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Everything posted by yikai

  1. no one comment on this!!?? i think it's one of the NICEST clown i've ever seen! nicer than what platinum and other funny clowns.
  2. yup! one of the important phases in bacterial growth. anyway to threadstarter. less fish = more space = less competition, less social stress = happier fish = less disease less fish also = having to feed less = less waste produced = cleaner water less fish = use less oxygen = higher oxygen levels and many more!
  3. why is black longnose not available? from hawaii so maybe can get. anyway. ugly right?
  4. the one we saw in CF today, ahbeng got come in before. wanted to buy it with fuel. ahbeng one is the exact same species as the red one we saw in CF, but ahbeng one was 10x redder. BRIGHT RED. it's not that rare? i seen it occasionally in ahbeng.
  5. oh and i hope to own one of these one day. a zillion times more pretty than nox...
  6. who still thinks C. Fremblii is ugly!!! i'm so getting one now. absolutely beautiful fish.
  7. haha yah! we'll take our plane for holiday and our slaves will catch fishes for us. lolz joking. our "divers" here's my short term goals. working hard for them. attenuatus has came to singapore before. will pester more lfs to get marginalis and octotaenia in
  8. some caulerpa sp probably. just pull everything out. have to be persistent as the roots with stems left over will regrow. control nutrients is more important. i think you might be over dosing your coral food causing nutrients to rise.
  9. new additions at CF. 1x colini dwarf angel. (centropyge colini) 2x multibar angel. (paracentropyge multifasciatus) apart from that, refer to previous post my before. still have some interesting fish.. hybrid heraldi X nox pygmy angels, joculator etc. reborn, 2.5 inch bandit angel. feeding on mysis and pellets! very nice. marcellae butterflies crosshatch trigger pair declivis butterflies AT hybrid AT a pair of small female australian hooded wrasse. female hooded wrasses are extremely rare. hybrid lemon peel. super jet black tail. not bad looking.
  10. LOL that's mine! WOW bro still have it?? how's it doing lol. grow fast right?
  11. isit? i saw them the head quite pinched. maybe not so serious yet..
  12. dam wth lor. smithi is not even rare. so abundant where they live yet unobtainable. ridiculous.. why must they live in such obscure places
  13. OMG T__T they're pretty rare you know! haha
  14. 2.5 inches!!!!! omg. T_T i see. ok hopefully the other 4 declivis gets more feeding than the other 2. weight is dropping and forehead is pinched. not interested in buying the triggers. just want to see them. i like the males alot
  15. i already am. sounds like they are extremely healthy. size please? am very intrigued by the lemonpeel, crosshatch pair and the bandits. plenty of declivis? plenty is how many
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