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Everything posted by yikai

  1. wow VERY beautiful!! all are macroalgae. but very lazy to go ID individually. just know that all are safe, beautiful, and your so lucky to have them.
  2. exactly. but i must say. i've always developed a liking for masks, and yellow colour, yellow mask is a perfect combination.
  3. no... i tend to lose interest in a fish rather quickly now. i think learn from digiman 1.
  4. THE WHOLE WORLD IS LOOKING FOR YELLOW MASK ANGELS!! so many threads on RC about it!! gr.. they will ask their lfs to get and cause competition. zzzz. this time i wont pass up on any semifasciatus liao. FEMALE OSO BUY! BANZAI
  5. i mixed it up with his other purple one with the super faint black stripe. like i said, all look the same to me lol.
  6. always see female pseudocoris yamashiroi at ahbeng. pink with blue face. thought nothing of them. the males are quite spectacular actually.
  7. holy smokes..? first time i see people keeping 12 harlequins in 1 tank. i've heard of them eating frozen food but i thought it was a myth. then yours eat dead fish. omgoodness!! now the question is, will the fish meat be able to sustain these obligate starfish eaters?
  8. meh. looks same to me. never had the eye for dottybacks and clowns.
  9. not rare. but rather uncommon. yea ahbeng is the only place i see them. but looks dull. pink with blue face those are the females. the males are green with leopard spots and a little spike on the first dorsal fin spike. very spectacular looking. i'll post in the hybrid thread.
  10. oh errm.. ahbeng has some Pseudocoris yamashiroi uncommon fish. not much info online. don't know common name.
  11. i think he has two types....some have black markings some don't the black marking is inherited from the sankeyi dottybacks i think..
  12. i dun wan tiny frags of it. i want the long stalks. that's the main attraction for this species. the shape and a cluster of them is really very nice. i don't know if reborn will bring in such big ones or not.
  13. i only try this 2 times but i officially gave up liao. it's not even that nice anyway.... see so many times until sian liao... i should really stop hanging out with you so often!! the digiman mentality is taking over so quickly!!! lol.
  14. as a practice, i feed ALL new fairy wrasses, regardless of species, praziquantel soaked food. prazi will kill all internal parasites within the first few feedings. i got this from aquafauna supplies. can PM to check availability. the prazi i get is concentrated one, so its more effective i guess. according to him, it's safe to overdose. i soak 1 cube of mysis with 1-2 ml of prazi. sounds alot but it's ok. the more the merrier it only takes a few feedings per day, a few days to cure. my roseafascia wrasse with internal parasites is now 100% cured and very healthy. i should have used prazi for my choati leopard wrasse which was suffering from internal parasites too.
  15. wow...the island in which joculator comes from is as nice as the joculator itself... i need a holiday!
  16. no idea if they are from japan. the hawkfish is VERY nice though.
  17. one of the most amazing clown tangs. posted many times but i'll post again.
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