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Everything posted by yikai

  1. check this out! ever wondered what's its like to have 24/7 dripping of food into a tank filled with nothing but anthias and sun corals/gorgonians!?!??!!? ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!
  2. a nano with lots of small gobies will be nice
  3. changing water 10% is a temporary solution. you still have to settle the overcrowding issue. as the fishes grow, it will only get worse. for a start, transfer the tangs to your brother's tank the mandarins will need to be trained on at least mysis. brine shrimp is worthless and has no nutritional benefits after 48 hours of hatching. adult brine shrimps like the one sold in most LFS are to a fish, like eating potato chips. delicious but nutrient deficient. the maroon clowns are ok for now since they are new. once they get established, they will get very fierce especially in a small tank like yours. and you will be unable to add any new fish. don't freeze starfishes to feed your harlequin. feed them whole live linkia starfishes and let them slowly eat them. The harlequin shrimp will eat the starfish part by part but won't kill it. remember to acclimate the linkia starfish before feeding otherwise it will die in your tank and foul everything up. the reason i don't encourage feeding frozen starfish is because it is dead and it might foul up your tank if your shrimps can't finish it fast enough. a decomposing starfish is really not something you would like.
  4. the tangs have to go. no question. i'm not a fan of keeping tangs in anything less than a 3ft tank. but it can be done, with limitations. 2 blue tangs in a 1.5ft is a no-no for me. the 2 mandarins have to go. you should have read up on these guys. they require live copepods and lots of liverock to survive. unless they are eating prepared food (which i highly doubt). plus, are the two you bought of the same gender? they will fight till death if both are same sex. 2 maroon clowns HAVE to go. these guys are extremely fierce and will kill most other fishes given time. i really suggest reading and reading and do more reading before purchasing livestock. alot of things play an important role in livestock selection including sex of fishes, adaptiveness, hardiness, feeding requirements, space needed etc.
  5. LOL!! cute!! btw how fast do these things grow!?
  6. advice? ok. worst case scenario your entire tank will crash and you will have to restart painfully. i don't want to sound harsh but what were you thinking buying 2 tangs (super high bioload, fast growers), 2 mandarins (bound to starve in your tank. extremely hard to feed, requires live copepods), 2 maroon clowns (if your other fish don't die from a tank crash, these guys will make sure they all die), 4 harlequin shrimps (these guys feed on LIVE starfish. the amount of starfish you need to feed these 4 shrimps may start dyign and polluting your tank, furthur crashing it). my suggestion. Remove the 2 tangs, the mandarins, the maroons and maybe the harlequins. sell them away or give it away. and do plenty of water change, dose bacteria. buying so many fishes at one go is too strenuous on your biological system, and for a tank your size, i'm afraid this might be too much. the tangs require much more space to grow. blue tangs are one of the fastest growing tangs and definitely need a WAY bigger tank take things slowly and we'll try to help you along the way
  7. impossible. breeding shrimps are extremely difficult. you can ask fuel. the amount of time, effort, specialised food and equipment. it's not something you can buy from LFS and do it in a separate tank
  8. The purple one, (H. picta) is from hawaii and is sometimes available from hawaii shipments. very expensive though. they are extremely difficult to breed, infact i'm not sure if harlequins have been successfully bred before. shrimps in general are extremely difficult.
  9. heh. whatever it is, maroon is a maroon. i hate them unless they're the ligtning ones!
  10. if the spots are not serious, you can build your fish immunity in your tank so that they will not be affected so much by the spots. it is possible to have fish live with ich without showing spots. just make sure they're healthy. however, as ich is still in your tank, new fishes will get ich when you add them in. and you will have to build their immunity until they fight it off themselves. this is the issue with butterflies and angels. they are very sensitive and when introduced in your tank, they will get ich very quickly and it's very hard for them to be "immune" to it unlike your other hardier fishes. that's why prevention is better than cure. you could try building your fish immunity, do plenty of water change, and wait a few months before adding any fish. that should help your ich problem. add your butterflyfish in a few months time. let everything stabalise first
  11. let your tank mature for awhile longer. i dont suggest keeping angels in new tanks unless you are experienced enough. butterflies are WORST. in my opinion they are one of the most sensitive group of fishes. threadfin and raccoon are one of the easiest out of the entire family and are less sensitive compared to the others. so add them in if you want but be safe, wait for a few months first. and solve your ich problem first. butterflies and angels, ESPECIALLY butterflies are extremely sensitive to whitespots.
