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Everything posted by yikai

  1. I've already posted not to comment on this thread. This is a pasar malam section afterall and posting here is diluting this section. Since no one reads what i type, this thread will be closed. Appreciate everyone's comments, just that this is not the right place to post. thanks and happy reefing. - Lemon.
  2. the torch corals are severely bleached fyi..
  3. hellfire anemone is very rare because it's an extremely unpopular anemone. henry brought in once before. this anemone is NOT reefsafe and cannot be kept with any clownfish. it will eat them. the sting is extremely painful so anyone buying it PLEASE becareful not to touch with your barehands. it is NOT like carpet anemones or bubble tips. they are very painful!
  4. Just tested my parameters. Mg - 1350 Ca - 350 Kh - 8 tryign to keep my Kh constant by adjusting CR. keeps fluctuating between 8-10. Ca also abit low. but 350 should be fine. SPS doing great.
  5. only soft corals and anemones can be dyed. LPS are never dyed as far as i know. SPS are never ever dyed. they will die.
  6. yellow tangs can be quite aggressive once established. zebrasoma tangs are like that. most probably it did not deliberately go after the copperband, but more likely any fish will get wacking. moreover, copperband and yellow tang usually same size and roughly the shape shape. so attack is not unsurprising.
  7. blue cesp is not even the nicest soft coral.... there are many nicer and VERY exotic ones like efflatounaria, sympodium, tubipora, etc etc.
  8. it's like that 1. you are paying for the consultation fees and their expertise, doctorate etc. when i'm sick i don't go doctor buy panadol for $50. panadol is paracetemol and it is a sweat inducer. sweat will evaporate and reduce body heat. to replicate that, just drink lots of water and sleep. save $50.
  9. anyway, let's all close this alright? It's not nice to fight, accuse and do silly things like this. Everyone have their own lives to lead and this is just a hobby. what for make it so unpleasant. I have to juggle between school, personal life and moderating this forum. The other moderators are very busy with work and i'm one of the more free ones so i tend to keep up with what's going on more frequently. However, don't make life difficult for the mods and myself by openly flaming each other and creating unnecessary trouble. The 3 users suspected of double nicking all came back clean. All three show different I.P and are different users as far as we know. It's just a coincidence but we will be keeping an eye on them from now.
  10. Larvatus used to be common. when i first started i saw it before. it's called the hooded butterfly. so nice. now it can join paucifasciatus as unobtainable red sea fish thanks to all those lazy fish catchers.
  11. It's not easy....

