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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Ca - 400 Mg - 1200 (abit low eh?) NO3 - 0 PO4 - 0 KH - 12 (omg? why so high)
  2. don't ozonise youe water! it's very toxic to the fish if you don't do it properly. O3 is a highly toxic allotrope of oxygen and highly unstable.
  3. some gorgeous fishes that made it into liveaquaira's DD before. some are common but they've taken very good photos. earlier on this thread, digiman and i have already posted part 1 of diver's den hall of fame. here's part 2. i love that they captured the nuptial colouration of the cyaneus and lineopunctatus flasher. and look at the gorgeous terminal phase severnsi pencil wrasse!
  4. dusky butterfly? no they are not obligate corallivores like ornate etc. they are just very difficult to feed and don't handle shipping well.
  5. is the "mould" white and clumpy? if so, then it's a viral infection called lymphocystis. it means your water condition is no good. improve water condition and diet and your fish will recover on its own. there is no cure for lymphocystis.
  6. DD's feminine wrasse. but at 1.3K USD, ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS! i can't believe ppl in RC are still contemplating. this is daylight robbery omg.
  7. Feminine wrasse on liveaquaria's DD!

  8. oh! sorry mis-read. oh dear, another rob lower. treasure your watanabei then. knowing that someone died to give you a gorgeous male healthy watanabei makes it even more worth cherishing :-)
  9. haha wah thanks! if you ever see semifasciatus, just let me know. male, female, submale, any state i also want. likewise, if i see any interesting wrasses or fish that interest you, or interesting shipments, i'll let you know. R.I.P watanabei. alot of tragic stories in this hobby one. haha.
  10. haha yes you are very true also. stuck forever in this eternal limbo. i'll just continue waiting for now. a wise reefer once said if he has to wait eternity for his fav fish and if one likes it alot, then no other substitute can replace it. perhaps, i might stumble upon it by accident like my roseafascia and beauperryi. i can get semifasciatus from overseas but it's not cheap for me to just import one and also i must wait very long and co-ordinate shipping etc. too much trouble.
  11. this is koji wada's tank of BH. i'm very very envious of this tank. look at the basabei butterfly, the guyanensis, the personatus, the ventralis hawaiiensis, the callanthias, the kellogi!! all of the rarest fish in one tank! the ultra rare debelius angel does not lose shine to all the bigger rare fish too! inside there is also the world's only multicolour x coral beauty hybrid that is not shown!
  12. male watanabe's angels are also difficult to obtain. they are 2nd most difficult of the 6 obtainable genicanthus. first being semifasciatus, watanabei, bellus ~ caudovittatus, lamarck, and finally melanospilos. philippine watanabes are very hard to find, but females are common. healthy specimens are like you said, very hard to find too. vanuatu shipments also will have watanabe but the sporadically avaialble vanuatu shipments will not make watanabe easy to obtain too. so yes, this is a good choice and a rare fish but the colour combi of black and white does not appeal to me more than the orange and yellow of bellus and semifasciatus.
  13. yes. that's what digiman told me too. none of the male genicanthus angels are common. some are more common than others, but overall still quite uncommon. semifasciatus is getting exceedingly rare now with overseas competition and even competition for this rare reef safe angel within our local market. since it comes from philippines shipment, i cannot specifically place an order for it like hawaiian fishes. so that means i would have to chance upon it in LFS before anyone else buys it. that's very difficult. the last time i saw it was more than a year ago and the next time i actually get to obtain it could very well be one or two years from now. which by then i will be in the army and no chance to reef. so realistically it's not very doable but of course, since it's my facourite fish and first choice, i will definitely try to hunt for it!
  14. dear members who are currently reading this. i would like some input on the here listed choice of fish. If you were me, in your opinion, which of the below three fishes are you most comfortable getting. let's say price is not an issue. now i've already had my heart set on what i want. the three fishes listed here are the yellow mask angel, bellus and watanabei angel. all three are males. ideally i want the first one. but realistically, it's extraordinarily rare and the last i've seen was >1 year ago. failing to obtain that, i will settle for a pair of bellus. watanabei's will be my last choice.
  15. agreed. the whisk is especially useful for whisking semi-frozen henry's food with mysis and selcon. the sieve is also good for thawing mysis shrimp.
  16. Hemigymnus melapterus it grows to thirty six inches in the wild.
  17. oh yah yah. almost all butterflyfishes are actually yellow-based. if you look at a butterflyfish book, you will realise that >90% are yellow based. since my tank have quite a few butterflies, yellow is inevitable. and as i add more butterflies, it's going to get yellower! next on the lists,
  18. yellow?? i thought it was very green! lol.
  19. roseafascia wrasse is just going crazy now. flashing and terrorizing at everything! fins turn white, pelvic fins turn dark blue and the first part of the dorsal fin turns bright yellow. the stripe that runs from the nose to the tail turns bright blue. roseafascia's nuptial flashing colouration is not as amazing as other fairy wrasses. but it's still thrilling to see a fairy wrasse displaying!
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