  12. Cf, edited your post. that's a gold torch coral from aussie, not an elegance. hope you don't mind
  13. did not see. i've seen a maroon clown with it's middle bar replaced by a white circle before.
  14. lol! looking forward to cycle and chiong angels/butterflies with you. very hard to find kaki interested in same kind of livestock we're interested in!
  15. if i'm not wrong this is the 2nd lightning clown from PNG right? the first one isn't as beautiful as this. hopefully we get to see them one day. the only drawback is that it's a maroon clown. i would like it more on a false perc
  16. everything seems fine except the for unknown nitrite. a 3ft tank is too small for an emperor angelfish though. perhaps the cause of death was simply stress from being in a 1 month old tank which was not yet mature yet, for large angels. angels require aged, stable tanks. especially the large angels. there are many factors in the water that test kits cannot test, as well as psychological stress the fish might be going through.
  17. are you running carbon? with that gigantic anemone and all those leather corals, the amount of allelopathy (chemical warfare) going on in your 22gallon tank should be off the charts.. run carbon to reduce chemical warfare or you will lose some of your corals or even anemone in the long run.
  18. let's take a look at the journey of the lightning maroon clown! it's from PNG and it's being paired with another normal PNG clown to breed. hoping there's some lightning gene in the normal one too. you can read the entire process on this blog, the lightning maroon clown journey. Hampered by brook, aggressiveness, ich, the works. anyway. here's some nice photos and a video
  19. Nice! i see all my little babies in your tank doing very well! i'm sorry but as a MOD of SRC, i will have to abuse my powers and demand SPS frags from you in the future. *just kidding *
  20. helped nigel, his girlfriend and weisheng update status. see the 3 of you there!
  21. Confirmed 1) Harlequin Mania ( Larry ) 2) LemonLemon (bringing Pie) 3) Ketchup 4) Desi --> contributing Tiramisu 5) DUCADOS 6) Qiang 7) Iskay 8 & 9) StevenKoh08 +1 10,11,12) Cedricang + 2 13, 14) Goudian + 1 and 2 kids. (bringing wine) 15, 16) Reddevilz and his girlfriend 17) Weisheng Confirm coming but don't cater food 1) Binosage Will drop by if can make it. No need to cater food. 1) Wilsontantw 2) Onizuka 3) AhSiang 4) Comycus 5) digibee x1 (after 10 pm) 6) peacemaker Unconfirmed status - please cut and paste your name to the above right section. Thanks. jyoon (tentative - if come will bring Sake) Ray bugattilambo(tentative) Clam Chowder (Mervyn) - 2 bottles of vodka kanegan and Shinn - Most likely going FuEl MarcoVan (Tentative) Mossrope (will drop by only if jackywongto is not driving and will drink with me) bellinayu (belle)
  22. Just got a call from tank maker. Tank - done Cabinet - done Sump - will be done by this week sump cabinet - will be done by this week Tank and cabinet will be arriving first, and if lucky, the sump and sump cabinet will arrive same day or shortly after. Entire tank set up w/o equipments should be here by end of this week or early next week.
  23. does not sound like brook. i agree with bro ayane. if the patches come and go and it's not slime, it's stress colouration. yes please provide more info on your water parameters. 1 month is too young to keep an angel. moreover a large pomacanthid angel. these fishes require table tanks running for at least a few months some info on. size of fish size of tank ammonia level nitrite level
  24. ok so we can rule out malnutrition. if the fish is feeding very well on nori, and formula 1,2 that is good enough for nutritional benefits for large angels. it could be brook. brook manifest itself as a blur patchy white/greyish patch. and it's slimy in appearance. in severe cases the slime can flake off and trail from the fish. if this is the case, you have to do parasite control protocol. remove all fish, QT tank etc etc. but make sure it is brook first. if you had taken a picture better, and watch your other fishes for the next few days. do lots of water change. why are you dosing bacteria btw? there is no need to dose bacteria once a week if your tank is already matured
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