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Everything posted by yikai

  1. this is a good size set up. try adding more liverocks so it feels more secure. and get it settled down. but it's fine. your choice of tankmates is excellent. i bet your golden feels very comfortable.
  2. you will not get to see your angel often, or at all with a tank full of crowded fish. esp in a small tank. blotchy can get quite fierce so you can forget about seeing it, if the blotchy gets too fierce. golden angels are the very definition of shy. anything less than peaceful or tranquil and you won't see it. that's why a tank full of liverocks is important for it to hide and feel safe. one more thing. if your golden is not feeding and you throw it in, chances of survival are very slim. to get them to feed is already difficult enough. to get them feeding in a main tank when it is so shy, is another thing. good luck with it.
  3. how long has it been? if it's eating, then we're going somewhere. the main reason why it's still alive and okay is because you placed it in a quiet tank with only 2 clowns and alot of liverocks right? if i'm not wrong, that's what i remembered. alot of people fail to realise that this peacefulness is extremely important for golden angels. and should never be overlooked. surviving on pods i'm not sure. but a main diet for dwarf angels are film algae, diatoms, hair algae, and other detritus or things growing on liverocks. if it's eating prepared food, it's a good sign and you can slowly train it to eat more. soon it will learn to eat pellets and you will have a golden angel that will serve you for a long long time good job!
  4. it's good to feed many small meals a day. especially since you have anthias. anthias like dispars, are feeding non stop 24/7 in the wild. their metabolic activity is very high and they make up for it by frequent small feedings a day. in your tank, by feeding them 5-6 times a day with small small servings, it will serve them very well and maintain their weight. for a bonus, feed them cyclopeeze and their colours will pop. but make sure each feeding is very little. small feedings througout the day is better than 2 major feedings at day's start or end/
  5. i would consider tunze and vortech as very good brands. and my personal favourite is tunze. not only do they come in many models giving different flow rates, some of them are controllable. meaning you can hook them up to a multicontroller, hoook it to your laptop, and set the wave speed, pulsing movement, and many other things. but only the bigger models offer this feature. and tunze allows very good control of the flow as the wavemakers can rotate in their socket, making adjustment very very easy. this cannot be done in vortech wavemakers.
  6. no lah. not pro. all these are simple basic foundation knowledge of reefing that you can easily obtain from searching online and reading up.
  7. if you are keeping a tank with only fish and no coral, you can afford to go lower on the salinity. lower salinity is less stressful to the fish because they don't have to work so hard to remove excess salt. it also helps keep diseases at bay such as ich. i would reccomend 1.016 to 1.019. this saves on salt also. but remember to slowly acclimate your fish from lfs as most lfs water are normal seawater. and if you want to acclimate your fish back to normal seawater, do it over a few days
  8. banggai cardinals are endangered in the wild. don't dispose them. sell them or give away at least.
  9. very nice thing to say bro. yes despite my best effort, they still died despite feeding. will stop trying them for now. although colini and golden angels are possible to keep alive, majority of them perish within days to weeks to months. for every one that survive, plenty more die.
  10. mine is very greedy for anything meat. pellets ignore completely.
  11. you can calibrate your hydrometer to your refractometer momentarily. meaning when ur hydrometer is 1.020, it's actually 1.025. then just go on from there.
  12. lol come find me at tanah merah
  13. all of them recently died. and i never try anymore recently liao. all the colinis died from cyanide. all the goldens died from cyanide too.
  14. or use what mother nature gave you. a very healthy tongue with tastebuds taste the salinity hehe
  15. there is no fish he doesn't know. from wrasse to angels to butterflies to everything
  16. aiyah wasted. i was sleeping at the time of your post. :'(
  17. when i kept it it did look as nice as the photos. but the colours are enhanced in dim lighting like actinics. my rhomboid was very tone initially. but got super obese towards my final months of reefing in my old tank. it just kept gorging food even biting huge chunks of prawns (but not like yours LOL. it didn't tear it's mouth). i think feed less and frequent meals better. no experience with lineatus. never kept them before. missed 6 shipments. no fate with this fish at all.
  18. CF aunty says her colinis only come from fiji and not phillipines. yet i don't see any fiji fishes. so we can dispute this source. if LCK can bring in fiji colini, then you're right, he can bring in majorie. but at what cost? if it's more expensive than rhomboid by alot then i won't get it. we can also try reborn but i think the price will be very high. as for pintail, they never get shipped to singapore. no demand maybe. unless like the roseafascia, they appear by mistake
  19. and look at this with the super long pelvic fins. and those with the large tail. you're right, probably just a little variation within species. but i like both regardless
  20. this is the rhomboid with the short tail short fins.
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