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Everything posted by yikai

  1. true bah... tilefishes need alot of swimming space though.. nano tanks might not be good for them. fish psychological health is just as important as physical living conditions. a fish in a small or over crowded tank may be worse for it's health than in a tank with high nutrients. a tang for example, fares better in a tank with 80ppm NO3, than in a nano tank.
  2. nice naoko. watch for colour fading. the red will turn to black if you don't excite it with other wrasses/fishes/reflection etc.
  3. yes yes! haha. the giant long tentacle leather which your clowns host. so cute to watch
  4. not quite. tilefishes grow to around 4-5 inches.
  5. very nice cedric. i like the giant red lobo? what happen to the leather!
  6. noo dont like personifer. haha.
  7. i like dwarf angels but they're not as spectacular as their larger cousins. i dont mind nipping of corals. let them nip away. i wanna add a "small" large angel. large angel i dont mean size per se, but the genus pomacanthus, which are known as "large angels" in contrast to "dwarf angels"
  8. chaetodontoplus, not appealing to me with the exception of blue line. which i find too big. apolomichthys, out of this, i only like bandit and goldflake. bandit is too expensive and i dont think i want to risk the money on such a difficult fish. i might consider goldflake but the price is also quite a turn off.. pomacanthus are very much more affordable and easily available.
  9. i hope i can keep it successfully too.
  10. yep. that's the magic of the flashing tilefish. it changes colours depending on it's mood. yellow, pink, green, blue, purple, red etc etc. but the catch is that tilefishes in general are difficult to keep because of their super timid nature.
  11. It's neither blue nor pink. IT'S multicoloured! The flashing tilefish! have always secretly hoped to find this guy in cheap indo shipments and today was my lucky day. Being a tilefish, these guys are extremely timid and difficult to keep, but i'm willing to try. These are special flashing tilefishes, Hoplolatilus Chlupatyi. Famous for their quick colour changes like chameleons. Here's a video.
  12. No wait.... i think it's pink?!
  13. IWARNA - 2 naoko fairy wrasses at 8 red notes. - a handful of flashlight fishes (Anomalops katoptron.) Extremely peaceful and uncommon fishes. Require dimly lit tanks and very very passive tankmates. NEVER copper them. - 7 flashing tilefishes!! first time seeing these rare babies in LFS. there are none left. just updating for those interested. - 2 small bamboo sharks and eggs - plenty of firefishes, purple/red - a school of juvenile banner fishes. rest are normal indo fishes. Yuma shipment arrived before 2pm
  14. yes especially hairy sps like millie, where the tentacles of the polyps may shroud the entire SPS in brown. angels will help reduce polyp extension, thereby showcasing the colours much better. but this doesnt harm the sps and polyp extension still happens at night.
  15. oh. funny you should say nipping on sps. i read an interesting article yesterday about that. Only certain coralivorous fishes like the ornate butterflyfish (chaetodon ornatissumus) and larvatus butterfly, actually have special mouth structure to completely suck out the entire polyp from SPS. other fishes like angels and other butterflies cannot, and will be lucky to even get a tentacle of the polyp. so even though you see fishes pecking on SPS, little or no damage is done to the actual SPS. the parts where fishes cannot get to it will have polyp extension, but those accessible to the fishes will have no polyp extension. Polyp extension still happens at night when the fishes are asleep. Plus, some SPS are hidden by the tentacles when their polyp extends, making it look brownish. such fishes can help keep the polyp closed to showcase the nice coloured flesh of the SPS. emperor was my first choice, but it's difficult finding small ones with adult colours. the juvenile is very nice too, but comparing to other angels, it loses out. i like majestic because they attain adult colouration at relatively small sizes of 2.5 inch. next up will be the asfur angel because 3 inch specimens with adult colours are not uncommon, and the colour combi is really nice. my final choice will be a red sea yellow belly regal. regals have no transition colour changes from juv. to adult, except for the eye spot at the dorsal. Thus will make an excellent choice, if not for the difficulty. i don't like blue face. haha i don't have much meaty corals for them to nip. if they want to nip at my one and only prata then i don't mind too... i don't like prata and it's a fair trade off IMO. they can nip at my zoas too, because i lost interest in zoas and most of my nice ones are not with me anymore. leather corals are very unlikely to be nipped due to their noxious and unpalatable nature.
  16. at least a 2 inch sand bed for comfort.. your yellow wrasse is sleeping on hard ground? although it's possible, it's not happy and long term might cause stress related issues. sand bed is like a sfety blanket to leopard and halichoeres wrasse. a sand bed will greatly reduce any stress.
  17. hi thanks everyone for the compliments. lighting wise im using 2x blue plus and 2x white. forgot which one already... im not very concerned about lighting... i just know that the bulbs are ATI. to vt snowman, yes. Since im keeping softies, i dont really care much about "reef safeness" so to speak. although wrasses are my staple livestock, im beginning to deviate towards angels and butterflies now. im thinking of adding one "small" big angel, but still thinking. They do grow big and i'm not sure if a 3ft tank is suitable for one. thinking of either a majestic (adult colouration at 2-2.5 inches), asfur (3 inch with adult colours) or a juvenile emperor angel (i like the swirly hypnotic patterns).
  18. you will need a sand bed for the leopard wrasse in future.
  19. the wrasse is either a rubrimarginatus, or a female pylei. judging from his selling price i doubt it's any female flasher. bro aquablue, i'll take it. just incase you missed my above post.
  20. in anycase, bro aquablue, i'll take the wrasse. will be fun watching it grow up from a juvenile to reveal what it is.
  21. yes. this is a female/juvenile pylei. the markings on the face and long pelvic fins are already showing. however this photo shows a vanuatu pylei. pylei from ahbeng probably are the ones from cebu since they don't have vanautu shipments, and cebu pyleis have a black edge on the tail and a black spot on the dorsal fin.
  22. if im not wrong, the waves were turned off for the video purpose.... i remember the xenias were swaying more when i saw it.
  23. i picked out this piece 1 month ago. wasn't doing well so i left it at iwarna hehe. they nurtured it back to great health and nice to see it in your tank.
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