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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yeah im very excited too lol. large tank but not long! WIDE! lol
  2. i go to iwarna every 2 weeks and buy NSW myself. Transport them back home in toyogo box in car. 10% for my 3 2 2 last time was quite ok. now 3.5 3.5 2, maybe lesser.
  3. Thanks DA! hope to be back ASAP so can chiong more shipments with you guys. Especially now that i'm gearing towards butterflies and angels! Can ask RB bring in some special ones hopefully. I want C. semeion. I hope it will be great too. I like the dimensions and the scaping possibilities will be quite cool.
  4. for a long time i've just admired the sps at walt smith shipments. now i will be one of you guys! lol
  5. Here's the deltec SC2060, the new SC series. If anyone has any reviews about this skimmer please feel free to share! Here's the technical data from reef depot's website. Technical Data - In Sump Version - Deltec SC2060 - This stands for Single Chamber, body diameter 200mm and total height 600mm - Significantly exceeds performance of AP701/AP851 (600 lts of air - 230V) - Footprint - 280 by 220 mm - Total air produced - 1100-1300 lts/hour - Power consumption - 25-28 watts - Water level in sump - 180mm min 260mm max - Outlet 50mm - Neck diameter 110mm - Tank Suitability 1400 lts heavy stocking 1700 lts normal stocking - Patented Twn Chamber bubble chamber - Remote drain of skimmer cup - Air silencer - Micro adjustable skimmer setting - High water flow through the skimmer - Optional self cleaning system - New colour scheme - No feed pump required, skimmer draws water directly from the sump
  6. Whilst tearing down my old tank, have been planning my new tank with reddevils. The initial thought was to take a short break from chionging LFS, reefing etc. The break will only last 2 months sadly, because the new tank will be arriving in 2-3 weeks, and after counting in the cycling period, it will only be around 2 months from now before i can officially start reefing again. Tank Specs Display will be 3.5 x 3.5 x 2, giving a total of 183.3 gallons for the main tank 3 panel crystal glass, front and 2 sides Black silicon, 12mm glass Black cabinet and hood Black Oyama paper at the back Euro bracing on top and bottom. Overflow box will not be external, and will be on the left side. The Sump will not be underneath the tank, but instead, will be on the floor in it's own cabinet by the right side of the display Sump will be 3 x 2 x 2 A large portion of the sump will be cordoned off as empty space for future uses, i.e, frag growout, fishes, nano fishes, fuge, etc Cabinet for the sump will have an open top door which can flip open to give a top down look at the sump. Doors at the front as per normal too. Maybe one at the side. Equipment Return pumps, 2 x Eheim 1264 One of the 1264 will pass through the chiller before hitting the main tank 1/3HP artica? Have not fully decided on the chiller yet Deltec 2060 for the skimmer CR, deltec PF 501? For lightings, 2 x 250W MH, supplemented by T5. Am thinking of maybe asking razali to do. A denitrator if i still have enough budget left ._. Livestock Livestock wise, i want to go into SPS this time. Have been playing with softies and LPS for awhile now and i think it would be fun to try something new Fish wise, i will be geering towards butterflyfishes and some angels. My goal is to showcase beautiful non-reefsafe fishes in a reef tank. Butterflies are very overlooked due to the misconception that they are difficult, touchy and expensive. This is not entirely true. True, there are alot that feeds on nothing but corals, but there are a good handful that are hardy and can adapt to aquarium fare. The only way to achieve this is to go SPS as they are relatively safe from the jaws of most butterflies and angels. Till my tank comes, i hope that some of you guys can chip in about SPS and maybe comment on some of my equipment chosen. Equipments are not finalised yet (except the deltec skimmer), so i hope some of the more advance SPS keepers can comment on the choices, and give some suggestions Also would like some advice on SPS husbandry too! For very long i've always admired SPS and this will be my first time attempting them.
  7. it is possible, and with 6 line (VERY POSSIBLE), that the fierce fish when added last will still attack a peaceful fish added first. i won't suggest keeping 6 line at all. it's not even that nice anyway and certainly not worth the aggressiveness.
  8. Hi bro, where did you get your flasher wrasse from? As far as i know the only place to get mccosker wrasses now is from CF, and on occasions only. There are many flasher wrasses that look very identical, such as carpenter's. Better to at least clarify the exact species to avoid disappointment to potential buyers. Mccosker is quite highly sought after amongst the flashers, so it's better to confirm first. Ups for you
  9. agreed on this. but can be done if the tank is large enough. don't mix the lined wrasses together. 6 line, 8 line, mystery, 4 line. If die die want to keep one of these, add them in last as they are really very fierce. NEVER add more than 1 lined wrasse as they will fight like mad unless your tank is large enough to sustain both.
