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Everything posted by yikai

  1. butterfly can fly mah need net to catch. hehe
  2. black mithrax? never heard of it. anyways, all crabs are opportunist. if in doubt, just remove..
  3. sigh. CF rhomboid got standard 1. in terms of health. dam sian no tank now.
  4. oh dear.......................... nvm nxt time can hunt angel and butterflies together i bring net and box to catch butterfly.
  5. i masking tape the floor with my tank dimensions just now. faint sia... it looks very big! summore my masking tape only 2d. the tank will be 3D! and 5ft high from floor to top, including cabinet + tank. siao. i think my liverock will cost dam ex.
  6. maybe i should try a PBT pair in my new tank O.O
  7. that's the rule according to literature. if you invest in good equipment, good liverock, it's possible to add in difficult to keep corals and fishes on the first day you finish cycling. but this is not adviced unless you are an experienced reefer and have money to spend on good equipment which results in stable parameters asap
  8. omg terryz it looks great your tank! and it's huge!
  9. dunno who got it. i wish i had a place to keep that declivis until my tank is ready. so stable and disease free. pump it until fat would be good. too bad no place to keep lol.
  10. yup. it is 100% true that ctenochaetus are the best at the job. it's not about experience or anything because it's plain fact. their bristletooth are specially made for grazing algae. yup ketchup i know what you mean about the kiss marks hahaha!
  11. i just saw the other video with the feeding declivis. yup you're right. the declivis looks so skinny now! the fore head is pinched! i hope that they will still be there when my new tank finishes cycling... and i hope they feed more!
  12. hello bro, you mean you want to know the "nicknames" given to zoanthids? because scientifically, they are all known as zoanthids.. if you want to know the nicknames, search for them here. http://www.zoaid.com/index.php?module=Gallery2&g2_itemId=15
  13. yup yup. finally cleaned out my current tank. can wait for my new one now. ahh
  14. reborn posted a vid of their hybrid lemonpeel. wth it looks nicer than the first day i went!! maybe its lighting.
  15. wah die. if ur 3 3 2 already so big, my 3.5 3.5 2 wah... .__. no turning back now
  16. the reason why kole and chevron are so popular is because they are known as the bristletooth tangs, from the genus ctenochaetus. these are the most efficient algae eaters of all tangs. and include kole, chevron and tomini tangs, amongst others in this genus.
  17. i just sold my nano wavebox lol. will need to get a bigger one soon for the new tank.
  18. thanks bro reefaholic! will take things slow and let the tank mature and stabalise first as i go along
  19. yah nice but can be very invasive. they literally grow polyps overnight one. seen them crawl up my glass, in 1 week they can grow 50 polyps -.-
  20. GSP very swee. not many reefers indulge in them as much as you do You're one of the rare few and i salute! i love GSP too.
  21. wow bro this one is super nice! no tank now but i will still support! can keep somewhere first $60!
  22. wait for ammonia and nitrite to turn 0. nitrate won't turn zero. when ammonia and nitrite turns 0 and you find very high readings of nitrate, means cycling is done. do water change to bring the nitrates down. then you are good to go.
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