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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by yikai

  1. lol. yeah. can't wait for this friday! gosh! D:
  2. you look at how many bottles of NLS i have. 6 bottles! i dun even know why i have SO MUCH FISH FOOD! 6x NLS 1x dainichi 1x ocean nutrition 1x dr bassler.. dam waste money on food. now i left so much i have 3x petri dishes, 4x beaker and 20 test tubes. i dun use them anymore but hope they can benefit me in reefing stuff one day. lol.
  3. you're right. i had to empty out the messed up box to make it re-neat. but nvm. new tank new start! yes lol!
  4. can't control where the jawfishes and stonogobiops wanna make their hole, but since it's always around liverocks, i'll just border the entire liverocks with coarser sand so they can build their holes. lol
  5. nope haven get sand yet. will buy either tomorrow or thursday from reborn. i scaping first then put sand. and sand + rocks go in after water. i foresee it's going to be very difficult but never-mind. i like a little challenge im using a mixture of grade 1 and 3 sand in the ratio of maybe 60%-70% grade 1 and 40%-30% grade 3. reason i'm putting my rocks first then putting sand is coz i'm going to perimeter my rocks with coarser sand then covering it up with mixture of grade 1+3. so i can keep jawfish and pistol+shimp gobies around my rocks.
  6. prepare to claim insurance when i lie in bed with a spine brace on saturday hehe.
  7. you just got your specialist diploma in? sounds fun. always nice to pursue your studies you know? learn something new everyday if you have confidence and interest, go for your bachelor. i'm 18 and am forced to study so not counted. i admire you for pursuing studies!
  8. anyway, this fri will spend whole day doing my rocks can't wait to finally DO SOMETHING to the tank other than watching it collect dust. LITERALLY!
  9. was at RD today... their powder blue tang is so fat it's going to burst. and so cute. it fights and chases the magnet when i clean the tank.
  10. $20/kg can get me oyster shells with the oyster in it lol. eat liao still got shell
  11. i told him since it's not a big deal with or without, just do what you can. he told me it's simple job. just cut and put valve, glue, ok liao. will be done tomorrow when HE COMES AND INSTALL THE CLIP!! LOL! woot
  12. you're welcome. i am not exactly sure how zooxanthellae works in the mechanism of photosynthesis. i can confirm you it's different from plants though. plants make use of either C3, C4, CAM, or a combination of the three photosynthesis pathways, with the help of the electron transfer from photosystem 2 to photosystem 1 in the Z-scheme. it's very complicated. for zooxanthellae, it's definitely different from that of plants. The exact mechanism i am unsure because i don't learn photosynthesis in marine organisms. only plants lol. NO3 is needed in certain concentrations for photosynthesis. that's why SPS brown out in the presence of higher NO3 concentrations. zooxanthellae overgrow and cause the SPS to brown out. the effect on PO4 on zooxanthellae is unknown for me. it could fuel the growth of zooxanthellae since it's part of NPK. HOWEVER, PO4 prevents calcification of stony corals. Thus, PO4 is bad for stony corals. like LPS and SPS. if you have time, read up on the buffer system of calcium, magnesium etc. You're schooling right? what are you studying? i'm studying a lot of bio and chemistry related modules and it really helps alot in understanding things related to marine hobby. I have a module on nothing but buffers and related formula. so if you have time and nothing to do, go read up on these to further improve your understanding.
  13. yep. anyway i'll just ask him to put incase future i want to upgrade or change things.
  14. but my pipings don't have valves leh. i just realised.. dunno why. i'm sure vincent had a reason for doing it like this. i need to ask him. zz wait must redo. argh.
  15. wah v nice! looks like mine! LOL
  16. yes. mechanism of photosynthesis in zooxanthellae occurs rather similarly to those of land and water plants. it's just that the location, organ and everything else is different. to put it very simply yes, carbon dioxide + water will give you sugar + O2 in the presence of sunlight. this is the basic formula of photosynthesis. the actual process is very very complicated.
  17. my 2 boxes of reefing stuff. neatly packed into boxes
  18. apparently not! lol. this one has a yellow tail and a white bar. same goes for the peppermint angel. the pictures i posted are at least 4 different ones. pictures start from page 78 to 81. lol.
  19. hi goondoo. i'll try to explain as simply and as lay-man as possible so everyone can understand. coral harbour special algae within their cells called zooxanthellae. these algae are symbiotic and can photosynthesize. the photosynthesis of these zooxanthellae provides the coral with food produced from photosynthesis (photosynthates). these food includes carbohydrates etc. the coral gives the zooxanthellae a place to live while the zooxanthellae provide food. thus, the relationship is mutualistic. It is debated wether the relationship between zooxanthellae and coral cells are mutualistic or not. coral cells "capture" zooxanthellae and incorporate them into their cells. for a more detailed explanation on zooxanthellae, see here when a coral bleaches, the zooxanthellae is expelled and thus the coral looses it's primary food source. you need to feed a bleached coral while it is recovering to make up for the loss of food. in terrestrial and water plants, (this is where my plant science module comes in handy! finally a use for it! lol) a leaf contains many kinds of cells. not all of the cells in the leaf contains chlorophyll. pallisade and spongy mesophyll cells are some of the cells which contain chlorophyll. chlorophyll is a green pigment found in chloroplasts, which is an organelle found in plant cells. chlorophyll trap sunlight via an extremely complicated pathway called the Z- scheme. if you, for any reason, want to learn more on the Z- scheme, feel free to PM me. the chlorophyll trap light energy and through a series of pathway, convert carbon dioxide, water and other raw-materials to sucrose, which is the product of photosynthesis, amongst other stuff. hope you understand better now bascially in corals, coral cells house zooxanthellae, which photosynthesize, and provide food for the coral. in plants, plant cells contain chloroplasts, which contains chlorophyll, which trap sunlight to provide food for the plant. the difference is that zooxanthellae is a living algae living in the coral tissue, whereas chlorophyll is a pigment, found in chloroplast, which is a organelle (organs of a cell). You can say that zooxanthellae and coral cells are like living things living within another living thing. whereas for plants, chloroplasts containing chlorophyll is an organ within a cell. much like how the heart is an organ of an organism the actual process is very complicated and i don't want to confuse reefers here on the mechanisms of photosynthesis. if you however, want to know, just PM me. i hope my explanation did not confuse you furthur.
  20. mega useful. i've pinned it up for you
  21. white bar changing maculosus. this particular specimen looks very nice
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