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Everything posted by yikai

  1. LOL! that's realy cute. but his pompom will die soon
  2. please list your parameters, and also please state how you acclimate it. starfish dropping two legs is not a good sign of the above.
  3. k lah join u all. pre birthday outing tentative ok? unless i have plans on that day.
  4. ty. i like it too but the colours look better when its retracted. expand and the colours lighten abit.
  5. My GBTA obtained more than a month ago as a hitchiker. It's now 3x the size, very healthy and bubbly. best of all, it doesnt move no matter how i shift my wavemakers. awesome little guy. purple tip GBTA with snowflake patterns.
  6. when in doubt, just WC. WC is good and it will correct some quality issues. so yes, do WC.
  7. RBTAs are pretty useless in prey capture ability.aiptasia probably has a stronger sting towards fishes than BTA. but that being said, depends on the strength of the fishes also..
  8. take care lah bro lol. and ur anemone looks fine!
  9. was at CF yesterday, only saw some fairly big ones. but they housed it with clowns right? the clowns had brook so i gave it a pass..
  10. oh i believe the bicolour supersuns are balanophyllias. very rare but available from time to time now.
  11. looking for emperor angel with adult colours. size as small as possible. around 3 to 3.5 inch. thanks!
  12. beautiful. i missed your giant octo though
  13. clowns hosting thermometers are suprisingly common. not sure why. have seen more clowns hosting things like magnets, pipes, wavemakers, thermometers, than clowns hosting actual corals..
  14. if u're referring to the naoko, its 13 red notes. cheapest naoko in town and the size is very nice. very healthy too.
  15. there's another slightly different cook island variant to the helfrichi this one boasts its turqoise finnage
  16. not a wrasse guru lah. hehe. just very passionate about this genus. naokoaes used to be very rare, but recently seeing alot of them. there are a handful at henry's and coral farm now. they belong to the social wrasse complex, thus the elongated first spine in the dorsal fin. yes you will be even more excited when you see this little guy flash to its max. each fairy wrasse flash differently, that's what makes them so special! collect them all to see them flash hehe.
  17. marvelous! your sps are brilliant. i like the naokoae.
  18. very nice but not at its climax yet. when fully excited, you will see the head turn white and so will some of the dorsal fin. a very nice fish.
  19. in my experience, your dragon eyes should turn bright orange in time. mine did the same thing before.
  20. actually my skin abit thick. its very nice! hahahaha. i've never liked a scaping so much before. but camera sucks and take picture dam ugly. if seen in real life, it really adds alot of depth because it's in the foreground. and to see the fishes circling around it is very nice. and yup! BINGO! the underneath is going to be where sunnies are going to be placed. its quite awesome really. the rock is placed infront of the tunze 6055 and the wavebox. flow there is optimal for the sunnies. and not many ppl know that sunnies grow upside down in the wild. so this will be the perfect place for them. as for the top, wont be going SPS. but maybe a nice red BTA. after having much success with my GBTA, a red one would be nice.
  21. starfishes have amazing healing properties. if water condition is promptly corrected, melting stars can recover. yup let u know if i see nice cumingis.
  22. are you referring to the helfrichi bro? i'm not sure. did not ask.
  23. the one with the green skirt and a bright orange face shown here is the real dragon eyes. yours looks like a dragon eye variant but does not command the true outstanding force that a real dragon eye will give. dragon eyes are famous for their pure orange face, but some, like yours, may harbour a brownish, dark smudge around the orange. not sure if they will develop the rich orange colour after awhile or not. anyhow, its still a nice zoanthid.
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