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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yes. that is exactly what normal reefers do. they stick to their tanks for a few years then save along the way. once save enough, can upgrade. yup no rush.
  2. no. where you hear from? sunset and sunburst no one reserve. sunset males only came a few, most of them are sold. but females still left alot. only the princess which were all gone the minute they arrived.
  3. wow never knew they could look so nice! always come in looking so ugly. this picture shows one that looks like a ghost. grow too big though.
  4. yups! oops!! did not realise bro law already posted there are blue eye anthias.
  5. initial rockscape is one thing. placing corals will be difficult. if corals drop, also very problematic.
  6. reborn. Australia corals. Aussie corals had just arrived in store.. list of corals.. acan lord - rainbow (L,M,S,XS) acan lord - ultra (L,M,S) acan lord - grade a (M,S) acan lord - grade b (M,S) alveopora - pink balanophyllia elegant coral - purple tips hammer - orange, green frogspawn - green, colored torch prism favia goniastrea lobophyllia - bicolor orange moseleya latistellata opmg! finally it's here platgyra platgyra - pink scoly australis - ultra (L,M) scoly australis - grade a (L,M) zoanthids
  7. the whole reason why u going 3 3 2 is coz it's easy to maintain. if you put high cabinet it will be back to square one and it will be impossible to maintain. seriously. 3ft width is no joke. mine is 3.5 x 3.5 x 2 and already there are parts i cannot reach by hand at all. anyway i suggest don't upgrade first. you just started this hobby not to long ago and you are progressing way too too fast. slow down and enjoy the hobby. it's not a race!! take your time to stock and play.
  8. sri lanka no poweder blue and blue eye anthias? usually got these 2. sometimes also might have rosy scale fairy wrasse.
  9. wa h your tank not even 3 months you want to upgrade? slowly enjoy it lor. build it up let it mature. 3ft cube is a terrible idea. very difficult to scape and maintain. if you want, do a 3x3x2. the height 2ft still easier. 2ft height very hard to manage.
  10. plenty of Pseudanthias parvirostris (Sunset anthias) @ iwarna. also some sunburst anthias. plenty of Pseudanthias flavoguttatus. this shipment have quite a few very big ones, 3x the size of those from past shipments. very big and look absolutely gorgeous! also 7x Pseudanthias smithvansi (Princess anthias) that arrived unexpectedly. all are very big and super gorgeous but unfortunately, sold out very quickly.
  11. it is confirmed. the johnson fairy wrasses appearing in bluehabour and US are from brian greene. he ships to hawaii first then the hawaii supplier ships to japan which is the reason why they are so expensive. he is sending a P. bellae to dr. tanaka in the next few weeks. once dr. tanaka gets his bellae we can be assured a full lineup of gorgeous photos of this super rare and gorgeous flasher.
  12. usually around afternoon. anywhere between 1-3.
  13. very nice melannotus. one of my favourite butterflyfish, very beautiful, hardy but always very overlooked. ups for your sale bro.
  14. Philippine shipment at iwarna brought forward to today. includes flavoguttatus anthias, multibar angel, melanospilos zebra swallowtail angel, sunset anthias male and female, sunburst anthias and starcki damsel amongst other philippine fish.
  15. singapore next top fail lah. singapore barely have girls that pass in terms of beauty and SPOKEN LANGUAGE. most cannot even talk properly like ris low. cannot and definitely will not have a next top model! but i'm still patriotic. dun take this as a hit at singapore. hehe.
  16. imagine. hao lian hao lian happy happy thought she win. then BOOM.
  17. 3 for 100. rough current? oh the rougher the better! anthias like intermittent flow like SPS. so that the food you feed them will flow around at high speeds for them to chase.
  18. LOL. i only watch america's next top model on occasions, if there's a girl in there that i find pretty. the rest of the other top model shows are ridiculously boring and quite budget. like australia, birtian etc..
  19. yes i was reading the other thread of someone's sps getting stung. so read that it's best to frag off the dying parts haha.
  20. ok will do. difficult to capture the colours properly though. will update in a month or two to track growth
  21. Pseudanthias flavoguttatus flooding the local market by the hundreds recently. We are very lucky to have them here at such reasonable prices. People pay way higher in the states. For those people who still have not had their share, this friday should have more coming in at iwarna. confirm again closer to the date.
  22. huh!? they look so different!! rusty angels are so ugly compared to the legendary goddess, that is, the rusty x flame angel!! rusty angels are so messy with so much spots everywhere. whereas rusty flames are a deep orange with thin subtle lines. to each his own i guess, and i'm still dreaming of the day where a rusty x flame angel is shipped in via cebu shipments.
  23. thanks mr cedric, your green birdnest frag is doing super well. very fluffy and extreme polyp extension. wilson's millie frag is doing very well also. too much green. sadly, i accidently toppled my pink birdnest today and part of it kena stung by my hammer. careless mistake of mine. fragged off the severely dead parts and letting it heal now in a higher flow region.
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