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Everything posted by yikai

  1. if you like pure orange clowns, go for ocellaris. if you like clowns with plenty of black, go for percula. true perculas scientific name is Amphiprion percula. false percula scientific name is Amphiprion ocellaris It's called false ocellaris because it's not the true A. percula, but resembles it with much similarity except, that it lacks the excess black markings.
  2. yah. i really no $$ to go LED... dont even have enough to go first hand MH... so i use 2nd hand. the metal abit tarnished but nvm lah. it's on the outside. inside not as shiny as brand new 1 of course but i'm considering supplementing the MH with blue LED.
  3. Piping done today! here's the water outlet.
  4. Piping is being done as we speak. Nothing much to do. Took a break from studying. Found this in the garden lol. was drying it's wings. nice huh?
  5. seems you have many nice books. time for me to get more too.
  6. yeah. this is those kinda fish were healthy and feeding is just NOT enough a guarantee for success yes. they are more alert and observant. one is healthier than the other. but overall, both also healthy.
  7. Colini pair 2. Day 1 - both are fine, visually and physically - Internally, no idea. - Male had 2 bites of NLS pellets. - Have not tried other food yet, so feeding or not is uncertain. (NLS is not counted as source of food for me, at this point, because new colinis will never recognize pellets as food on day 1. the male probably was nipping around and happen to eat 2) Here is the new pair in a much much larger QT system. Put in a tunze 6025 for circulation.
  8. Original log for colini pair 1 officially ends at day 9. Both were dead by then, cause of death still unknown but highly suspected it's from shipping stress and collection problems. My other 2 blennies did not exhibit any problems in the QT. that makes the grand total number of days since arrival till death, 7 (1 week in LFS) + 9 days (with me) = 16 days. Miserable and utter failure. First pair of colinis failed, and i'm now left with my second pair. hopefully they hold better things installed
  9. Day 9 - Decided to increase the size of QT. went to fill the larger toyogo box with fresh saltwater. Transferred the last remaining colini in it. Water quality is definitely not an issue here and it has to do with the fish's initial health for their demise. new QT was approximately 1.5x larger. Two carribean sailfin blennies settled in nicely, began feeding soon after. Female colini did fine too, but remained lethargic and still not feeding. Picked up another 2 colini angels on that same day (Day 9) Matched the pH and introduced the 2 new colinis. Total colini count now is 3. (2 new, 1 old female) The new colinis, to my suprised, paired up! Very lucky. Both were slightly different in sizes. The original female was left alone and it would be accurate to say that i have successfully created a trio of colinis. 1 male and 2 females! However, this happiness was short lived. The original colini did not make it through the night and was dead soon after. Total colini count now, 2. (the new pair) Some stats on the new pair - Both are very healthy (like the original pair) - Alert (like old pair) - full bodied, no signs of disease. This time, added in some hiding places and will cut short QT to 1 week if no signs of disease emerge. - Tried feeding. Male colini ate 2 pellets of new life spectrum. No response from female yet. i'm unsure if this 2 are from the original colini shipment about 2 weeks ago, or if they are new ones. If they are the old ones, it's good that they're alive up till now. meaning they are quite stable. If they are new, then at least i got them fresh from shipment without stressing them at the LFS. *Female Colini autopsy I did an autopsy on my dead female colini from pair 1. Stomach contents show nothing, intestines were completely empty. No faeces, no food matter, nothing (Expected, since it was not feeding). Liver was swollen and very red. Swim bladder was fine and appropriately shaped. Led me to conclude that, there were no swim bladder infections and no decompression problem. Liver was swollen and very red (organ failure?) intestines were flat and empty with not even a trace of intestinal fluid, faecal matter etc. possible C.O.D was cyanide. All symptoms were pointing towards it. Cyanide kills a fish within weeks or days and not immediately. Cyanide caught fishes may exhibit multiple organ failure, and intestines will show no intestinal flora. I study biology in humans. Not fish. this was the best i could do without proper instruments. If i had a microscope, it would be better to look at the tissue of the liver or intestines. Alas, i don't. i can only conclude that demise of the fish was not due to my negligence, but it's original health was compromised before reaching the LFS.
  10. This were the initial first few days of the attempt.
  11. Colini Pair 1 So begins the log. about 1 week ago i aquired 2 healthy colini angels. Both were packed individually and brought home separately. Conditions of the fishes were - Healthy - full bodied - alert - feeding - however, had ich. Decided to quarantine them. Most centropyge do not take quarantine well, especially the golden angel and colini angel. Like i've said, anything but complete luxury will spell death. Therefore, decide to skip copper and do hyposalinity. Hyposalinity calms the fish down and the fish does not have to exert so much energy to maintain it's blood-water osmoregulation due to the hypo-saline salt water it lives in. Water changes daily or every 2 days Day 1 in hypo - Both fish exhibit interest in each other. Slight chasing, biting, but settled down after 15 mins. 1 was slightly larger while the other smaller - No circling, which is good. They paired up soon after. Day 2 - Both were feeding very well on live brine and frozen mysis. However, subsequent days, their appetite decreased up till about day 5, where they just stopped feeding completely. My initial mistake was not to provide enough hiding places like PVC pipes. Day 6 - Introduced a liverock and both of them pecked on it ferociously, stripping everything off. Day 7 - Smeared some henry's food on the liverock and they fed on it a little. However i removed the liverock fearing it could contaminate my QT. Day 8 - Refuse to feed, not as alert as before Larger male died from gill infection. Swollen gills, reddening. Cause of this is still unknown. Female still alive, skinnier, lethargic. Still not feeding. This led me to conclude that their overall decline of health despite feeding must have been collection problem, poor decompression or cyanide. In the QT were two carribean sailfin blennies that are extremely well and feeding very well. It's not water quality as water changes are done very very often.
  12. Just did a search on colini angels on SRC and like most other interesting fish, is terribly lacking in data in this forum. So, shall inject some colini material into the archives starting today. My colini angel log. This thread will serve as a log to track my progress with these angels from hell. Some quick info. on this fish for those who don't know Centropyge colini Smith-Vainz & Randall, 1974 Common Name: Colini's Angelfish, Blue-back Angelfish Maximum Length: 9cm (3.5in) Distribution: Cocos-Keeling Island, Papua New Guinea, Belau, Guam and Fiji Bio: Relatively deepwater, reclusive, and shy, found in deep drop offs or reef slops, and typically found in caves where they swim upside down. Typically found in groups of 3-5, or pairs, they inhabit large caves or overhangs of orange tubastrea. sp and share this habitat with the multibar angelfish and regal angelfish. They occur at depths of 17-75m. In Cocos-Keeling, at 51-73m, Guam, at 36-48m. This fish occasionally makes it's way to the aquarium trade but is shy and very delicate. It has to be treated with the utmost care if it is to survive. It's best chance is to be housed in dimly lit tanks, with peaceful tank mates and plenty of liverocks or hiding places. Feeding is a problem, but most individuals will accept live offerings provided they are captured and handled properly.
  13. iwarna has one of the best prices in sg..
  14. Albinism is the inability to produce melanin, resulting in a white coloured animal with reddish eyes (though red eyes are not always 100% in albinos). Sometimes a non-albino animal may be pure white. a rare morph or colour. here are just some pictures of pretty white animals. i just love the peacock!
  15. patternless clowns are available commonly at LCK. they are called nake-d clowns. pure orange. no white no black
  16. MUCH BETTER! thanks! very nice
  17. pH 8.6 is abit high but not the cause for your yuma's demise. these corals are very hardy. a little high pH isn't going to do anything to it.
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