  12. hi bro Arie, I empathize with you. I too, am a young boy like you. 18 years of age. I completely understand how you feel. However, you will realize that this forum is very adult dominated and you will get crushed very easily here if you don't learn how to adapt, and adapt fast. I was like you before 2 years ago. I was very much disliked as well. Go do a search on my name, read up on my old posts. I have nothing to hide. Truth is, the teenage mentality does not suit well here. After awhile, naturally you will learn to adapt and behave, act more maturely. That is why i love spending my time in this forum. In the day i am a normal teenage boy with teenage friends acting like a normal teenage boy, but here, i learn to control, type properly, watch my language and act with some ethics. I'm not saying asking for free things is wrong. Firstly, this is the wrong thread to do so. 2ndly, this hobby is very expensive and you must be willing to spend. There are many experienced reefers here and making multiple threads asking for free things is unsightly and classless. However, as you can see, many people replied you and are helping you, with free stuff to give. however, no matter how wronged you are, always remember to keep your cool and learn to control the words you use. otherwise you will only be more hated. Secondly, i never accuse you of double nicking. I am a moderator and i cannot anyhow accuse anyone of any crime unless i have solid evidence. Re-read all my posts. i did not confirm you are a multi-nicker. However, people complain, and it is my job to go and do a search. Can you blame me for doing my job? No, you cannot. Can you blame the reefers here for suspecting? No you cannot too! Recently there have been alot of new reefers popping up asking for free things. It's too much of a coincidence and naturally, people will suspect. So they will report. If you have nothing to hide, then don't act up and scold vulgarities. Like I said, you have to act abit more mature here. I believe you are new. Let me tell you something about me. I don't like it when new reefers do no research and go into things impulsively. The internet is a soup of knowledge and if you don't do any re-search, then it's your fault. I believe you just started correct? Already you have many clownfish, starfish, damselfish etc. Do a research on these fishes and see how they will play out in your tank. I can tell you, not good. So i hope you read my long and boring post and then absorb it in. I understand that it's your personality. But you must change it someway or another. How you act in real life, i don't care. But when you're in this forum, i hope you at least abide by some rules and standards. Thank you! Lemon.
  13. yes i know he has 2 tanks. but there is no way those corals are going to survive in the holding tank while his main tank is cycling. absolutely no way. there's no liverock in there, it's just a bare tank. even if he puts liverock in, the tank still has to cycle. the main point is having patience. why rush into it at all? slowly do one thing at a time. anyway to bro toravisu, if you have a good plan and manage to keep all your corals alive after cycling, then i apologise for everything. but if you don't i hope you take this as the 2nd lesson learnt and hopefully, not repeat it again.
  14. larvatus another red sea fish we will never see here anytime soon.
  15. biggest success with obligate coralivores!! read it! so interesting! http://glassbox-design.com/2010/obligate-corallivore-captivity/
  16. ok ENOUGH. Arie, you better watch what you do and say from now on if you want to continue having posting privileges in this forum. Even if you did nothing wrong, your horrendous use of words and blatant use of vulgarities only reflect badly on you. Vulgarities will not be tolerated especially when they are hurled at other reefers. If your grasp on the english vocabulary is too lousy then i suggest just keep quiet and walk away, rather than marring this entire forum with your un-intelligent vulgarities. If others have wronged you, reply nicely, or PM me. Don't have to scold others back and spoil your own reputation. And to other members, enough also. Leave this thread alone and stop commenting and let the situation move on. Harlequin Mania is away on army and will check back tonight. The MODS and admin will handle this and last warning to everyone, don't reply here anymore and make a scene. This forum is not for ranting and arguments. Anything personal or unwanted, please take it to the PM box. Thank you all, for the cooperation. Lemon.
  17. Paracheilinus octotaenia The Eight-line or Red Sea flasher wrasse. Another super gorgeous flasher that is endemic only to the Red Sea. Also another little known species in the local Singapore market. Little known as in, if it pops up here one day, not many people will know what fish this is. It is common in the states, and Japan, but somehow, they never made it to Singapore. Another beautiful beautiful species that I hope to see one day and acquire. Another distinct species of the entire genus. All median and unpaired fins are very rounded, when flashing, resembles a disc. Another model organism that demonstrates the popularity in other parts of the world, but unpopularity in the local market here. Other fishes joining this list includes the Rusty x flame angelfish, Johnson's fairy wrasse (new), Roseafascia fairy wrasse, Chrysocephalus tamarin wrasse, etc.
  18. Paracheilinus attenuatus. The attenuatus or diamond tail flasher wrasse. A gorgeous and lovely Kenyan species that is one of my favourites. Extremely rare in Singapore, last brought in many years ago by Harlequin. Moderately rare in the states and Japan, but still, rare! Unique species in the family of flasher wrasses, it is the only one to have a rhomboid tail. Although rhomboidal in shape, it is not lanceolate. Dorsal fin has a dorsal filament which comprises of only one dorsal spine, a very fine hair like spine unlike the other species in the genus. This is a gorgeous species that I hope to find one day and I do hope it makes it's re-appearance after a very long hiatus. It's simply a very gorgeous and rare flasher wrasse that not many people know about. Flashers are over-looked because of their cheap indonesian cousins like carpenter, filament etc. But there are a handful of very very rare ones that rival the rarity of the rarest fairy wrasse! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPomx4WBUtY&feature=player_embedded#!
  19. patience is the most important virtue in this hobby. without patience, you can forget about keeping marine. powder blue in a tank that is not yet cycled is a henious crime, but since you're new, take it as a lesson learnt. read this on how to cycle your tank properly.
  20. amazing! only had my dragonface pipefish for about 3 months and it's already feeding on mysis shrimps bigger than it's face. i don't know how he does it. must takea video one day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yikai


      they are, but dragonface pipefishes are easy.

      mine eats cyclopeeze, mysis and yesterday i threw a small piece of prawn into the tank to feed my butterflies, the pipefish was biting it.

    3. Terryz_


      They are easy and cute becos they crawl on the rocks easier to feed on the pods.. The flooding ones will take more training to feed on Mysis..

    4. yikai


      mine will swim in the water column and eat the floating mysis. i will take a video.

      it also eats prawn meat. crazy pipefish!

  21. as an adivce to all reefers reading this, please treat all fishes you buy, adopt etc with respect as it's a living thing afterall. it sacrificed it's life in the ocean just to live in our tiny little tanks. we bear all responsibility to take care of it. just because it does not bark, or meow, or come to you when you call it, or greet you when you come back, does not mean it can be tossed around like popcorn. it's exactly because of it's lack of interaction that people disregard fishes as pets and lives. but if you've reef long enough like some of the senior members here, you'll realise that many fishes are intelligent and can engage in some degree of interaction and are actually very smart. angels, puffers, triggers are some of the smarter fishes and can recognize people and signals.
  22. tone down alot already... last time used to be more policeman but got negative feedback. so now try to be lawyer ok will update this thead hopefully soon. in the mean time, let's try not to encourage this and just go back doing what we were doing.
  23. lol. doesn't matter to me, i don't get worked up over this kind of things so easily anymore. as of now we have not determined if they are indeed the same user, so cannot do anything yet. but we will look into the matter, as i've received many reports. sorry nowadays moderator working abit slowly. this moderator need to go school already so not so free liao
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