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Everything posted by yikai

  1. The tank is still within it's first few months so please please pardon the diatoms... and sheer untidiness! I'm happy that the hair algae has been reduced and obliterated to a meer 5% from it's former reign over my tank. The diatom, has yet to meet it's demise. hopefully soon... and sorry for the blurriness. the tank is now 25C (lowest), and is condensing... hence the fogged up glass. aiyah good also lah. so ugly inside all the algae. dun show better the front
  2. HAHAHAHHAHAHA OMGGGGGGGGGG HAHA ya lah terry! behind got how many wrought iron?
  3. nice. this tank was featured on reefbuilders
  4. one of the uglliest liopropoma sp that can be obtained in singapore......................................... i rank like this. feel free to disagree. from most beautiful to the ugliest. carmabi multilineatum rubre eukrines swalesi yellow tail latifasciatum mowbrayi pallidum susumi mitratum
  5. yes looks like heteroxenia. beautiful.
  6. finally hook up the CR. -_-

  7. philippine shipment @ reborn today sacura margaritacea anthias still available interruptus angel left 3 (1 reserved) wrought iron butterfly still unsold
  8. i can see some smaller polyps inbetween from your first photo. but a close up photo would be better nice nonetheless.
  9. ah! really? those smaller polyps inbetween the larger ones are called siphonozooids. Siphonozooids present inbetween large polyps are characteristic for heteroxenia sp, and distinguish them from normal xenias. Normally, xenias develop smaller polyps at the fringe of the crown. These smaller polyps will then grow into larger ones. Heteroxenia have smaller polyps inbetween that do not grow. what you have there is a heteroxenia.
  10. try again lor it's a nice fish. just dunno wat to do with it when it grows too big. yah of coz. it is still a juvenile wat. lol... but the tail developing the markings which i like.
  11. xenias spread in a number of ways : 1) by swaying their branches and the branch will stick to a nearby rock, and separate from the main colony 2) by splitting in the middle to form more branches, and the extra branches will perform task number (1) 3) by sticking to a nearby rock, then detaching for whatever reason. Often a small stump of xenia will be left behind that spot and it will grow into a fully functional coral 4) by growing new buds on the sides or on the main branch which will perform task number (1) Yours is Xenia elongata, which pulses moderately quickly and spreads very quickly. most fairy and flasher wrasses will arrive with intestinal worms that may cause death. de-worming by soaking fish food in praziquantal is very effective. prazi can get from fuel or iwarna.
  12. some super rare dragonet from japan on the DD. Calliurichthys japonicus
  13. don't want to post in my tank thread. so i'll post it here. finally got it back after 5 weeks of hypo. the dorsal streamer is starting to grow
  14. beautiful xenias. finally got them! where from? and yes, that's a carpenter's flasher wrasse
  15. we've all heard and seen about the pure white yellow tang in the wild. for the first time ever, it's been caught and shipped to the US. along with the aptly named "ghost tang", is an aberrant yellow tang with alot of white markings. oh man i want that ghost tang so much! even the eye colour is different!
  16. thats why i asking wat fairies are those... one looks like a pintail... the line on the body looks similar. the other 1 duno. colour looks like male solar wrasse and can see abit of orange near the face. my guess, solar wrasse and pintail
  17. btw wat's the two fairy wrasse on top right. one looks like the pintail. the other?
  18. this spotted flames are so common!! if you like, next time i buy for you then pass to you.
  19. steven bring in one before. 28 red notes which i find reasonable. too bad that time no money.
  20. just memorise the expensive ones then. there are not many expensive ones and if u remember wat all the expensive ones look like, chances are you will end up asking only the cheap one. also ask location. here's something to help you. Expensive wrasses coming out of : Indonesia - N/A Philippines - Cirrhilabrus roseafascia (From Cebu) They've never been imported in from Cebu before so let's say the chances of encountering one during Cebu shipments are 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 Hawaii - Cirrhilabrus jordani, Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis (Comes from Marshall Islands, but imported via Hawaii shipments) Fiji - Cirrhilabrus marjorie, Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus, Cirrhilabrus laboutei, Cirrhilabrus scottorum Vanuatu - Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus, Cirrhilabrus laboutei, Cirrhilabrus scottorum, Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus, Cirrhilabrus punctatus (Less than $100, but still considered quite expensive at around 80) Australia - Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus, Cirrhilabrus laboutei, Cirrhilabrus scottorum, Cirrhilabrus lineatus
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