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Everything posted by yikai

  1. there's no wastage in time really. everytime you post, your I.P shows up beside your name. Different I.P does not mean different user. I use my laptop, my bro's laptop and my mother's laptop = all diff I.P. we have other ways to trace. But this disgusting begging of free livestock is getting on my nerves. willing to spend on the tank but unwilling to spend on livestock, then better don't keep la. sounds like a fling to me.
  2. recently alot of very irritating members. don't mind me being harsh but may i know what's going on? no actually, i take back what i said. If indeed double nicking is going on, then have to take action alrady. people asking for free fish, not listening to advice despite given. and all very new members emerging about the same time. time to do clean up and run all the I.P addresses already.
  3. eh! i'm not a FOWLR keeper! hmph! lol hmm.. my fish want to eat pizza. ok lah dun dilute liao. ups for your lovely zoas.
  4. want to feed my angels? they're hungry.
  5. dun say that lah!! make me sound like a rare fish snob, which i'm not. i hope no one misunderstands... i just like more uncommon fihs, but i have plenty of common fish in my tank too and i love them just as much. like my flame angel, possum wrasse, basslets, gobies, etc. cannot have entire tank full of rare fish wat. how to sustain? exquisite wrasse is good example. very common and very normal but so gorgeous and the name is so fitting!
  6. yes a few specks here and there. clearing up already. the rubricaudalis also have abit of white spots, but when it comes to wrasses, i'm not concerned. they very greedy and recover very quickly. butterflies are more serious and will not recover from white spots one. but all my butterflies are bulletproof now and are clean as a whistle. only one or two of the newer wrasses catching abit of spots, but should clear up in 1-2 weeks.
  7. yes very fierce but only towards new residents. this is one of my fav dottyback. i want to buy again if it comes. females more common, grey with white tail and 2 red spots on the pelvic fins.
  8. blastos can put together as long as all are blastos.
  9. Cirrhilabrus exquisitus, the Exquisite fairy wrasse. This is one of the 6 variants of the Exquisite fairy and it originates from Kenya, Africa. Now I have two Exquisite fairies, one from Kenya and the other from Vanuatu. So far no fighting observed but if fighting begins, I will let the Vanuatuan one go. Very difficult to decide which to let go because I love both variants just as much and both are my favorite variants of the Exquisite fairy and are on par in terms favoritism. Have removed so many fishes lately, tank looking much emptier now. More space for my fairies and butterflies.
  10. New fish, one of two of the African variant of the Mccosker's flasher wrasse. Paracheilinus mccoskeri (African var.) Anal fin is entirely red vs the red and yellow of the Maldivian variant. Back part of dorsal fin has a blue and gold patch vs blue splashes of the Maldivian variant. Finally found this! After stalking African shipments for so long.
  11. Some updates on the Vanuatuan hooded wrasse, Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus. Initially very shy, but now very much active and brazen.
  12. what i saw were allardi lah but as you know, clowns are not my forte and all look like clarkii. don't take my word on it. but if law say chrysogaster then it should be chrysogaster, since he knows the stocklist.
  13. Metabolic biochemistry. I hate you

  14. ok finish posting the interesting ones. got it all from this website. alot of gobies and blennies inside. very nice.
  15. dunno how to diff dimidiatus from vanderloosi. vanderloosi is from PNG i think.
  16. whole plethora of unusual and rare dottybacks. but some are quite ugly.
  17. this is gorgeous. keep before. want to get it again if CF bring in again.
  18. 2 very gorgeous hybrid lemonpeels in the wild. omg the first one is !
  19. digi, this will make a FINE addition to your rosae dottyback. seriously no idea wat dottyback is this but look at the tail! taken from the great barrier reef.
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