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Everything posted by yikai

  1. pick a date then lol. i'm a very flexible person. somehow i can't capture it's largeness on camera... maybe you can come when i add my virgin drop of seawater. or watch it cycle. how interesting -.-
  2. useful is one thing. but these charts are often VERY VERY largely inaccurate in real life. why? because these charts are based on literature context and not based on real life experience. example. the chart says anthias and fairy wrasses are incompatible. how did they arise to this? fairy wrasse and anthias in the wild are planktivores. In theory, they may be added with caution because they may not get alogn due to having the same prey species and may fight over it but in reality, anthias and fairy wrasses go fine together in the tank. as long as it is large enough. depends alot of species and individual fish too. so take these with a pinch of salt. also look at the damselfish section. they are compatible with everything except those that eat them. which is very untrue. damsels are highly territorial and aggressive and thanks for sharing btw!
  3. wow. very unique eagle eye morph.
  4. thanks bro! yup i find it very nice. i can't stop looking at it. can still paste the oyama as the tank still can slide, not so heavy yet. sump pics tmr or fri. stay tuned!~
  5. lol just kidding lah. cannot steal scapels because i'm a good boy.
  6. still must cycle. cycle is not only to build ANN cycle which is the basis of cycling. u give your tank a chance to stabalise, slow down and prepare itself for the future inhabitants.
  7. forget about keeping one. almost impossible to feed and will eventually starve. and there's a high chance it will kill everything in your tank when it dies.
  8. i just realised i forgot to paste black oyama! will call vincent now.
  9. yup. got my inspiration from a treasure chest haha yes i hope so! wait till you see it kakaka the sump cabinet is something i really really like and was looking forward too. finally maintenance will be SO MUCH easier now that it's in it's own cabinet and with flip open doors on the top. scaping will be a bang. will do after my exams the sump cabinet top might be used to put some stuff. but not going all out as it will block one side view on my tank. and it's crystal glass ._. cannot block haha. waste $ besides. might not want to put stuff on top of it coz the special feature is the open top doors.
  10. please keep this thread within your views and try not to go out of line.............. this may b extremely offensive to some members here...
  11. yes SPS. thanks! waiting for all the exotic fishes to go in
  12. that's all for today! stay tuned during the next few days! sump is coming tomorrow (exciting!) compressor pumbing etc. ahhh...
  13. and finally, a few pics to comapare how big the tank is. a dog fish, and my A4 size molecular genetics lecture notes. comparitive to the tank size. HUGE
  14. Deltec SC2060. the new series. looks so sleek and stylish. excellent workman ship on the air inlet pipe, drain valve and welding.
  15. had vincent specially do the sump cabinet for me like this to facilitate easy maintenance! Top two door flaps and front 2 doors can be opened. meaning i can access it from the top and front! and the right side is doorless too.
  16. This is where the sump is going! in it's own cabinet on the right of the tank.
  17. a picture of the cabinet. It's so huge that i can sleep in it! and still have space! the sump is not going inside here remember? it's an external sump. will probably use this giant space for future projects hehehe.
  18. crystal glassssssssssssssssss!!! shot a picture through the 12mm glass. very clear
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