny.... have kept clowns before, never see them spawn. but these weird fishes are all engaging in spawning rituals.
  17. nope. i don't have the affinity for SPS. find them too static. angels and butterflies are still possible in softy tank. most soft corals are too noxious and un-appealing to them. but i still love my wrasses
  18. i hope so. they seemed bothered about the shallow height. not very condusive for wrasse spawning i think..
  19. yeah lol. my friends are always saying how retarded i am for spending money on a fish, which could other wise be used to buy branded bags.
  20. i sold the elegance coral already, so technically, there is no latest FTS. will post the LATEST FTS tomorrow. 1 day before i leave. so i can record any noticible changes when i get back.
  21. managed to dig out my virgin FTS! wow lol. it changed from this, to this, to this, to this, to this.... back then i still had my pellet eating moorish idol, before i gave it away.
  22. so i hunted and hunted and then, one day, stumbled upon this! yay lol.
  23. And, after getting poisoned by my steel blue and red favia, i stumbled upon this. a picture of a black and red favia from a coral blog. when i first saw this, i bookmarked the page and saved the photo. Black is my favourite colour, and the red matches well with it. never will i imagine finding a black coral. it's my fav colour!
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