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Everything posted by yikai

  1. actually, 3.5 x 3.5 x 2. for now. its either that or 332. but yes, i go for 3ft width for that very reason.
  2. Rics rock price revised. 5 green, 3 orange, 1 blue, 1 greyish-blue, 1 bicolour. $200.
  3. i can't go 3ft height because it can't fit into my lift and stairs lol.
  4. are you getting vincent to do? currently asking him for quotation. ideally want to do a 333 but with the 3ft height, it's just too ex for crystal glass. so either 332 or 3.5,3.5,2
  5. should go check it out and catch a look at the lineatus too. very nice but i've seen nicer. if i weren't decomming i would get that. too bad all reserved
  6. hi justin. duncans only come from australia haha. so yes, aussy duncans. not open fully yet, but not bad from the looks of some of them. there are some green ones which are the nicer looking ones. there is another varitey of duncans called the giant australia duncans. they are green and have radiating stripes on their face and long tentacles. the polyp is huge andthey can look like elegance corals when opened up in a bunch. i used to have it and so far the only LFS that brought in this is reef depot.
  7. hi sms me at 97555430 pls thanks. will arrange arrangement wth you.
  8. duncans, wesophyllia (very nice green and grey), didn't really notice the corals much. some SPS but not very stunning. rest i forgot.
  9. yes sorry i forgot there for a minute. already edited the changes. paiseh about that
  10. sorry bro, ice qoo already reserved the cynarina. didn't see. betta still available
  11. can but marine betta will have to collect when all the liverocks are removed. this fella is impossible to trap.
  12. ok nvm i will let you guys know my final tank dimensions soon but one thing's for sure the length and width will be the same. height i might reduce to 2ft to cut cost on the thickness.
  13. flame angel reserved. cynarina can.
  14. actually, im thinking of 333, 3 side crystal glass. but the problem is, because i'm doing 3ft height, tank maker insist on 15mm. from 12mm to 15mm, crysatl glass is almost double the price. from what i hear lah. the crystal glass and normal glass doesn't cost much difference. the crazy thing is the increment of mm, not number of panels. my lift and stairs won't be able to fit the 333 tank, so the tank has to be built in my house which will take roughly a week. alternatively, a friend suggest doing 4x3x2.5, then the thickness maybe can 12mm and won't cost so much. anyway see howl ah still planning.
  15. blue eye anthias back up for sale along with the other stuff.
  16. moseleya very nice. but colour abit dull. greenish brown.
  17. i dunno leh. this specimen very different from the indo ones. i might get a friend to keep it for me until i'm ready
  18. no. i hate center overflow. probably at the side or external.
  19. All the big male lineatus at rb are reserved left a few small female/males the bathyphilus is only 1.5 inch. reefers do go down and look at the interruptus angels. very beautiful at 6 inches! from the top down it looks even better.
  20. hi bino! your rare green anemone is ready for collection anytime during the weekends. i can meet you at mrt to pass or u can come and view first. either way you can be assured its very healthy and is now 4 inches. but remember the deal! coke and take the liverock muahaha
  21. rosyscale reserved by bro yongshun. ups for the rest!
  22. sorry blue cesp not for sale anymore. decided to keep it in a friend's house for now. you want all the liverock? sure no problem. You can collect the liverock by next next week end. sms me at 97555430.
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