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Everything posted by yikai

  1. ok nvm i saw them. very lag great shots! esp the xmas wrasse
  2. improper collection can lead to swim bladder problems or decompression problems that may cause swelling in the swim bladder giving a bloated appearance. but doesn't mean all fat fish are problem fish. sometimes they are just well fed in the wild! anw 1 inch for goldflake is really tiny!!
  3. i had one before. took me ages to remove it and swore never to buy one again. hmm, yes the hooded is beautiful. get one from vanuatu! then you will have two extraordinary geographical variants of hooded in your tank.
  4. mysis, pellets, cyclopeeze.. they aren't picky. anything is fine.
  5. told you whipfins are a PITA. nice hooded. but if the aggression is too much for the hooded to handle, remove the whipfin. not worth it for a cheap fish to potentially harass the bathyphilus which cost almost 200.
  6. so small? still juvenile and the goldflake patterns not out yet? anyway goldflakes are fluke magnets especially larger specimens. especially more so if they are parallel imports from christmas islands. so to anyone who is getting them, a treatment of prazi or fw dip is advised.
  7. ok sure. i just told my mum ytd that i am going to work hard to save money. then she so happy and say good! so responsible. then i said. saving for a 1k+ fish. then she roll her eyes and nearly fainted lol. anw did u see my email? he replied and is introducing us to koji now. if it works out, we can get bluehabour shipments anytime we want liao. just have to wait for koji to reply and see what he says.
  8. do resize your pics in future for ease of viewing
  9. hm... almost all 6 are this orange. when i saw it i knew instantly they were not hybrids. but i dunno if they had hybrid blood or not so i ask u. but i prefer them over hawaii flames becoz of the orange. so much more unique. hmm.... i want the sanguineus but no money. anw, can steven get basabei?
  10. very very fat can be a bad thing with deepwater angels. got to make sure it's not decompression issues that can make them look fat too.
  11. taking what? i'm looking for mulleri too, as well as coradion altivelis. but i won't want them unless they are 3 inches and below. looking for marcellae and/or aya too. anyway all these no rush.
  12. Female Roseafascia wrasse. very aggressive. won't be long before it turns male... with my marjorie wrasses as it's chase mates.
  13. Chelmon mulleri, Chelmon marginalis, Chelmonops truncatus and Coradion altivelis are 4 beautiful butterflies from Aussy.
  14. i was wondering why my tank looked so dim. so i siphoned all the diatoms away and omg! brightness increased by like 30%! the white sandbed underneath reflected the light back up which greatly enhanced brightness.
  15. in both specimens you can see that they are unusually orange for flame angels. in the female, look at the dorsal fin. there's that arc that normal flames don't have. for the male, the number of spots present on the dorsal and anal fins looks unusual. but what strikes me most is the colour. they are very orange and not red at all. although this is obviously not a rusty x flame hybrid, i'm very sure there is some hybrid blood present in past generations that led to this. flames are very rare in philippines and is more unlikely that flames will mate with flames 100% of the time. surely there has to be some rusty blood somewhere even in "pedigree" flame angels. what do you think? the colour is so orange
  16. digi, this is the flame from philippine. ok this is the female
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