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Everything posted by yikai

  1. The difference is subtle but lies in the anaƂ fin.There is a.reefbuilders.article written just for these two sister species.
  2. It has been awhile since C. rhomboidalis has graced our shores. but let's not forget this beautiful marshall island fairy wrasse.
  3. earlei wrasse. one of the most beautiful magenta colored fish in the sea
  4. iwarna - the very gorgeous and rare Pseudanthias aurulentus (central pacific anthias). A rare species that is quite similar to the princess and flavoguttatus anthias. Very few pieces left selling at very affordable price. From Hawaii shipment First appearance in Singapore.
  5. Have you ever wondered how some fishes look similar to closely related species? Well, species divergence and speciation could account, and probably did, to why that is observed to be so. Let's take the argi angelfish, african flameback, caribbean flameback and resplendent angels for example. these four species probably came from a single ancestor thousands of years ago. after years and years, continental plates shifted and tidal currents change, and this single ancestor species was separated into different locations. one populated africa, one maybe the carribean etc. over time, these isolated populations of that single ancestor fish evolved over time to suit that particular habitat, and eventually, speciated into different, but similarly marked species with distinct DNA, giving rise to the argi, flamebacks and resplendent. now this may be going on in fishes currently as we speak, and many species are now being found out to be distinct from what was once considered only one species. but this usually have to occur with species that are found in quite different locations. for example, the most recent one, the splendid leopard wrasse. it was found that the red sea ones are a different species from the maldivian ones, as seen in the DNA. and what was once Macropharyngodon bipartitus from the red sea, it is now Macropharyngodon marisrubri. see here for more info - http://reefbuilders.com/2013/05/16/red-sea-leopard-wrasse-species-macropharyngodon-marisrubri/ today i observed a different between two damsels, of the same species, from different locations. this is the starcki damsel which everyone knows. the first picture shows one from the philippines, and the other, from australia. The first picture is one that came from the former location, and has the blue coloration coloring the caudal peduncle completely, and also slightly encroaching the rays of the tail fin. The second individual from Australia, picture no. 2, has a yellow caudal peduncle with no blue on the tail. The shape of the tail is also different; it being round in the Philippine specimens and slightly forked in the Australia ones. These could be geographical variations but i'm quite sure in time to come, they will eventually speciate into different species. I found a journal online supporting this evidence as well, and it seems the difference have not gone unoticed by scientists.
  6. yes it was sold for about 8.2k USD, japanese 780 000 yen. i wrote about it on reefbuilders. you can see it here. there are also old pictures of the other specimens that made it into the trade. http://reefbuilders.com/2013/06/13/updates-brand/
  7. Meiacanthus kamoharai swimming at water surface in a jetty.
  8. one of my most coveted japanese fishes isn't interruptus or some fancy expensive deepwater fish, but the humble but very pretty bellae goby. V. bellae is a pink sandsifter from japan. it has made its way to the U.S before and i believe it will show up here soon with my constant pestering... here's V. bellae from route 66 marine 1 year ago
  9. koji's newest rare fish menagerie. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7gfpagaYn-M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> how many can you identify?
  10. How new is the flavo and from where? It has one of the cleanest crowns I've seen! But unlikely to be pure blood since its from the marshalls.
  11. illusionary and phantom like niger angel photographed again in japan. Chaetodontoplus niger is very rare and just as suddenly as it appeared in photos in 2012, it disappeared again, until now.
  12. a collage of pics on fishes from the french polynesia. photo credits : A,B: Pseudanthias regalis (Marquesas) C: Coris hewetti (Marquesas) D,E: Centropyge loricula (Marquesas) F: Coris marquesensis (Marquesas) G: Pseudojuloides atavai (Society is.) H,I: Chaetodon smithi (Bass, Rapa, Pitcairn). Picture credits - A: Rudie Kuiter's Basslets & Hamlets, B: Luiz Rocha, C,E,F: John P Hoover, D: Robert Fenner, G: Yukata niino, H: Tahiti presse and I: John Randall. Read more: http://reefbuilders.com/2012/02/17/video-tuamotu-french-polynesia/#ixzz2VgVBEOkw
  13. Glad to see your fishes are doing great. As per normal, i've written a few more reefbuilders articles for your new fish, namely the latifasciatum and sailfin jawfish. Regarding the cirrhilabrus sp, Dr. hiroyuki tanaka came back with the results on the DNA analysis for the "type specimen" sent to him by ohm pavaphon. it is C. joanallenae and not a new sp. unfortunately
  14. here's a link to a few new videos of Cirrhilabrus marjorie in the wild. the link contains a few short videos of perfect mature male specimens displaying in the reefs of Fiji. http://footage.shutt...ji-islands.html C. marjorie is still one of my favorite wrasses. it is colored very simply but is so unique in appearance. it is so similar to the lubbocki group but is separated and thrown all the way to the other side of the ocean in Fiji. here, a large male shows its true beautiful potential.
  15. familiarity has made us jaded with the beauty of Cirrhilabrus earlei. there's a magical moment when a male appears out of the darkness, and in an instant, a flash of purple fire ripples along the body and fins engulfing the entire fish in a scintillating burst of lavender flames. there's a picture and video of a male in nuptial display as it torpedos around the tank in an electric purple shimmer. it is still one of the prettiest cirrhilabrus.
  16. in the front he has another even bigger tank with all the deepwater crazy fish including the mega lanceolatus. and a smaller tank with masudai and his harem of tosanoides along with a myriad of other deepwater fish like decodon etc.
  17. busy with army! feel so out of touched with the reefing scene. tons of reefbuilders articles backed up. ugh

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. pokmingsheng


      when i drive in they dont check... when i walk in they check... its been like this for me all these while

    3. peacemaker


      Strange... Bedok camp dun even bother checking. Just want you to tuck in your shirt...

    4. pokmingsheng


      HAHAHA.. tuck in shirt? lol

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