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Everything posted by yikai

  1. yah calling the angel guru! tweet tweet tweeet! chirp chirp
  2. Butterflyfish reef. Ironic, oxymoronic, but totally doable. Stereotyping should stop! Prejudice is NAY!

  3. My new love. Keeping again for the 2nd time in my new tank. Chaetodon declivis. The Declivis butterflyfish.
  4. Golden angel at CF's LED tank is already feeding on mysis. after discount should be around $50-60. quite pricey but it worth it for a feeding specimen.
  5. there are two variants to the rolland's damsel. which one is yours? is it the normal one with an entirely grey head? or one with a yellow head.
  6. very beautiful griffis angel! and an uncommon find too!
  7. look at this picture. so funny! last time all these butterflies were regarded as prognathodes. including tinkeri complex and nippon butterfly. they were split into the indo pacific series and the atlantic series.
  8. Dr. tanaka's rhomboid and scott's flashing up a storm! so rare to see a scott's fairy flashing. tanaka is one of the very few people i know who somehow manage to retain the colour of scott's fairy without it turning dull.
  9. i've seen all your sales thread and might i say you have some very exotic looking zoas. they aren't local are they?
  10. The fuscocaudatus clownfish is almost unobtainable. they are found in the seychelles which includes nearby atolls and aldabra. aldabra and most parts of seychelles is a world heritage site and collection from those areas are prohibited. however, the fuscocaudatus clowns can be collected from other nearby islands in seychelles that is not protected, but still remains an extremely rare, almost unobtainable species because there is no collection point there. much like the chaetodon smithi butterfly. they are very commonly found in pitcairn island but because there are no collectors collecting those fishes in such obscure locations, the fish remains unobtainable. or is too expensive and non-feasable to go collect them. yes the tail is it's distinct beauty. the name of the clownfish comes from the tail. it's scientific name fuscocaudatus literally means "dark tail" when converted to english. fusco = dark, caudatus from the word caudal (fin) = tail.
  11. nope. 3ft also. he only keep princess and flavo. and correction* not 30 flavo. should be 20+ only.
  12. probably. it's definitely not the flavoguttatus anthias itself because alot of customers and reefers at iwarna buy them in small groups but never hear them killing each other off before.
  13. your flavo killing each other is not a 100% case for all flavo. so far yours is the only case i've heard, and i'm not sure the reason. like i said, i have a friend with 30 flavo and all no problem. occasional chasing but no killing.
  14. Elacatinus lobeli most of the photos are taken by Luiz Rocha. very good photos.
  15. Elacatinus collini. all of the cleaner gobies look identical how do they differentiate them?
  16. the gorgeous A. fuscocaudatus clown from seychelles. look at the tail tail the tail omg the tailll
  17. ok i'll bite. perhaps the only tang that i absolutely adore is the hybrid powder blue x powder black.
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