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Everything posted by yikai

  1. nice hybrid PBT. how's it coping with the ich? i see some ich on it
  2. short tentacle ones comes in many colours. orange, purple, green, etc. long ones are only green or purple. as far as i know
  3. there is no red for this coral. only purple or green
  4. 40days is too long bah. 3 weeks to 4 weeks hypo is enough
  5. net caught until one of mine can break an entire pelvic fin off. i think i too rough... the mussels are very rough you know! poor fish
  6. yes checked. but the resemblance is not very uncanny. besides what does the location say? we did not confirm ours is omobranchus meniscus, but we very highly suspect because of the location and habitat. anyway the email i send to GBD, i made sure i did not convince them it was a new species. i just say could it be?
  7. i have 6 with me for you to slowly take if yours die. so long as i have a pair i'm happy haha.
  8. you never know incase mati. or some scientist ask me send them sample to do DNA test!!!
  9. wan to go again ask me!!!! i wanna go collect more! weekend please maybe this time can EAT my blue ring angel...maybe this time.
  10. no not all lah lol. only the rarer ones are dead or drawn. butterflies, angels, alot are live photos.
  11. some of them escaped my net. i remember..... no lah. other 'places' should have them too
  12. since there's no photo, we might not even be correct that ours is O. meniscus. we're just very certain only. even naoko wrasse, which looks so different from rubriventralis, was not even confirmed a new species until dorsal fin count, scale count, DNA sequence. scientists take no chances. our blenny might have no photo because maybe at that time it was very rare and only 1 holotype has been collected. like Apolymichthys guezei. and that photo was way too cui to be put up on fishbase
  13. it's not endemic to singapore. Omobranchus meniscus is found in thailand, singapore and maybe indonesia.
  14. shh!! don't reveal our secret location! hahha.
  15. no. there are many more found in taiwan and japan. this is the only one that matched our location and habitat.
  16. HAHAHAHAHA. somewhere in a stately manor along an english country side, Dr. pyle and helmut debelius and all other fishy people are weeping. woots!! we should be proud of ourselves man. even though i did not manage to find my blue ring
  17. have changed the title of this thread so that we won't go off topic too much. it's difficult to stay on course in a "hybrid only" thread. as we all know, hybrids are not commonly encountered
  18. I've sent the e-mail to eric of glassbox design. Hopefully he finds it interesting enough. It could very well be omobranchus meniscus, or another boring species. whatever it is, it's been a blast!
  19. More photos!!! It's very clear that it's NOTHING like other omobranchus sp. the colouration, finnage everything is different from other species. Plus, it was found in local waters and in same stated environments, meaning that it could very well be the elusive omobranchus meniscus! i will send an e-mail to glassbox design to see if they are interested in writing a piece on this. this is big news!
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