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Everything posted by yikai

  1. iwarna - clams, seahorses arrived already from yesterday : plenty of normal phillipine fishes left, the interesting ones left this morning were.. tons of apogon compressus left (sorry, unaware of any common name for this). only started seeing this cardinal fish recently in the past 2 shipments. Not a common import, people looking for unusual cardinal fishes may wish to consider these guys. but they do grow quite big, 2+ inch. the copper stripes and the giant big blue endearing eyes are very attractive. 1 inch female solorensis boxfish. very cute size many leopard wrasses. the common ones. for those who want a more specific ID, it's macropharyngodon meleagris. also left 1 female watanabei angel when i was there. a few pieces left of chaetodon argentatus. sorry i do not know the common name for this fish. very common butterflyfish in the wild but not a common import. people looking for cheap knock-offs for the rather similarly looking burgess butterfly should consider this very hardy and very cheap alternative. 2 inches only! * pics of the argentatus and cardinal
  2. yes. they're dam pretty omg. and they look so much more elegant than royal grammas.
  3. there are three rics there, maybe at $15-20 each? that alone would be $45-60 already. the red PPE are to be honest, not worth much. maybe $5? the other zoas i don.t know. the red mushrooms maybe $20 for all?
  4. those are not yumas. those are rics!
  5. anyways, my lighting will come probably end of next week if there are no delays. I'm using 2x 250W MH, 10k BLV bulbs. to counter the potential yellow-ness, have opt for 4 tubes of blue T5, 39W. even though my tank is 3.5ft, i'm using 3ft T5s. T5 will be 2 at the front and 2 at the back. is the blue tubes enough to counter the yellow from 10k? Anyone can share if this is good enough? Any comments on lighting choice? understand that electricity bill and heat will go up due to the usage of MH. other than that, is the lighting going to be sufficient, insufficient etc?
  6. i only have 70kg of liverock and i did not use livesand at all. well if mine is the case as yours, i would expect to find tons of NO3 coz i threw in so many prawns
  7. if you see the video he posted on RC, the difference is 10x actually i'm not suprised. depends on how the genes are mixed. sometimes parent A genes don't get expressed much at all. maybe in this case the flagfin's genes were expressed very little.
  8. and clarion x king hybrid. juvenile 1 and look at the size!! compared to the car keys
  9. strange.. after 5 prawns which have all decomposed, my ammonia is only 0.25 tested nitrates at 50ppm haha. this is the weirdest cycle ever. any who, i'll just leave it for 3 weeks
  10. lol very nice tank but he listed his livestock wrongly. he doesn't have a liopropoma carmabi. he has a liopropoma swalesi. the photo shows a swalesi not a carmabi..
  11. ahbeng has lemonpeels and flame hawk. small and cute size iwarna also got flame hawk (very good price) small and cute
  12. haha!! no lah. i mean the face. looks like a human face. the eye and mouth
  13. omgness! it looks so cute! like a human!! LOOL
  14. reborn is offering the ultra beautiful and new species of gramma, the gramma dejongi. those with deep pockets may wish to consider price is more than a lipogramma klayi.
  15. jack, it's beautiful. i cried watching it. ok lah i didnt cry but seriously it's very very nice and inspiring. i will be happy if my new tank will look half as beautiful as yours.
  16. without needle, with needle all is fine. so long as it can deliver the liquid to the aiptasia. i prefer those with needle. can aim properly and even poke into the aiptasia. but its dangerous though! becareful
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