  10. "lined" wrasse are from the genus pseudocheilinus., aka the lined wrasses, including 6 line, 4 line, 8 line, and mystery wrasse. Flasher wrasse are from the genus Paracheilinus, and there are many flashers wrasses. Lined wrasses (6 lines) can have the tendency to get very aggressive and fierce. On the other hand, flasher wrasses are very timid and cnanot tolerate aggression. Given time, they will get bolder and may get fierce, but if newly introduced, they are very timid and will jump when frightend. If your 6 line is very established, i reccomend trapping it first before introducing the flasher. If not, introduce with caution as the 6 line might get too fierce for the flasher. If you are adding a 6 line to the tank with an established flasher wrasse, just go ahead and add. Nothing will happen as flashers are peaceful It depends on which fish you are adding to which fish. 6 line to a tank with flasher? or flasher to a tank with 6 line. Hope this helps
  11. should have gotten my 2 inch comet mah... feeding on pellets and has gotten acclimated to aquarium life and not shy liao. too bad it's sold liao
  12. thanks bro thairun. will take things slow and easy with SPS set up and learn along the way!
  13. very funny lol. i moved this to the videos thread.
  14. ah yes flow. hmm. I have my tunze 6055, 6045 and 6025 from my old tank, along with the two returns generated by the 1264. this probably wont be enough so will have to end up getting more wavemakers lor...
  15. Will be glad to know how you guys actually QT your fishes? What salinity do you keep them at should you go hypo? how long? what are your daily regimes if it's such a case. How about copper users? do you jump into copper straight away? or observe first then copper. I'd rather have answers on how to do a proper QT than to actually be questioned on what i should be doing. that's the whole idea of asking isn't it?
  16. guess this isn't america, isn't it? lol. Strict QT procedures in US are very common but in asia it's seldom done. Its also proven that some fishes cannot survive in QT and are always advised in some hardcore american websites and forums to be placed into the display straight away after a freshwater bath at least. The fishes in the display are already healthy, disease free and the likelihood of them dying from a potential disease outbreak by the new fish is, i guess, pretty slim. Especially if the new fish is already disease resistant by nature and have undergone a freshwater bath. I won't say it's not possible to have all your livestock dead and end up slashing your wrist in misery from a disease outbreak, and if that happens then it's really unlucky. But the chances are super reduced.. Like this i won't consider my previous efforts to have gone down the drain, having greatly reduced the chance of pathogenic outbreak, and pathogenic resistance greatly increased. It's extremely difficult and taxing to have a tank with completely no parasites, and i'm contented with a tank that might have ich but not to a potentially harmful (i won't say deadly) level. after all, you of all people should know that sometimes, pathogens do manage to find their way into our systems despite QT. :cry:
  17. actually i disagree with you on this. If i know that the fish is very disease resistant by nature, costs a bomb, is very rare and does very poorly in QT due to certain requirements, i would just risk it all together and place it in the display straight away. At most a freshwater bath before going into display the risk is still there but at least it's a very slim chance. Then again different people different mindset.
  18. nor your sps lor lol. not diamonds meh?
  19. marc! i love your idea on the sump tank/frag tank. the space in my sump will be alot actually and i have already considered doing it as a frag station. that's why the sump is designed in such a way that the flow is strong but water movement at surface is quite still, so can see my frags. and the sump tank cabinet is specially designed for this too. the cabinet has doors that can be flipped up from the top, like a chest. so i can see the tank from top down, and i still have doors at the side. the sump is not under the main tank. it's on the floor to the right of it. so it's like a separate tank really excited for the new tank lol. as for SPS, i will try birdnest, monti and millies first i guess. take it slow and steady DONT WANT RTN
  20. wah bro. dam solid. like diamond. starting new tank soon going into SPS. yours is inspirationnnnnz ")
  21. assurance is only one thing. you have to try it out first. only then you will realise that they are actually very safe. unless you super suay kena one that nip your coral.
  22. haha! so far never see this nudi before lei. i buy so many xenia before..
  23. if you really want angels, go for genicanthus angels. these are the swallowtail angels and are 100% reef safe. they feed on plankton in the wild and thus, don't touch corals. and most of them are easy to keep too. feeding on frozen and pellets readily. if you prefer the colourful dwarf angels, flame angel is one of the safest. I've never regretted getting one and for me it's been nothing but well behaved. though there's always a risk with your meaty corals.
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