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Everything posted by yikai

  1. pencil wrasse so common. P. cerasinus, P. severnsi etc are always available during philippine shipment. you've seen 50 species of fairy wrasses on liveaquaria!? impossible. out of 60 species, at least 1/3 are unobtainable and 1/2 are very rare. liveaquria only show at least 10-15 species of fairies nia. anyway good luck in just stocking 10 fishes. your hand very itchy one haha so hope you can stick to your plan! don't forget you already have your condei and your flasher from iwarna and condei is not even on your list. dont buy on impulse. condei is nice but if you don't like it, don't buy. anyway im going out now. i'll continue talking with you in the evening.
  2. CF always have stock of copperbands. ALWAYS! haha.
  3. my wrasse book contains ALL the wrasses in the world. how can they all be unobtainable and v ex? lol. there are many that are cheap and commonly available. and dont need to restrict yourself to ONLY fairy wrasse. got flashers, line wrasse, pencil, leopard, tamarin etc. also fairy have so many species. to date there are 61 fairy wrasses but you've only seen like, 5 and you say those 5 are your favourite and must keep only those. i know your type. you see something you like and instantly become your favourite. like last time you were mad abot rhomboids. then we introduce flame wrasse to you and you instantly become flame wrasse crazy. next was the hooded and then you became hooded crazy. there are 61 species of Cirrhilabrus. I'm sure there's more you like, you just don't know it yet blennies toppling corals? that's not true. most blennies stay very small like tail spot size. how can they topple corals. unless they are the larger blennies from the genus Salarius (algae blenny). those grow v big and v destructive. so more research and you will see there are so many species to choose from. angels? at least keep 1 lor. your old tank had 7 flame backs, 3 flame angels etc etc etc. just because 1 scribble angel eat your LPS doesn't mean you have to abandon the whole idea. in the first place scribbled is 100% eat corals one. get a dwarf. they are safe to most extent. your choices are too extreme liao. either you stock tooooo much like previously, or toooo low like 10 fish. to be honest, 10 fish is not realistic. knowing you, 10 is going to be VERY hard to control. like yesterday, you die die must bring home the condei liao lol! how to control 10 fishes like that? and your angels. you were so crazy about angels last time. face 1 set back and you ditch the entire family just like that. and your disease problem. one disease outbreak and you want to decomm liao. cannot be so rash and extreme in this hobby, because there are going to be many more problems in future. what you are experiencing now is just the tip of the iceberg. i've been through this before last time and almost decomm 2 months after i started. worse than you!! lol so keep a balance. i think 15 to 20 is still acceptable. since you're not keeping SPS, 15-20 should be fine. slowly choose your fish then can share your ideas with me or digi, or post here. then we can advise you wether it is suitable or not. stocking is the most fun part of the hobby in my opinion. so many things to see and buy. so don't limit yourself to such extent.
  4. agree. maybe try to include at least 1 fish from every family? tang (personally hate tangs the most but to each their own. you may find something you like here) wrasse (2nd largest family in the marine industry. dont limit yourself to flame and hooded. theres thousands and thousands of wrasses. not only 5) angel (dwarf angels. but if you dont want then dont bother. wait eat ur corals more stress) damsel/chromises (vanderbilt, rollandi, tricinctus etc are very peaceful and beautiful) basslets (anthias, liopropoma, gramma etc are all under the basslet family) gobies/blennies (gobies are the largest family of fish. so many beautiful and interesting fishes from this family!) slowly go research each family up and create a well diversed tank. if not after 10 years you will still only be talking about hooded and flame.
  5. aiyoh at the end of the day i only 2 words nia. hooded, flame. everyday hooded and flame. i lend you my 500 page wrasse book you go and take a look and see what others interest you bah. ok?
  6. another pic of his cook island helfrichi. he has 2! what's that dwarf angel at the top right? multicolor? the pic is cut off so much.
  7. continue from same guys' tank. A. thiellei C. naokoae P. ventralis ventralis
  8. from the same guy's tank as the rusty x flame and coral beauty x flame. cook island helfrichi. pink head. dont understand why all these people with super rare and gorgeous fishes have such ugly tanks.
  9. the cb x rusty is very nice but look at the shape of the fish. it's so odd! especially the face. coral beauty has a very rounded face while rusty has a pointed sharp face like flame angel. cross the two together and you get some weird lookign fish. but i agree its beautiful and unique. the colouration is nice and so are the finnage. rusty flame? victor sms his supplier ask them to catch liao. i also just sent victor an email in the evening to double check and included pictures as well.
  10. Spotted 3 male Cirrhilabrus melanomarginatus at CF a few days ago. It's dull coloured and looks exactly like a faded off scott's fairy. IMO, ugly fish but it's a very rare and a very very seldom collected fairy wrasse. for those who are after rarity and not looks, this fish is for you. irene and iwarna have many Blotchii anthias. 1 Cirrhilabrus naokoae (Naoko's fairy wrasse). I don't know where it is now. Either in irene's shop, or brought over to Iwarna.
  11. what is white mask angel..? you mean masked angel? Genicanthus personatus? oh you can continue to dream. even copps don't have it. too rare liao. unfortunately
  12. Tank also too small for AT.
  13. SO MAD! Cirrhilabrus johnsoni is flooding the US market like crazy now. WHERE ARE THEY IN SINGAPORE!?
  14. Short description Dorsal spines (total): 7; Dorsal soft rays (total): 10 - 10; Anal spines: 1; Anal soft rays: 9. Predorsal scales absent. Occurs in two color phases, one yellow and the other with whitish ground color; both forms with 4-5 dusky bars (although faint in yellow fish) and fine pale blue or white spotting on head and anterodorsal part of body and fins. A dark brown streak above maxilla (Ref. 27362). from fishbase. just a colour phase lor. variable. but the grey variant is uncommon. never see before.
  15. dun think diff sex. i've seen natural pairs both yellow.
  16. calling justin, ultimate king of MJ. where did you go? hahaha.
  17. good. my exquisite under-going prazi treatment also. it's very aggressive lol.
  18. haha i know lah. joking nia. they are like that 1. in the betta box with pipes they will hide. release it and it will come out. like mine
  19. yours is the 2nd nicest in the whole shipment liao! be thankful! hehehe. no la flasher no such thing as nicer or not nicer. is how much bigger only. colour wise all same. exquisite? oh i will be happy if it does not fade colour! don't talk about improving. lol.
  20. me lah! but never pay attention to it until you pointed it out. thanks bro. it was stressed when i saw it so never notice until you brought it to me and i saw how nice it was how's your fishes doing?
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