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Everything posted by yikai

  1. hmmmm those flame angels look very red! interesting lemonpeel x vroliki hybrid.
  2. yep. you can find richard pyle's PDF file in that link too. thanks for posting it up. and the map.
  3. just use a gravel siphoner? no don't remove your fishes. too stressful for them. i don't suggest using this at all bah. you shoud just remove it all and replace with normal sand.
  4. two rare shrimps. zanzibar boxer shrimp and carribean scutellatus boxing shrimp.
  5. they sell by mouth.... not by polyp. so it's quite pricey.
  6. hi thomas. thanks for lending your time in my humble thread yah i know about the sandstorm. that's why i'm mixing grade 1 and 3 together, and also i have already though of a way to reduce sandstorm based on rockscaping and wavemaker placement yah lol none of the LFS advice me to put sand. but i love sand and if not for sand my livestock choice will be limited. lol thanks for the compliment i hope my "magic" work also lol.
  7. and of course, along the way we find many unusual variants from any of the 3 locations. such as flames with missing bars, with no bars, with yellow bars, etc. there's a long PDF file written by richard pyle on "Genetic connectivity among color morphs and Pacific archipelagos for the Flame angelfish, Centropyge loriculus" but of course, it's very long, boring, chim and filled with scientific jargon that i think no one here will appreciate so i did not post the link. i read it and personally found it very interesting.
  8. and finally, the beautiful marquesas variant. i hope to see this one day.
  9. this is the normal flame angel that we always get from "hawaii" shipments. they come from marshall islands and/or nearby islands around hawaii. notice the orangey center or in extreme cases, the whole fish is orange instead of red.
  10. this is the true hawaii flame angels. found in all hawaii islands only, like kona, ohau, big islands etc.
  11. Posts regarding blood red flame angels from hawaii have been moved here. discussion will continue there to avoid off topic.
  12. christmas island flame angels do not exhibit the blood red colouration. like i said, only from hawaiin islands. there are three types of flame angels. the normal ones from marshall, vanuatu, etc, which are orangey red. the 2nd one is the super blood red ones from hawaii only and the last 1 is the flame angel with no black stripes at all. just a plain red body. this is a very rare colour morph from marquesas. If you want it, maybe you can try asking LFS to bring in for you. it should be available since they are from hawaii and they might be able to get it for you. but it's rare in hawaii. so they will naturally commmand a much higher price.
  13. crushed coral will tend to trap alot of solid particles inside since it's so coarse. you need to siphon them out or it will build up plenty of detritus. also note that crushed corals are incompatible with certain fishes like sand wrasses, sand sifting gobies etc. it's too rough for them and will hurt them.
  14. i've never used salt mix in my entire reefing life. have been using NSW since day 1. look at my previous tank. healthy and alive. need i say more? never bought a single bucket of salt before.
  15. like terryz said, no difference. i put mine at the first compartment so it filters water straight away from the main tank. besides, last compartment houses my return pumps and titanium coil. should there be any microbubble problem the main tank would be affected.
  16. yes puka shells can leech calcium but very little and will be maintained by buffer systems. not enough to cause such a big rise. problem lies somewhere else. maybe test kit fault.
  17. grey sand personally i would go for normal. i love black sand but after awhile the colour will mix with the detritus from the rock and become white + black. looks weird
  18. what he meant is fish find food only 1-2 times a week in the wild lol. this is true for some species of fish. like maybe some predatory or tertiary consumers. but for most reef fishes, they eat more than what we feed them in the home aquarium. fishes like damsels, wrasses, angels, butterflies, anthias etc are constantly feeding 24/7 a day on either planktonic food or feeding on benthic inverts on rocks. they eat tons in the wild! and terryz, i know ppl who dun feed their tank at all -.- fish still alive. lol..
  19. new cam definitely better than your phone 1 haha! and you bought that cute clown from CF! unique pattern lol.
  20. FR (fluidized reactor) is not compulsory. although certain angels can be kept without chiller, the range is quite limited. so remember to do plenty plenty of research and post in the forum for advice before committing. since you're starting with a 2ft tank, i don't reccomend any tangs also. it's too small for a tang and if you're running without chiller, the warmer temperature will increase metabolic activity and stress (depends on how high the temp goes to), this will be even more unsuitable for tangs.
  21. i think it just means that the reefer agrees with the point made and so decides to give a +1 to that point. like an extra thumbs up so to speak?
  22. thats not quite true. fishes will starve in a reef tank if not fed. unless you have an extremely large tank or your rocks are extremely proliferous in terms of fauna for consumption. this goes for dwarf angels, butterflies which are constantly grazing 24/7. that said, if the fauna on the rocks are consumed slowe than they regenerate, the fish will be alright. However, wether or not they get all their nutrition, is still uncertain. Certain things found in the ocean may not be found in your rocks, therefore it's still important to feed your fishes if the fishes pick on corals by nature, example certain angels and butterflies, then no amount of feeding will prevent them from nipping. they will still nip your corals irregardless. it's not about hunger, it's about genes. they are programmed to do that and are not controlled by hunger.
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