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Everything posted by yikai

  1. hunting for more softies and other corals now. abit shortage. large sinularias will fit perfectly but they all seem to have gone extinct!
  2. yes naokoae is part of the "rubriventralis" complex of fairy wrasses that all share similar pelvic fins, that are large and paddle like. the others with similar fins are C. rubriventralis, C. joanallenae, C. morrisoni. all have elongated dorsal fins but the naoko's is the most unique, with a shark like dorsal fin!
  3. thank you! my scape only has 9 rocks and very simple, open concept. yours is a work of art and cleverly scaped. good job!
  4. Naokoae wrasse with it's beautiful finnage spread out.
  5. OMGz! that marginalis is more beautiful than the interruptus and the feminine is awesome. yes that lubbocki is a rarer variant. sometimes iwarna have also. the rusty flame is GORGEOUS! one of the nicest i've seen.
  6. yah nowadays hard to find nice corals. due to my choice of fish, my range only softies, SPS and very very limited LPS (mainly euphyllia, cataphyllia, plerogyra). yellow leather? wait for walt smith. walt smith many nice softies. green sinularia, yellow leather. tublaria? i think you meant turbinaria which is cup coral. or tubipora, which is pipe organ. i hate cup corals but i like pipe organs. can go and hunt nice ones during WS shipment.
  7. thanks bro! my 2 fav fish not in the shot. my marginalis and declivis butterflies
  8. really? i find too little (: nice FTS? thanks. but so empty still.
  9. so serious ah... coma!? you know what's a coma? it's when your body is in a profound state of unconciousness. your body will not respond to pain, sound, smell, hearing and cannot be awoken. sometimes you awake from a coma after many weeks, to months, to up to 20++ years, or never at all. yours 4 days only, just sleepy la haha. anyway next time to avoid such injuries, use a stiff sieve net instead of soft cloth net. this way the spines cannot poke through the net.
  10. Take out your guns and shoot that money! You don't need that shit. BANG BANG BANG

  11. FTS... sorry. still look very "FOWLR"-ish. corals too little, SPS all still small. need time to grow
  12. This is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS when it flashes. Adding a female was the best decision ever. Still no chance of catching it flash on photo or video, but rest assured. I will succeed. This is the Efate island (Sliglty northen/central vanuatuan variant hooded wrasse). When flashing, the entire body turns a bright lilac, and the head turns intense red. all the fins also turn red and the tail is bordered in violet. one of the best nuptial colourations displayed by ANY Cirrhilabrus.
  13. trying for the 3rd time. Giant balinese pom-pom xenias. Poor survival rate. Always melt for no reason sooner or later. If i fail again this time, that's the end for this species.
  14. this species will go *sexual. not asexual. sexual reproduction means the release of spores/gametes etc that will cloud the water. asexual is reproduction by spreading/budding/fragging etc. also do note that in order to significantly reduce nitrates and phosphates, you will need alot... relative to water volume.
  15. LA-DD's Genicanthus semifasciatus female. I'M DYING FOR THIS FISH. WHEN WILL IT RE-APPEAR FROM IT'S LONG HIATUS!?
  16. To come home after a long day and see your corals flourishing, fishes hungry, beautiful tank just reinforces my love for this hobby

  17. OMG Chaetodon mesoleucos! Been years since they last appeared in the trade excluding aquarama. A red-sea butterfly that never gets imported, dunno why. LOOK AT THE SIZE!!! VERY VERY RARE SIZE! usually 4-6 inches upon arrival.
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