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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yikai


    not aiming you.... you're right by saying florida ricordeas too...
  2. you managed to sell this pair for $100??
  3. yikai


    the actual scientific name will be Ricordea florida (rics) and Ricordea yuma (yumas)
  4. Full yellow one commonly known as yellow wrasse. - Halichoeres chrysus Yellow top, white bottom - Halichoeres leucoxanthus
  5. of course don't over do it. if you squeeze 100 fish into a 3ft tank but all are feeding and healthy is still considered overstock. i mean like if you are technically overstocking by let's say a little. maybe 1 or 3 fish, just close 1 eye bah.
  6. nope. did not get the golden angel although extremely tempting at only 2.5 inch.
  7. percula clownfish start their life orange. as they mature, they turn black. the amount of black increase from different individuals. individuals with alot of black on majority of the body are usually labelled onyx clowns. in a 2ft tank, a pair of percula clowns can be kept. i won't suggest keeping anymore than a pair
  8. 2.5 inch golden angel at coral farm. hybrid powder blues joculator angels on second thought, i forgot if there were any jocs. i think i saw wrong. call to confirm naoko wrasse hybrid chaetodon pelewensis X punctatofasciatus. very very beautiful and unusual hybrid. one side of the body shows 100% punctatofasciatus markings, while the other half of the body shows 100% pelewensis markings. first time seeing a hybrid of parent A x parent B giving a distinct half half of A and B! talk about co-dominance!! also purple tangs, red sea regals pyramid butterflyfish Centropyge heraldi X nox hybrids.
  9. put some nori into the QT tank and saw them pecking on it. wether or not they are eating it, i don't know.
  10. the only thing standing in our way is the extreme depth in which it lives in. location wise it's so near to us
  11. look at how healthy this fella's pair is. should i add in a dither fish to my QT to socialise with my colini pair? perhaps monkey see monkey do and they will learn to feed too.
  12. my colini pair may be the first in singapore, but it's definitely old news to the rest of the world. here's a nice pair from reefcentral. RCT has also successfully bred colini angels before.
  13. wow didn't read the description lol. where do i find one of these?
  14. this is the colour cyan. pretty right!? wish there were more fishes that spot this colour.
  15. More C. abei! Look at the photo of it being captured in the box with another extremely rare deepwater Chromis abyssus! C. abei is one of the very very very very few fish to have the colour cyan on it's body. the tail is a lovely deep cyan colour but sadly doesn't show up properly in captivity.
  16. cute little commensal pipefish living in a long tentacle plate coral.
  17. one of the two cook island variant to nemateleotris helfrichi. being cleaned by a urocaridella? sp. Liopropoma carmabi in the background.
  18. goldflake X flagfin. i think this has been posted before.
  19. hello? anyone there? one of the rarest dwarf angel in the world. centropyge abei. this time some cute frontal shots from the one and only one living specimen in waikiki aquarium.
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