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Everything posted by yikai

  1. dunno about the anthias but such tiny dwarf angels are possible. wrasses also.
  2. the fuscipinnis so common now. many people have it already and in US, sometimes come in more than 4 pieces/shipment. and i dont like it. the sanguineus on the other hand, is stuff of legends!
  3. super ultra ultra mega mega mega super duper mega ultra mega hyper hyper ultra mega duper super beautiful and rare bodianus sanguineus!
  4. lol digi! just realised you were featured on reef builders last year for your bodianus sanguineus and fuscipinnis anthias http://reefbuilders.com/2009/05/31/rare-fish-video-alert-bodianus-sanguineus-odontanthias-fuscipinnis-random-barbefish/
  5. yes i like the yellow tail liopropoma. but very difficult and always suffer from swim bladder problems. no one comment on the pseudanthias heemstrai!? so nice! from red sea maybe can get.
  6. what?! mitratum is so brown and ugly. omg terryz. mm. have seen both before. not rare. mitratum and the yellowtail liopropoma are often available.
  7. L. mirtatum so common. fuel and i always see at ahbeng. but IMO it's dull so i never buy them. but fuel has 1 or 2 i think.
  8. 2 mega rare anthias. the first one is bloody gorgeous. Pseudanthis heemstrai and pseudanthias hiva. the species name is just so beautiful. P. heemstrai is found in the red sea. hope to see it one day
  9. Some Liopropoma sp. that hare available here from time to time. some are common, some are rare, and some are debut in Singapore. Liopropoma collettei, L. carmabi, L. mowbrayi, L. multilineatum, L. rubre, L. susumi, L. swalesi, L. sp (Undescribed), L. latifasciatum, L. mitratum.
  10. yay after hiding for 2 days, it finally came out and omg... expand to 3x the size!
  11. another takeuchii hybrid. this time it's clear it's takeuchii x semifasciatus. can see the faint yellow and mask on the eye and the half bars. this is a female.
  12. genicanthus takeuchii hybrid!! omg. with a lamarck? melanospilos? semifasciatus? i think it's a semifasciatus x takeuchii. the vertical bar at the gill cover reminds me of semifasciatus. and the dorsal fin seems very yellow. indicating female/juvenile colouration of semifasciatus
  13. provided your fish dun eat it first!! D:
  14. i got 12... but u need to feed them otherwise they will die. if you dont have alot of uneaten food left, that is. dunno about poo but mine keep laying eggs on the glass. very annoying.
  15. leather corals? i only appreciate them for their shape. large sarcophyton will form AMAZING meandering structures and it's just absolutely beautiful. not only that, the tentacles can be very lovely. but for them to show their lovely meandering shapes, they have to grow very large. here are some pictures of them and you will understand what i mean. look at the photo with the entire leather coral reef. stunning. the only thing i dont like about cf leather is the colour and the shapes are ugly. small colonies of leathers are ugly and they need time to grow.
  16. can be trained to eat frozen. hope so lor. B. pylei is very nice.
  17. belonoperca is a difficult genus. look at digi's B. chabanaudi. only eat live food.
  18. yes these are the holy grail of angelfishes. from the link you provided in order.. - Genicanthus personatus. VERY ex and VERY rare. found only in very deepwater hawaii - Apolemichthys kingii. Very expensive and rare. found only in africa and is hard to keep - Centropyge resplendent. extremely rare, illegal to catch. only endemic to ascension island. all aquarium specimens are either captive bred or illegally caught. - Holacanthus clarionensis. very rare and expensive. we've seen a few of them in Singapore already. ranging from 3-4k - Holacanthus africanus. not very rare and not very expensive. few hundred dollars. found in africa shipments. the bright blue juveniles are very rare and change to the brown adults very early in life. - Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus. rare and expensive. this is also a difficult fish to keep. - Apolemichthys arcuatus. bandit angelfish. relatively common and pricey. around $800 for larger ones. very difficult to keep. - Paracentropyge boylei. as mentioned in the second post. - Chaetodontoplus ballinae. unobtainable. protected species. - Centropyge hotumatua. found in easter island. no more collection of this fish anymore. - Centripyge joculator. beautiful, hardy and affordable. $300+. found in cocos island, coral farm occasionally brings them in. - Holacanthus limbaughi. extremely rare and expensive. illegal to catch. - Centropyge interruptus. very expensive and we almost never get to see juveniles. Reborn brought them in a few months ago. the largest member of the dwarf angels. - Genicanthus takeuchii. Unobtainable unless caught illegally. - Apolemichthys griffis. Uncommon, rather rare, affordable. hawaii shipments. - Centropyge debelius. HOLY GRAIL of dwarf angels. mauritius and reunion island. very very extremely rare. can forget about seeing it here. - Centropyge nahackyi. too rare, too deep, to expensive to even catch. no captive specimens to date as far as i know. 1 in waikiki aquarium (public aquarium). - Centropyge multicolor. Cheap, available very commonly in hawaii shipments. - Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus. very sporadic shipments from hawaii. relatively common, medium difficulty. - Centropyge narcosis. super deep dweeling. unobtainable. only 1 or 2 captive specimens. - Centropyge nigriocella. Very rare. not much info on this fish. - Centropyge shepardi. Very very rare. looks alike to a flame x rusty angelfish hybrid.
  19. 1) cauliflower coral. impossible to keep. don't buy them again next time. requires heavy feeding of phytoplankton everyday. 2) Cynarina lacrymalis. aka cynarina, or donut coral. easy to keep.
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