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Everything posted by yikai

  1. definitely rusty flame hybrid YAY! OMG!! THE TANK IS HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!! and i'm starting to like personatus. i'm converted liao. lovely fish! yes i too noticed this the first time i watched it. at first i thought it was a very red true hawaiian flame with smudged bars. but on second look, it does seem like a rusty flame. but the colours are abit too red or isit the lighting and coz it's not zoomed in. anyway, when i first saw it a few days ago, i was totally loving the flame. IT'S NICE!!!!!!!
  2. i have red grape algae growing on my wavemakers and rocks! everywhere! cool!!

    1. yikai


      they grew from spores from my main red grape plant. so nice lor. the little baby red grapes will be wonderful grazing opportunities for my fish.

  3. there's nothing in the tank? what's there to FTS? no corals nothing. just rocks and water. and a few fish.
  4. sorry for those who expressed interest. fish sold and collected.
  5. many panda gobies at iwarna. plenty of peppermint hogs. tiny, 1.5-2 inch specimens. these are not the extremely rare, deepwater japanese bodianus masudai. they were falsely named "masudai" becaues they all look rather similar.
  6. yup! gorgeous. stunning fish with those extremely long beautiful caudal streamers. too bad they are so timid.
  7. a whole bunch of rare damsels. oh gosh. some of them are just absolutely beautiful! from left to right, first 2 chromis alta, chromis delta, stegasus altus, chrysiptera tricincta (nice!), pomacentrus richardsoni, chrysiptera leucopoma, chromis ovatiformes, chromis elerae, i dunno wat chromis, chromis atripes, chromis circumaurea
  8. ok rare damselfish round up. some are just so gorgeous. some are just rare. first two. mega rare, deep and gorgeous. Chromis mirationis and chromis okamurai
  9. oh this one is very nice! looks like a more up class version of starcki, with a yellow perimeter. so many chrysiptera species that i've never seen before.
  10. another beauty. chrysiptera rex. unfortunately, will lose the blue head with age. obtainable, indonesia, phillipines etc.
  11. there is one that looks similar. but will change into ugly brown ones when grow up. and is not in the genus chrysiptera. so it's very aggressive. these 2 are small, don't change and are extremely beautiful. look at the wild photos of brownriggii!!
  12. unfortunately, C. caerulineata is very hard to obtain. found in all the obscure places like rowley shoals, new guinea etc. but found in fiji. so maybe i can still get. C. brownriggii is even worse. found in society island, marquesas. UNOBTAINABLE! SIAN
  13. AAHHAA! no lor i'm good boy. but seriously, lanceolatus is very very nice. anyway two very BEAUTIFUL damsels!!!! where do i get them and any info on them? Chrysiptera caerulineata!
  14. not sure. but it was discovered in tufi isle. hence the name. but what a boring scientific name. C. niger.... isn't niger like.. synonym for black? apart from melano etc.
  15. urgh i will kill for a lanceolatus. HEARD THAT!? EVIL LEMON. WILL. KILL. FOR. A. LANCEOLATUS.
  16. I love roa modestus! it's like a poor man's version of roa excelsa.
  17. The tufi damsel has a name! C. niger. this fish was described by allen 35 years ago!! it's not a new species! but it's new to the trade. allen saw it and recognised it from 35 years ago new fotos of it
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