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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yep. birdnest is one of the hardier choices from what i've heard. any others?
  2. hi bro. flame angels are one of the safest dwarf angels out there. the chances of them nipping on corals are less than 50%. I've kept a few before and none of them nip on corals. There is always a certain risk involved when keeping dwarf angels with soft corals. If you are too captivated by their beauty, and want to take the risk, then go ahead. But if you can't bear to risk your prized pratas, then i suggest to stay away from dwarves.. But my personal experience in flame angel, is that they are very safe.
  3. i only see the eye lol. and part of the body and fins but i cannot trace out the outline clearly. the leather CF occasionally have. what i want is the xenia nudi! so cool
  4. What about beginner friendly SPS? anyone can recommend any easy SPS? Standard is monti cap i guess. anymore to suggest?
  5. sad to say desi, this applies to almost everything in life. humans are the epitome of lifeform yet they abuse alot of things. puppies for one, the bile industry from sun bear in china (mega cruel. you should go see..) killing baby fur seals for fur force feeding ducks for their liver even the marine industry! indiscriminate collection of livestock from the wild. amongst almost everything else, we can do our part to help. maybe not in all but at least in reefing Learn about livestock and know which are not suitable for the industry, and boycott those. I often see parents anyhow buying butterflies, eels and other livestock that cannot be kept because their kid wants them. The parents should educate their kids, and not do this. Alas, easy to say, hard to do.
  6. Frogfish. Look at the wild sun corals being super infested with flatworms!
  7. master of camouflage! stonefish! i can't even find it here!
  8. very cool right! i'm sourcing for more haha. difficult to find so many. wanna help? lol..
  9. i love the green spotted mushy!
  10. thanks very much terryz, desi and vtec for providing more info! sad to see them in such a state. makes me wanna hug my doggy now
  11. our dear digiman of this forum has a very beautiful gem tang
  12. so sweet waiting for your new tank bro! don't give up.
  13. yah you're right. this isnt' a pipefish or a seahorse. it's something inbetween. they resemble coral slime and are just found floating around. very....cool lol
  14. Cute pygmy seahorses living in seafans!
  15. A red crab hiding in a cauliflower! can you spot it?
  16. A pair of robust ghost pipefishes imitating a dead leaf! this one very convincing.
  17. a pair of halimeda ghost pipefish! waa
  18. This pipefish is so tiny it looks like dirt drifting in the sea!
  19. This is Huenia heraldica, the halimeda algae crab.
  20. Some very interesting creatures can be found in the sea! just look at some of those below! This is Phyllodesmium rudmani, the xenia eating nudibranch. Can you tell the difference?
  21. wow thanks! I thought of using T5s but the thought of changing all the bulbs will probably be too much and will give me a headache.. besides, i like the shimmery effect that MH gives and with crystal glass, i think it will look nice. (pardon my would be ignorance, this is what i can expect right? lol) As for equipment, im planning to use the new deltec series. SC 2060. Circulation will be done by two eheim 1264, into the main and then back into the sump, where there will be a huge free space for a fuge or other plans in future, where i will grow chaeto as nutrient export. Apart from that, will be running NP bio-pellets too. A calcium reactor and dosing pump will be installed to maintain proper parameters. As for water changes, i'm still sticking with good ol' NSW. It works for me for the past 1 and a half years. I test all NSW before doing WC and so far the parameters have been up to par. It's also easier for me this way, i don't really like salt mix... My water change regimes are once every 2 weeks. I know electricity bill will be a terror once MH is installed, bearing in mind the heat + the chiller going crazy. Have cut down on certain things like aircon in the living room and no aircon while im sleeping to compensate for the bill. Anything else you need to know? haha
  22. Hi stevenkoh, thanks for the feedback. The sms is being spread around my friends and i so happen to recieve it. So i decided to post it here, incase anyone might be interested or if anyone knows anything about it. From the sms, it seems that the place to go is puppy mill breeder at pasir ris. I've done some asking for you and the place to go to is Pasir Ris Pet farm kennel 9 and look for volunteer Taylor. Sorry, this is all i'm able to provide at the moment as i'm just as in the dark as you guys, but if anyone here knows more, please share. i dont know the owner, and i don't know the reason why the puppies are being abandoned too. Maybe they are closing down unexpectedly.
  23. Very healthy looking fishes! looks very well fed!
  24. hi, i don't know anything about the current situation. I'm just helping to pass the message to everyone here.
  25. Puppy mill breeder owner @ pasir ris has abandoned his breeding stock and pups. many breeds of various ages. cavalier king charles, chihuahua, maltese, mini schnauzer, shih tzu, pomeranian, jack russel, whippetm sheltie, golden retriever, labrador, silky, yorkie, poodle, beagle, british bull, cairn terrier. Please help these dogs by passing the message. they only have two weeks from 3/5/10 for a chance to live before they are put to sleep. This is not a spam and please ask around to help these doggies.
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