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Everything posted by yikai

  1. MY PRIDE AND JOY! a pair of very healthy and feeding colini angelfish. Denizens of fairly deep water, these dwarf angels are notoriously difficult to acclimate. worst than multibar. However, these 2 are feeding immediately after being thrown into QT. better yet, they aren't fighting. a potential pair. one of them is reserved for digiman though. so when he comes back i'm gonna have to split them up
  2. my guinea pigs for my QT. firstly, a juvenile multi bar angelfish. this fella was very healthy when i unpacked him during shipment. i kept it for more than a week at iwarna. Sad to say, the condition which i found it after 1 week plus was not terrific. Heard that someone went to catch it and packed it but aunty said it's not for sale. so he returned it. Quite stressed and doesn't look healthy at all now! i'm very unhappy. but it's no ones fault since this is a difficult fish we'll see how she goes in the QT
  3. Introducing lemon's qt tank. a simple toyogo box set up with a pH probe, and 2 sponge filters. Salinity dropped to 1.011-1.012 pH around 8.3
  4. pairing flame angels are easy. they are one of the very few sexually dichromatic (males and females have different colours/patterns) and dimorphic (males and females are of different size) pygmy angels. female flame angels have more rounded dorsal and ana| fins, and the blue margin on the fins is reduced. males have more pointed fins and much more blue. compare the two photos.
  5. thanks! i don't have a skimmer... need to find a spare.
  6. coraline algae also exist in green colour. although i'm not quite sure if your green algae is coraline or other kinds.
  7. yes need to dose pH buffer. as there will be no skimmer, the only way to keep water conditions up is to do frequent water changes every few days. and test for ammonia. will drop sg to 1.009 to 1.010.
  8. not going to have a chiller. and not going to have a skimmer. skimmmer doesn't work well in low sg
  9. you can't get the hybrid pbt ah. ask aunty reserve for you? it's really nice leh
  10. i'm not sure on furan's ability to remove ich but i do know furan is very useful for external bacterial infections and some funguses.
  11. yea. might be troublesome to acclimate the fish from full strength seawater to hypo and back again, and also monitoring pH and salinity swings, but i guess it's less messy than copper or other dosing chemicals. at least hyposalinity eliminates the need to dose anything. and fish will be less stress also. i've been thinking about it already for quite some time. i think i prefer hypo the most.
  12. interesting! will be stalking this thread like a puma!
  13. while waiting for my new tank to be ready, i'll be setting up a hyposalinity QT tank over the long weekend. chose hypo in the end because it's mess free, relatively easy and the most relaxing for the fish. will be setting up my QT in a large toyogo box QT will enable me to - observe new tank mates - quarantine to observe potential disease - quarantine to cure disease - to train fish to eat - to build immunity and strenght before going into the main tank. pros of hyposalinity is that it's very relaxing on the kidneys of the fish in regulating osmotic potential and decrease dehydration when fish's slime coat is impaired due to infection of ich. my first guinea pigs to test out my QT skills will be 2 very healthy Centropyge colini and a Paracentropyge multifasciatus. this should keep me busy while waiting for my tank!
  14. pbt x goldrim hybrid is not very rare. is jut difficult to find one with the correct portion of each parent's genes resulting in the colour of the offspring. in other words, not all hybrids are nice coz of the different genetic combo. this one is nice.
  15. oh isit? i remember last time their jln kayu branch open 24 hours. dunno if they still got open 24 hours at their new branch. if wrong then please let me know lol. dun wan to give wrong info.
  16. ooooooooook looks like it's time to pay CF a visit
  17. reborn shipment ETA 4pm. subjected to flight delay
  18. aquamarin opens 24 hours if im not wrong
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