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Everything posted by yikai

  1. sneak peak of the scape i'll post top down shots of it for now only. still trying very hard to get a good picture from the front view. it's very difficult to capture the sense of depth from the front. but from the top down you can roughly get the idea of the number of layers back to back when seen from the front. that's why when i take photo it looks 2D. actually i'm happy with it. to me it looks good so i won't change it anymore. besides, even if the mind and heart is willing, the back, arms, legs and shoulders are VIOLENTLY UNWILLING. *ouch*
  2. the NP pellets are supposed to be like this. not suppose to remove it. it will slowly melt and become like chalky and sludge like if i'm not wrong.
  3. it's ok. it was unhealthy to begin with i think. came 4, 1 had cloudy eye, 1 had very badly ruffled scales, 1 had lousy colour. i'm left with this. let's just hope it makes a miracle come back. if not then it's ok. it's a goner in my tank and it has better chance with you for now. i still appreciate your kind gesture in not only helping me keep, but also formalin, and copper it. and yesthe roseafascia is very pretty right?
  4. as long as you like the fish, to hell if it's common or not this is something i firmly believe in since day 1. although sometimes i tease my friends for liking ugly fish (IMO), what's nice to them may not be nice to me and it's perfectly fine. admire people that buy things based on their own likeness for it and not follow others and be a blind sheep. don't need to be ashamed or feel embarrased if your fish is common! as long as you like it, that's what the hobby is about! haha.
  5. how did you fix the leak? and by very much under control do you mean it's still leaking but at a much lesser rate?
  6. ooh don't get mixed up bro. a scientific name allocated for one species includes males and females too. species is not determined by sex.
  7. photography is awesome. love the firefish pic
  8. wah your scaping very nice! make me wanna post mine too... i love your big cave. my rocks not so huge like yours haha. but the rocks at the side will be difficult to clean the glass?
  9. and i bid farewell to my mitratus and pair of roseafascia wrasses today. going to leave them with digiman until my tank finish cycling. it's better for them. see you (or not) in a month or two!
  10. fish guru? don't flatter us please lol. i may not be one but digiman, terryz and DA certainly are, 10? ok. prepare to fork out $300 coz each vanderblit chromis cost 3 red notes each. before discount
  11. i told you liao. it's been like this since day 1 and even like this in reborn. i dunno isit due to the fish itself or my QT. super unusual for roaps to act this way. given water quality aside, they should at least be extremely greedy. my water quality may be on the slide but it's probably not enough to shut down a roap into non-feeding, laboured breathing and lack of activity. correct me if i'm wrong. but i myself am quite suprised that the mitratus did not show signs of eating even after day 2. which is totally out of the norm since roaps are as greedy as pigs. but it's a butterfly afterall. how's the roseafascia doing? good i presume. they weren't showing the symptoms that the mitratus was showing at all.
  12. jewel as in the guttatus? will cost how much?
  13. i would be very happy momentarily, then after the initial shock wears off, i will then realise it would probably cost alot that i can ever afford, and even if i could afford one, what's the point when it only looks good in a little group.
  14. and my other DREAM unobtainable butterflyfish. ridiculously abundant where they live, but because they live in such obscure places near tahiti where it's virtually impossible to get to unless private jet and boat your way there.
  15. yes. it's nice to know that even humble fishes like cardinals have their unobtainable species like some wrasses and angels! rose atoll cardinal, found in Rose Atoll, a small coralline algae dominated reef a days sail northwest of American Samoa.
  16. arh? i see banggais and cyanosoma shaoling in the wild. but when i add more than 2 in my tank, they always end up killing each other.
  17. this one looks very much like sealei but it's different. it's an unid species i think. have kept this before with sealei also thinking it was sealei. very nice actually. never seen it anymore. last time buy from reborn.
  18. anyway i've shortlisted what sp of cardinals i will get. then most probably choose 1 from this list and go hunting. Apogon nigrofasciatus Apogon margaritophorus Apogon sealei of which all i kept before except the first one
  19. that is my least favourite cardinal! looks so big and fierce. lol.
  20. i've kept cyanosoma before. they just ended up killing each other until left 1. as for sealei, it's very nice. the blue eyes against the white body is very stark. but they grow too big for my liking. maybe will try them again. they're one of the nicer cardinals to keep because of the striking white body. can they be kept in a shoal without fighting? i've kept a pair of them before only.
  21. this damsel is very rare right? i've not seen a picture of it until now and have no idea what it looks like. heard of it before only.
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