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Everything posted by yikai

  1. with the help of fuel, managed to ID it. Omobranchus meniscus. This fish was only discovered in 2009 and was recently discovered in singapore. they live in brackish and demersal environments, just like where we found them. There has been no picture available for this fish since it's discovery late last year and these might be the first ever specimens to be kept in the home aquaria!! Moreover, this might be the first ever PHOTOS documented!! there are no pictures of it online and none in fish base. Could this be the ultra newly discovered omobranchus?? Singapore's VERY OWN brachiosaurus blenny??? I highly think so. Give yourself a big round of applause terryz, Dispar_anthias, iskay and lemonlemon for being the first ever people to have kept this species since it's discovery. this is going straight to glassbox design!
  2. thanks. definitely not istiblennius sp. it's salarias or omobranchus but i'm definitely betting my bottom dollar on omobranchus
  3. this is the largest blenny i have. just look at the size of his crown! unfortunately, one of his ventral fins are missing. But there are fishes that live normal lives with missing fins, tails etc. this should be no exception. besides, ventral fins are not used for primary locomotion. so it should be fine.
  4. more pics. it's very clear by now that salaria pavo is definitely out. the fins on my specimens are crystal clear.
  5. the largest most alpha blenny with the largest crown is quite badly injured. i think from the way it was caught. it's missing one entire ventral fin.
  6. terryz. fuel is right. it is definitely not pavo. pavo have opaque fins. ours are all transprent fins.
  7. impossible for it to be omobrachius. IMPOSSIBLE I TELLS YA. but if it is.......... then my friends. we have just struck gold.
  8. it's def a salarias sp bah. the size is typical salarias. grow so huge. although it looks alot like brachiosaurus blenny.
  9. it looks like the omobranchus anolius aka brachiosaurus blenny. but it's impossible since this is only found in australia.
  10. hmm...don't think it's either of them. it's quite different.
  11. you mean the blue ones with the yellow tail? these? if it's these, it's chromis opercularis. not deep sea... they can grow to 5 inches and will loose the bright yellow tail as they get bigger...
  12. Can anyone ID this blenny? it's very unique with a little bump on it's head resembling the very rare brachiosaurus blenny which is endemic to australia. these guys were not caught from australia. my guess is a kind of peacock blenny from the genus salarias. Anyone knows the exact ID of this species? Can see the bump on their heads very clearly.
  13. there are way too many articles on ich and treatment options.. go and do a search please. and wrong section btw. moved for you.
  14. nope. non of those when i was at iwarna. only royal grammas. ahbeng i dunno. never went there today
  15. you're probably right. but maybe what the guy was trying to say is that the very first shepardi angelfish was not a new species. the very first shepardi angel was brought upon by crossbreeding and not a new species from natural selection etc. must read the whole article then will know what he's trying to say. i did not have time to read the whole thing yet
  16. oh what fun it must be to be able to collect your own fishes
  17. lol. C. fremblii being caught. one of my favourite butterflies. relic species from hawaii only!
  18. a hybrid pomacanthus. Dunno what hybrid exactly it is but the face screams euxiphipops. on the other hand, it does resemble alot like koran and the curvy lines definitely imparts some emperor bloodline. hmm.... not sure though
  19. More pictures of the very nice white flame wrasse. Aberrations are so rare in Cirrhilabrus. this is my first time seeing aberrations in fairy wrasses. these are all old photos from copps in reefcentral. I read through his old threads and he's such a fish nerd. i'm so captivated by the level of knowledge he has for most things fishy. Very nice to read and always learn something new. unfortunately the white is fading back to normal in home aquaria. Wonder why they revert back to normal in our tanks but remain like this in the wild.
  20. Shepard's angelfish may not be an actual species after all! i was browsing through reefcentral and stumbled upon this thread. omg it's really really fascinating for fish nerds like me. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1702055 could C. shepardi be a hybrid of Flame and rusty? shepardi could just as well be a hybrid that have fooled people into thinking it's a species on it's own! that's what copps think. what do you think?
  21. had some tear drop butterflies i think. but call to check first, i could be wrong. yes i think ahbeng have carribean shipment. saw some royal grammas there and at iwarna.
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