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Everything posted by yikai

  1. nope. i don't like rosy scale. the pale body and the bright red head with dark outlined scales make the fish look very sickly and weird. only the fins are nice. that being said, this batch of rosy scales are actually rather pretty and worth getting.
  2. in fact i'm willing to say 100% safe with SPS. butterflies belong to 3 groups if talking about SPS. group 1) obligate sps eaters - this group called the "Citharoedus" consist of obligate SPS eaters. such as ornate, reticulatus, larvatus etc. their lower jaw is shaped like a spade to scrape polyps and flesh off SPS. group 2) normal butterflies with normal shaped mouth. these have rounded mouth that cannot eat the polyps, but can nibble at the SPS slime and flesh. excessive nibbling can cause STN,RTN and polyp retraction. when SPS tissue is damaged or torn, these butterflies can quickly nibble away the flesh. group 3) butterflies with pointed shaped mouth. longnose, copperband etc. cannot eat SPS at all regardless of state of SPS. cannot nibble, cannot scrape, cannot anything. they can however, pick little crabs, worms and other inverts living within the SPS. with regards to LPS and softies, all cannot be trusted except 3. pyramid butterflies, longnose butterflies and chelmon butterflies.
  3. This picture stills bring back so much memories.. The first ever cespitularia to come to singapore, brought in by LCK. look at the sheer size of it! the whole colony costed only 1 red note and this is not even all of it. half of it i fragged away on the first day i bought it. unfortunately i went to india, shit happened, and now it's only a mere shadow of it's former glory. it's regrowing very fast but cannot get it to grow sooo tall! now cespitularias are all cultured and come in expensive little frag plugs where to find such large beautiful wild colonies now?
  4. what happen to your pink birdnest and staghorn and other SPS? and how come keep rescaping? shouldn't your tank be stable and full of corals and fish by now?
  5. Cirrhilabrus naokoae flashing. It's so cute! the little dorsal fin looks like a hat.
  6. all the above pictures and information contributed by Copps on RC.
  7. this is the original pair of Centropyge colini owned by Frank of RCT and was given to Copps. The pair still continues to spawn every night in Copp's tank!
  8. This is the same female in Copp's tank, and it turned male.
  9. This little female interuptus is the spawn of the original pair owned by RCT.
  10. This is a male Centropyge interruptus given to John by Frank of RCT. This male is the original male of the breeding pair owned by RCT.
  11. The world's first ever breeding pair of debelius angels, Centropyge debelius. Debelius angels are sexually dichromatic, with females being a burnt orange overall resembling the Hotumatua angel (Centropyge hotumatua). Males are actually brilliantly blue with gorgeous blue flecks on the face but does not show up in this photo. This pair belonged to Frank of RCT and was given to John Coppolino. Unfortunately, it died 6 hours after being placed in the tank despite being packed very well. A sad and unfortunate mishap, and something so legendary had to die this way.
  12. no lah just kidding. let me know if have any of the fish i posted. but unlikely to have marcellae butterfly since it's from west africa shipment. tomorrow should be east africa since have flameback. but you never know
  14. conspic is my favourite of all the chaetodontoplus angels. I personally (personal opinion here, to each their own) dislike this genus alot. Conspic and niger are the only 2 species within this genus that captivates me. they are actually very puppy like as proven by this conspic. had the chance to play with it and feed it at iwarna before collection and it's such a curious, endearing fish!
  15. Chances of eating your SPS = 0% Chances of eating your zoas = < 10% Copperbands are very reef safe as far as butterflies go. Their beak is made to eat tiny invertebrates living amongst rocks and corals. Diet in the wild do not contain coral polyps. However, being a butterfly, it is up to you to take the risk. My Marginalis butterfly (a very close relative to the copperband, 90% resemblance, but a diff species) has a soft spot for tridacnid clams and will eat away the mantle, and then devour the entire clam up. For me, i love the fish more than the clam so it doesn't bother me. I will just stop adding clams from now on. However if you are a hardcore coral lover who cannot take even the slightest risk with your precious corals, then i suggest not to add the copperband butterflyfish. However reefsafe it may be, that little % of non-reefsafe quality will slowly eat you up inside!
  16. the Rosey scale fairies at LCK were very beautiful. I personally don't find this species attractive but some of the huge 3-4 inch alpha males were gorgeous! also the neon green sinularias are worth getting. blue cespitularia too. lots of hammers, elegance, torch at iwarna.
  17. Rosey scale fairy wrasse? Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis
  18. yah the conspic is really amazing. you believe i wanted it very much? haha. but no money and reserved already. but i'm so happy to see the new owner taking care of it with much love. good good! the dusky heraldi, this is good news. because i wanted it but scared it fade in colour. but seeing this, thats good!
  19. ok lah i think we should just drop the whole topic. if bro terryz like it then we shall not say anything else terryz, don't take it to heart. i'm your friend that's why i'm being very blunt with you and giving you my honest opinion. if not i seriously can't be bothered and just ignore this thread. but if you like it then good. like now, i like my scape. if anyone ask me to re-do it i will also say no.
  20. digiman's conspic? it's gorgeous and so healthy! and he bought the dusky heraldi angel at CF? colour has not faded until now? that's fantastic! dusky heraldi is not a hybrid but a colour variant of the normal heraldi, so sometimes colour may revert back to normal after awhile. but this is obviously not the case. good job.
  21. the damsel? it's very common. the picture looks nice because it's probably displaying and change it's colour. otherwise they look like this. http://www.google.com.sg/images?hl=en&q=Pomacentrus%20coelestis&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1280&bih=669
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