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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i'm smiling from ear to ear watching my seahare devour bryopsis like a machine!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Terryz_


      Ah beng should have... they are really hardworking but they need to rest a day before working again...

    3. yikai


      cedric, ah beng and the aunty shop opp ahbeng usually carries them. no more liao i bought the last 2. must wait for new stock next week.

      they eat every single kind of algae. very impressive. even bryopsis and hair algae and even cyano!

    4. Eniram


      hey lemon once your lawn mower is down mowing your lawn care to rent it to me! i'm serious!

  2. don't bother raising them. impossible unless you are a dedicated breeder with the right set up and plenty of time. and the knowledge to do so. i'm not even sure if these shrimps have been bred before just let your fish and corals enjoy this meal
  3. snow basslet nicer. S. phoebe reminds me of my lecturer. miss phoebe song.
  4. yellow, red, doesn't matter. i love this fish nonetheless. good that it's healthy! i will collect probably on tuesday ok?
  5. HEHEHE was wodering who will be the first to notice it. IT'S SANGUINEUS!
  6. fantastic final episode to this 4 part series. centropyge abei chromis abyssus new hawkfish! also shots of belonoperca pylei chaetodon burgessi tosonoides sp. (sp) borbonias anthias heraldi angels vanderblilt chromis and sooooo much more!! it's nice to know that so many fish have range extensions rhomboids in micronesia luteovittatus in micronesia colini in micronesia amongst so many others. i've never been so excited before. thanks BFG for sharing. if not i would have never watched this.
  7. so nice. this are the ones from fiji. fiji rubricaudalis have a vertical line on their tail. compare it with the vanuatu ones that don't.
  8. tanaka's rubricaudalis. both are same specimens. the 2nd one shows flashing nuptial colours. interesting how this species does not display metallic blue colours when flashing, unlike most other species of flashers.
  10. the red and white angel on the cover? that's a peppermint angelfish (Paracentropyge boylei) it's found only in the cook islands and is collected by chip boyle. it's extremely expensive, extremely rare and extremely difficult to keep. the cost is $XXXXX 5 digit. you will never be able to find it, buy it or see it in real life. unless you are willing to pay. even then, it's very unobtainable. if you are talking about the book, it's a book written by kiyoshi endoh is is available at reef depot. showcases every single angelfish in the world.
  11. you're going to regret going for 3ft height....unless your cabinet is very low. otherwise you're going to have alot of problems reaching the middle and back of your tank especially with 3ft width. factor in the height of your tank (3ft) and cabinet, it's going to be very difficult. just food for thought. although i've always wanted a 3ft height.
  12. yah. i've kept 2 fromia in the past and ended up melting after awhile. it depends on how the fish shop acclimate the stars also. even if you drip acclimate your starfish, but the fish shop doesn't, your starfish may end up dying anyway. hopefully mine will survive coz i dripped it for 2.5 hours. feeding is usually not an issue with fromias. plenty of liverock and the stars will naturally eat algae and bacterial films. the main cause of death is usually improper handling..
  13. yup. if you have a very matured tank with lush algae growth, you might not need to feed them but they won't grow as fast. if you feed them, they grow very quickly. also if you have alot of pod eaters in your tank like leopard wrasse, mandains, pipe fish, seahorse etc, the population will decrease. not all fish eat pods. one very famous and BAD example is ALL WRASSE eat pods. this is so untrue i don't even know where to begin. fairy and flasher wrasses do not hunt for pods on the rocks. they are open water planktonic feeders. so ensuring you know what fish eat wat is good and make sure you don't overcrowd the number of pod eating fish. otherwise ur pods cannot grow. you need to strike a balance where pod population is faster than pod decimation. to achieve that, make sure you have very little fish that consume pods and this will allow time for pods to grow. for example in my 183 gallon tank. assuming the only pod eater is my pipefish, i probably don't need to do anything forever and the pods will populate faster than that one pipefish could finish.
  14. oh i see. never keep lion so dunno that they're poop sink nassarius snails.
  15. my tank is booming with copepods. there are literally thousands on the panel of my glass. multiply that by 4 panels, multiply another approximately 3x on the liverocks and well....let's just say it's copepod heaven. it's certainly enough to sustain this little guy in a 183 gal pod heaven. it swims in the calmer water zones in my tank and it's feeding on frozen mysis. not only that, it's extremely nice to see it picking the pods off the glass. like a vacuum cleaner. can literally see it eating the individual pods that swarm my glass.
  16. Fromia monilis/Fromia nodosa? an uncommon variant to the marbled starfish. instead of the usual white and red, this guy is red and purple! how cute.
  17. 2 more super rare liopropoma. dont even have proper photo. dunno wat they really look like... but like quite ugly. Liopropoma aragai, Liopropoma japonicum
  18. must thank digiman for helping me keep one of the two Liopropoma multilineatum left at CF for me. I heard they brought in 5. luckily left 2. one of my favourite liopropomas and finally manage to get one after searching for quite some time.
  19. usually with good flow and good circulation, detritus will not accumulate so much on the sandbed. expect maybe in dead spots. fish poo? marine fish poo are not like freshwater fish poo and don't appear in strands and drop on the sand bed. usually very fine powdered and will wash away with the current.
  20. i bought the seafan for 2 red notes. supersun i not sure but they look very nice
  21. fantastic video, fantastic learning opportunity. too bad it's in german but the video and quality speaks for iteslf. http://www.videoportal.sf.tv/video?id=6bf28000-c373-4082-997b-d00b8362962e
  22. so is the multicolour x coral beauty LOL. haiz. why cant there be a lemonpeel x emperor angel hybrid. diff genus who care?
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