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Everything posted by yikai

  1. ok wish you the best if you want to try crinoid.
  2. 3 misconception of ich. 1) reef safe medication rarely works. if it appears to work, it's not caused by the medication itself, but some other factors. ich cycle is continuous and come and goes. 2) cleaner wrasses, cleaner shrimps DO NOT eat white spots. i repeat, they DO NOT. neither do neon gobies and all other cleaning fishes. white spots are caused by a parasite that bores UNDER the skin of fishes, where the shrimps and fish cannot reach. The fish however, can get relief from the shrimps and fish as the fish and shrimp will remove dead skin, dying tissues etc. 3) a tank free of white spot is possible. however, everything have to go through quarantine with no fish for at least 5 weeks. however, even a drop of water from LFS can cause white spots to return. and even if they return, if your fish are healthy, they may not show symptoms. so no one knows for sure if in a supposed "white spot-free tank", there is 100% no white spot, or there is, but too minor to show symptoms.
  3. do water change, improve water quality. pop eye caused by bacteria or decline in water quality. often times it will recover on it's own although might take awhile. if not, medicate it as per Law's suggestion.
  4. more people buying crinoid = up in demand = lfs bring in more. better if the few die in the lfs and then stop there. really, buyer's power makes a huge impact in import. i see iwarna bring in fish and sometimes all it takes is a few shipments of disinterest and the fish stops coming in.
  5. this is C. johnsoni. lunatus female has stripes. moreover the red and blue margined tail is johnsoni.
  6. Some changes to iwarna's hawaii tomorrow. confirmed list from invoice as follows. - Apolemichthys arcuatus (Bandit Angel x1) - Centropyge loricula (Flame angel x 110) - Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus (Goldflake angel x2) - Centropyge flavissimus (Lemonpeel angel x20) - Centropyge multicolor (Multicolor angel x10) - Centropyge potteri (Potter's angel x10) - Chaetodon declivis (Declivis butterfly x1) - Ostracion meleagris (Blue box fish x1) - Zebrasoma rostratus (Black tang x1) - Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis (Chevron tang, juvenile x1) - Zebrasoma flavescens (Yellow tang x73) - Zebrasoma flavescens XL (Yellow Tang x1) - Labroides phthiroplagus (Hawaii cleaner wrasse x4) - Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis (Golden rhomboid wrasse x8) - Thalassomsa lutescens (Lutescen wrasse x4) - Pseudocheilinus ocellatus (Mystery wrasse x11) - Nemateleotris helfrichi (Helfrichi firefish x12) - Pseudanthias bartlettorum (Bartlett anthias x55) - Pseudanthias thompsoni (Thompson's anthias x21) - Goat fish x1 - Hymenocera elegans (Harlequin shrimp x8) - Centropyge vroliki x C. flavissimus (Hybrid lemonpeel x3) - Pseudanthias ventralis (hawaiiensis) (Ventralis anthias x2) - Pseudocheilinus evanidus (Scarlet wrasse x3) - Naso litratus (Naso tang x7) - Acanthurus olivaceus (Orange shoulder tang x5) - Palini tang x1 - Coris venusta x1 do note no flame wrasse, AT etc. please refer to revised confirmed invoice. last minute changes....
  7. Thanks 4 updating Rhomboid x 10 flame wrasse x 3 1 m 2 f Flame angel x 120 Bandit x 5 Bartlett x 100 Ventralis x 6 Declivis x 1
  8. no! MASS member leh! stop keeping all these impossible stuff haha lol one success for 2 years doesn't mean anything. for every 1 that survives till 2 years, millions more are dying lol. besides 2 years is not very very successful. these guys can give for decades in the wild. just that no one manage to keep so long. from a hobbyist point of view, 2 years is long. from nature's perspective, 2 years is nothing.
  9. a trio of females to accompany that male marjorie would be nice. marjories are easily frightened and very easily over-powered. if there is any aggression to it, it will turn back to female very quickly within 2 weeks. you will notice the white starting to fade and a black dot will appear on the tail. i used to have this problem because my roseafascia was too fierce. but thanks to the female, the marjorie is back to a beautiful male now.
  10. amazingly there are 30+ species in 5 genera for the tripod fishes. the fins are very stiff but when it swims you can see that they are actually quite flexible. but dun forget everything is much much lighter in water. so no surprise that the fins can support it.
  11. i have massive OCD problems in real life but when it comes to fish, the more imperfect the better. i get so.. urrgh.. when i see people choose flame angels with equal bars on both sides and all must be parallel. but different people different fish bah.
  12. yes doesn't matter if it's excelsa or modestus since all so similar. anyway we will never get excelsa so just assume everything is modestus LOL
  13. also another difference is the doral spines for excelsa are so yellow and have a yellowish-brown hue, whereas modestus is paler and in some instances, even white.
  14. can see that in excelsa - 3rd dorsal fin is higher than all others - ocellatus is oblong and longer in shape - dorsal spines are thicker, and more well defined - body profile is higher - white bars taper towards the top of the body in modestus - dorsal fin height is a gradual increase with no sudden elongation - ocellatus is round - dorsal spines thinner and less robust - body profile is rounder - white bars are rather parallel i suspect many websites confuse modesta and excelsa, thus the confusion and misnaming between the two all over the internet. but if you take a close look, they are actually very different. for simplicity's sake, lets not include jayakari.
  15. let's look at excelsa and modestus more clearly. these are excelsa.
  16. doesn't matter if different colour. it's still brown and white just different shade. it's same concept as keeping an african flameback, brazilian flameback and resplendent in the same tank. the beauty of resplendent will look normal because of the flamebacks.. anyway all three melanopus, chrysozonus and modestus are beautiful. but if i were to keep a modestus, i will make sure there are no other similar looking fish to avoid these kinds of situations.
  17. your chrysozonus and melanopus will just drown out the beauty of modestus because all three look so similar.
  18. yeah. fishbase never state how to differentiate both but based on my own observation, excelsa's 3rd dorsal fin is higher than all the others while modestus is same. also the spot.
  19. ok there's one more way to discern modestus from excelsa. 3rd dorsal spine of excela is taller than any other of the dorsal spines, while modestus one is not. so based on all the above evidence i conclude that the first photo is indeed excelsa, but the current one on BH is modestus.
  20. anyway the only way to differentiate the two is from the ocellatus on the soft dorsal rays. oblong spot for excelsa and round spot for modestus. btw, modestus also can be found in the philippines.
  21. no it's different fish. first difference is the ocellatus on the soft dorsal fin. the original excelsa is longer while the supposed one is rounder. 2nd is dorsal fin count. original excelsa has 9 hard dorsal spines. supposed excelsa has 10. 3rd difference is the 2nd white bar. in excelsa 1, white bar stars from hard dorsal fin 3 to 5 (counting from the back. 2nd excelsa starts from hard dorsal 4 to 6 (counting from back). first dorsal spine has no white in the original excelsa but 2nd one has lastly is colour difference but i did not take into account since colour is not a quantitative analysis.
  22. almost all "reef safe" medication are rubbish. most do not work at all. some people use before and claim success. but really...seriously?
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