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Everything posted by yikai

  1. don't see an importance to pin this. but it's a fun thread......
  2. try looking for corals that look like the nudi. it will give you a clue which coral it eats. it looks like a brown xenia to me.
  3. nope. what were you thinking i might be getting for myself?
  4. hmm i dunno. i like asfur more. the cresent more beautiful than mac.
  5. what's the yellow and blue angel?? isit a venustus variant?
  6. OMG!! THIS CANNOT BE! asfur is one of my favourite angel. a white maculosus is my rebound fish for a white asfur. OMG OMG OMG
  7. Interesting thing to note. When buying angels, don't have the idea that smaller/juvenile angels will have a lesser tendency to nip corals. My captive bred, tank raised maculosus angel that has been raised in glass tanks and machines since it was an egg, has never seen corals in it's entire life, but rushed to nip on clove corals the minute it was released. Coral nipping is in the genes.
  8. oh yah one more thing, it is completely 100% untrue that captive bred or tank raised angels have a lower chance or won't eat corals at all. contrary to popular belief, this is bull feces my CAPTIVE BRED, TANK RAISED maculosus angel (that has NEVER seen a coral in it's entire life) made a bee-line to the clove coral the minute it was released, and started nipping on it. I don't care that it's nipping on my corals, but it's interesting that coral nipping is in built in the fish's genes and will not likely to be curbed by captive breeding.
  9. yea! i know. suprisingly.... it took it 2 days to start eating mysis sparingly... but at LCK, it was gobbling pellets like crazy. the blueline has yet to eat anything. so huh? right. lol haha nice pun hehe. no lah 3ft tank can't keep much angels. when the maculosus grows too big i will have to say bye bye to it they grow up to 19 inches in the wild..... i strive to create an all rounded reef tank. to get the best of both worlds, one must have angels and butterflies. and corals
  10. i have one extremely rare and very very beautiful green and black favia left. from aussy. the colour is striking and the pattern is hyptonic. will sell it to you if my angels start to nip on it. don't worry, will make sure it's healthy before selling btw glad to hear the favia i gave you is doing well
  11. Blue lined angel. unfortunately not feeding in my tank? -.- captive bred and pellet feeding at the LFS. zzz
  12. Sub juvenile white bar maculosus angelfish. The white bar is very unique, compared to the normal yellow ones.
  13. no need to wonder. answer is no. they don't read. only make noise. that's why nowadays my sales thread i don't bother posting so much. no one reads it anyways.
  14. Nice. lazy to edit ._. so those who free can help me fill in? threadfins, racoon, longnose, (butterflies) - $8-$15. moorish idol is not a butterflyfish, belongs to it's own genus zanclidae, so should put it on it's own. white xenias coming in from fiji are around $40
  15. to the above comment, sorry no idea how much the radioactives are, shouldn't be too ex. thanks bro peacemaker! yesterday play with my school mates until 5am LOL. was drooling at the orange lambourghini (sp?) in the casino at resort world. so...nice...
  16. plenty of radioactive dragon eyes at iwarna. common but some are have super large polyps. pinnicle have very healthy copperbands. i believe they're the same one i posted about a month ago. they're still very alert and fat. small powder blue tangs too.
  17. FINALLY! hoping you will sell it LOL. i dunno how much also. but offer errm... $50? isit too ex or cheap? lemme know.
  18. i wouldn't if i were you. anthias should never be lethargic when choosing them.
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