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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yikai

    Heniochus diphreutes

    Heniochus diphreutes Schooling Bannerfish.

    © www.sgreefclub.com

  2. yikai

    Forcipiger longirostris

    Forcipiger longirostris Big Longnosed Butterflyfish, Long Longnosed Butterflyfish.

    © www.sgreefclub.com

  3. must be scott fairy then.... infamous for fading colour. omg pest oso can look nice.
  4. very long never post liao! wats the wrasse at the top with yellow fins? scott's fairy? and whats the blue coral thing at the bottom right?
  5. there's no such thing as a white leather to my knowledge. white polyps yes but definitely not the whole coral white. those are bleached.
  6. LOL. you should take it out of the box and put on your shoulder. then say. "bang bang bang!"
  7. LOL yah can tell from the box... looks like a machine gun or a weapon of sorts.
  8. now don't you wish they were available? :yahoo: :eyebrow:
  9. just about the reddest dragonet you'll ever see! Synchiropus ijimai
  10. more beautiful than any acan. the callanthias japonicus!
  11. for years, the only plectranthias available to us is the geometric pygmy hawk. here's another gorgeous plectranthias from japan! P. kelloggi!
  12. anthias lovers, check our the sakura cherry anthias and the elongatus anthias from japan! delicious? you bet.
  13. Chaetodon auripes. the auripes butterfly is another beauty that is never seen here! Hope that people express more interest in these gorgeous fish and if so, surely we will see them one day
  14. chaetodon modestus. the modestus butterfly is another beautiful japan import. rather reef safe when compared to other chaetodontids and another very poorly known species.
  15. chaetodon daedalma! how about the gorgeous wrought iron butterflyfish. The gun metal colour and the metal like sheen is not fake. this fish looks like an aluminium chain mail swimming through the water. this fish is so under-appreciated. not only that, it's as easy as pie. very hardy
  16. Most people shy away from fishes from japan because of the price, husbandry and sheer difficulty in obtaining. i'll discuss some of the more obtainable, popular and beautiful japan fishes that are not getting as much attention as they are supposed to. Interested? Well i hope that after this, many people will start expressing interest in them Lets' start with the infamous Interruptus angel. Gorgeous isn't it? needs a large tank and a chiller is a must. at least 26C. although in the wild lives in very much cooler water, it has been proven that they can survive in our reef tank temp. the largest species of dwarf angels btw. they can grow larger than your outstretched hand. way larger.. at least 9 inches when fully grown
  17. they are hovering above the rocks but will dart into the rocks if there's danger.
  18. no more blue eye. only left 6 when i was there. i took 3 and my other fren took 3.
  19. why keep a poor mantis bottled up in a sump? why not dedicate a special tank for it if you like it so much?
  20. The Nahackyi Fairy wrasse and the Pintail fairy wrasse are in the final stages of prep work and should be given a proper name next year! exiting stuff.
  21. if you plan properly, it is possible. make sure you don't leave too long a gap period between packing at LFS to boarding the plane. if it's a transitioning flight that requires more than 1 flight, i think better not. maybe after checking out of the hotel, take a cab to the LFS, pack it, and go to the airport straight. don't bring it back after buying. leave it at the shop first. request for them to pack in more air to water ratio. long flights are ok provided we giv more air and not so much water. alot of water for long flights is a mistake many people make. next, once at the airport, check in and when reach singapore, check out, bring home and drip acclimate. should be fine. the fishes we import from LFS suffer way way more than this. capture from ocean, kept in holding facility for days often unfed, long long flight to singapore in very little water, in LFS shop where they go through NO acclimation, then back into our homes. if you frequently unpack fish shipments from philippines shipment, you will see that fishes like six line wrasse, gobies etc are all packed in tiny plastic bags about the size of your palm with very little water. just enough to cover the fish. this is the proper way to pack and not flood it with water. if you want to be safe, go for oversized plastic bag with alot of water. but make sure there is alot of air too. remember. more air to water ratio. if you buy from LFS in other country, the fish has already been through all this and is already healthy enough to buy and what's a little flight back to singapore?
  22. unobtainable coz we dont have shipment from rowley shoals in west australia. the mutant wrasse coniella lives there
  23. finally, exquisite variant 5. this is only from rowley shoals in western australia. unobtainable so forget about getting it. look at the flashing colours! simply AMAZING. if you look at all 5 variants of exquisite, the colours are so different and so is their flashing/nuptial colours. this led some ichthyologists to believe that all 5 variants are different species. but no solid evidence yet.
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