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Everything posted by yikai

  1. marjorie wrasse is not on the list according to victor. but i think if we enquire, we can get it. the tuxedo damsel, i should ask. coz it's nice and i want it. starcki 45 is still ok coz starcki keep 1 only mah. tuxedo i think can keept in a pair or trio. if one is 45, way too ex for me
  2. i will get it if it's below $30. any higher and it will be too ex for a damsel.
  3. yah i know!! haha. i remember someone telling me and i just happen to forget the name that day.
  4. can ask victor or steven to try bring in. since it's a damsel and not a rare wrasse, it may be on walt smith's fish stock list.
  5. looking for male/female bellus angels (genicanthus bellus) and also male/female yellow mask angels (genicanthus semifasciatus)
  6. liveaquaria is offering the Chrysiptera tricincta. aka tuxedo damsel. it originates from fiji! maybe can see this one day. it's one of the nicer damsels. very demure and cute looking.
  7. unfortunately, no pics of mr marjorie yet.. came home and saw it displaying to the flasher wrasses. fed it a little, and then after feeding, it went to hide. probably still used to the tank or got frightened by me.
  8. young male roseafascia. still needs time to grow...
  9. my pair of cheap and common male angulatus flasher wrasse. nice to see them flashing. when they expand their fins they look like a cursor arrow. but they swim too fast, so here's some normal non-flashing shots. they really remind me of swallows flying in the sky. their deeply lunate enmarginate tail is really swallo-like
  10. wrasse book set to reach in a few days time!

  11. 1st picture - sun coral. (Tubastrea faulkneri) 2nd picture - Saron shrimp (Saron marmoratus) 3rd picture - nudibranch (Exact species i'm unsure. If you're interested, you can look it up here)
  12. all my wrasses are out today! the marjorie wrasse is absolutely gorgeous!! it's a lovely alpha male specimen with white belly and red top, and a yellow tail. did not expect the colours to turn out so nicely since it was one of the smaller ones. when it flashes, it the forehead turns a BRILLIANT violet pink and runs down it's dorsal area. i will try to get a photo. the pylei wrasse is so pushy. i don't like it. not aggressive but it's not peaceful either. even in such a big tank. might consider selling it.
  13. then it probably is. it looks like a whipfin x rubripinnis. anyway hope to see it one day.
  14. both their range overlap in our area. so that's 1 plus point. secondly, the hybrid is not very spectacular looking, so demand probably isn't sky high. thats another plus point. thirdly, it looks like a female - male transitioning melanospilos, and not some hybrid. so supplier may not know. 3rd plus point. we may get to see it afterall one day. but it's very rare i guess.
  15. eh no. the lamarck x watanabe is not from the wild. it's not an aquarium photo too. maybe a holotype. but it's in japan i think. it's from a japan book. the lamarck x melanospilos is from the wild in japan.
  16. here's another rare cirrhilabrus we can all try to aim for. Cirrhilabrus tonozukai a close relative to the whipfin fairy wrasse. this one can be found in indonesia, so keep your eyes peeled during shipment.
  17. usually hybridisation occurs when one species is very rare while the other species is very common, in one location. the rarer species will be forced to mate with the more common one becaues it cannot find a mate. one famous example is the flame x rusty hybrid. rusty angels are very common in the indo-pacific while flame angels are not. the rarer flame angels have no choice but to mate with the closely related rusty angels. thus your rusty x flame hybrid arises. this may be the case for these genicanthus.
  18. yes for sale illegally. shame on the collector. illegally catch it still dare to flaunt it for sale. moreover an obviously unhealthy fish with severe emaciation and swim bladder disorder.
  19. i think so. lamarck is very very haremic in nature. when spawning between the alpha male and females, sometimes subordinate males will "rush" and release their sperm as well. they cheat by doing this so they can have a chance at mating with the female. sort of like stealing the female from the alpha male. maybe they do this to other spawning genicanthus as well? who knows. i'm not an expert when it comes to this hehe
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