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Everything posted by yikai

  1. magnet cleaner? what do you mean best cleaner for diatom on glass? u mean what will eat them? usually glass diatoms just use magnet to clean. those on rocks you can use snails but the best is to get to the root of the problem. reduce silicates and nutrients.
  2. can cover the whole of hawaii via LCK can cover the whole of carribean via RB now just need japan, red sea, australia and africa
  3. oh yes. many Pseudocheilinops ataenia (pinstreak wrasse) at CF. cute, uncommon, very peaceful and cryptic.
  4. this fish maay be obtainable together with sanguineus hog, personatus, basabei etc.
  5. hammer, bubble, acan and all other LPS can be fed with mysis. forget about all those phytoplankton etc. too small for LPS.. they have feeder tentacles which catch bigger food items like mysis. however, you don't need to feed them. they are photosynthetic. they do benefit from occasional feedings though. zoas benefit from phytoplankton but not neccesary. you don't need to feed zoas. they are photosynthetic. most seafans need to be fed. so feed small food items like cyclopeeze. as for copepods, amphipods. all these are more meant for fish.
  6. i smell another Bodianus sanguineus in your tank hehehehe..
  7. digi, so you getting your Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus? ultra rare, ultra deep, ultra beautiful and yet, not ultra ex.
  8. a pair of Genicanthus caudovittatus spotted at CF. a few Wetmorella albofasciata. the white striped possum wrasse.
  9. flukes will die in hypo too if i'm not wrong.
  10. the crabs are pest. the shrimp is likely a Coralliocaris graminea, a commensal SPS shrimp that lives on SPS much like the acro crab. it has pistol claws on BOTH arms instead of one, like the pistol shrimp, and can fire two shots at once. here's some pictures.
  11. if there are stalks and polyps extend out of it, then it's sympodium. sorry to sound like a geek but i just cannot resist. the genus name for this coral is sympodium. incidentaly, in biology, sympodium refers to a pattern of branching. so next time you see a xenia looking tiny soft coral with branches and don't know what it is, think sympodium.
  12. lol. no lah v small. purpose of this thread is to see if other ppl see what i am seeing. to see if what i am seeing is really real? or just what i want to see.. anyway these clowns are a gift from Joe long ago when they were super super tiny. Not sellable size yet. so it's kinda sentimental as i've never kept a clown so long before and moreover, when i got it, they were only 1/3 the size. i dislike clownfishes alot. but this one i like.
  13. 2 new SPS. A. valida and A. tortuosa if i'm not mistaken. See how long they can last. My favourite SPSs are those cheap and common ones where no one is there to snatch from you. photos are taken top down.
  14. green pocci frag. still alive after 1 week lol.
  15. to make a correct identification, i would need to see the polyps when they are closed. if they grow on stalks with multiple polyps on the stalks (similar fashion as xenias), then they are sympodium. if they grow on mat like cloves and star polyps, then they care clavularia. they could also be sansibia, but this one is rare and very seldom encountered. many online pictures of sansibia are wrongly identified and i too, don't know the true form of this coral. yours is most likely clavularia or sympodium depending on morphology.
  16. Marjorie wrasse is getting very common now. once a very rare and exclusive fish is now so obtainable. i'm happy.
  17. all MIA already.. terryz put 3 of his with my 3 and for the first few days they were all swimming out and about. but slowly wither away till left none. next time wont buy liao. if see will let u know.
  18. i dunno... the book and fishbase list as tinkeri x miliaris. but yes i agree tinkeri shape very steep forehead.
  19. haha guys. but seriously can u see it? the orange "i <3" on the white markings.
  20. this is xenia 1..... growth of this is just ridiculously unbelievably sick. it has spread around my rock and formed a perimeter of xenia. growth is way faster than xenia 2. different species i think. polyp shape is different. started from a small rock and now my entire base rock is surrounded. there are many smaller shoots underneath that i did not photograph. i've tried fragging them for some of the people who requested. but the frags never survive. i don't know if it's my fragging skills, or if these are just too sensitive. they always melt within a few days. however the speed of growth is fast enough to cover up any "dead heads" from my fragging. so until i manage to proprely frag and mount them, don't PM me for frags.
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