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Everything posted by yikai

  1. funny. such a common fish in such nearby waters but never imported. time for me to do some detective work!
  2. to the person enquiring about iwarna's ventralis anthias and asking to reserve ventralis at 3 for $100, i'm sorry but ventralis anthias are not selling for that price. who ever told you the price must have made a mistake, or you probably mistaken bartletts which retail for 3 for 100. ventralis are over $100 each.
  3. polyps extended minutes after you left. very healthy frags. yes i got a green slimer and another green something. green green green all green. -.-
  4. Bartletts. Red one dunno. Must see in real life then can make proper i'd. Maybe carlsoni
  5. omg the copperband is gorgeous. wonder if my marginalis will fight with it or not...
  6. omg you are so vague. what wrasse are you interested in? pasir ris have so many fish and so many wrasse. but i can tell u all that are available there now so as to save you a trip down there. all of them are indo-philippine and no hawaii or other exotic wrasses since no shipment from those locales. only have C. adornatus, C. cyanopleura, P. filamentosus, P. flavianalis.
  7. thanks cedric and wilson for the birdnest and millie. will try to do it justice!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cedricang


      Oops, forgot to thank you for the purple ces, THANK U Lemon :))

    3. yikai


      hey you're wlecome.

      if you and wilson's cesp dont make it just lemme know.

    4. cedricang


      hurray ! Upzz for Lemon's great personality :)

  8. big thanks to cedric and wilson for the SPS frags. very healthy and i hope i do them justice.
  9. ouch. what a painful way to die. yes small sized flashing tilefish is quite uncommon. usually only big ones come. small ones adapt easier and feed nicely. but hey, it's a common fish so you can always replace it iwarna always bring in. followed by ah beng.
  10. big and deep tank most probably won't be as bad. you kept them in a pico tank so it's different. i kept them before in my old tank but they did not last 1 day. all got eaten.
  11. there are alot of very common wrasses that are abundant in the wild, shallow water and easily caught. elsewhere worldwide they are so common but i just don't know why we don't see them in singapore. from red sea we have the eight line flasher wrasse. Paracheilinus octotaenia. a staple import from the red sea but we don't get them here. aurantidorsalis is from sulawesi, indonesia. but where are they? they are so common there and in such shallow water. tonozukai fairy wrasse is from indonesia and even nearer, malaysia. but just just never bring in before! just to name a few!
  12. nice purchase on the cardinals! remember to feed them cyclopeeze, and alot of it initially to pump up body weight. this 1-2 weeks is the crucial period. after they survive this they will be bullet proof. don't be disheartened if you lose some. flashing tilefish is not rare in Singapore. it is sporadically imported via philippine shipments at iwarna or ahbeng. but they always come in either too big or very unhealthy and in very few pieces. flashing tilefishes only flash when frightened. so when established in your tank, it will remain blue. this is another plus point for being early for philippine shipments and having a good eye for rarities Aioliops megastigma is very difficult to feed and only takes bbs or cyclopeeze. their lifespan in captivity is short and are easily lost due to stress, being eaten, or starvation.
  13. really?? ok then still got hope. this one has been very rare in the recent years and have not seen anymore. but don't confuse it with the females of C. cyanopleura. they can look quite similar as sometimes aurantidorsalis will have a red belly instead of blue.
  14. it's very rare to find the hawaiian species of harlequin shrimp in such big size. and the rock crab is so cute
  15. Just trying my luck. if anyone seen Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis, please update. Recent years never see this fish but it's so common and occur in Sulawesi.
  16. Thanks to steven of LCK for bringing in the rare fishes from Japan. SRC is on the world map in glassbox design!

    1. Joe_P


      And lemon is now famous!

    2. yikai


      the photo is from my facebook and i've added eric michael as a friend there. such an unflattering photo. i wish it was removed

  17. zoramia leptacanthus and apogon leptacanthus are the same fish. the scientific names are synonymous. threadfin cardinals are also known as blue eye cardinals. they can be kept together in a school and are beautiful, but they tend to fight amongst each other unless like i said, there is a bigger fish to force them into schooling.
  18. hehe i can dream can't i? yeah philippine supplier dunno one. and good thing is so many rare fishes from philippine. they should start collecting in lembeh straits and sulawesi. so many rare fishes there like tonozukai fairy and tongeansis flasher that we dun get to see from nearby!
  19. oh yah forgot about nahackyi. the rest shud be ok if he's v rich. he likes nahackyi alot. so do i. maybe if we're SUPER lucky, more will waif to hawaii. den some stupid hawaii supplier catch it and send it to iwarna thinking it's a multicolour. and aunty give me at multicolor price. oh my.
  20. semifasciatus agree if he wants he can get in a heartbeat. the rest all don't live in protected area. just very isolated and remote. like pitcairn and kermedec.
  21. was at lck. steven called to tell me got the bluestripe butterfly i was looking for. then next second sold liao hehe. very fast hands. but it's ok! make me even more determined to hunt it down!
  22. catching crabs!

  23. i wanted the chaetodon fremblii.... 3rd time it slipped past me. nvm i'll ask steven bring in for me again
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