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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Rusty x Flame angel. It's available now. But anyone willing to pay big bucks for it? It's stupid how a Cebuan fish that has recently been commonly exported all around the world is still unavailable to us now because of price. Price is so good for all other parts of the world for this but if we want it in Singapore, be prepared to pay at least 4-5x more! Ridiculous.
  2. here's a video on the REAL Vanderbilt chromis. Look at the beautiful yellow and black tail! As you can see, the one at CF is definitely not Vanderbilt's chromis.
  3. That's because it is not Chromis vanderbilti. The Vanderbilt chromis is found in Pacific ocean around Hawaii, Japan etc and is not found in Indonesia/Philippines. That's why they don't label it as Vanderbilt even though Vanderbilt is in their daabase. They name it Chromis lineata if i'm not wrong. Chromis lineata looks 100% identical to vanderbilt except for having the entire tail outlined in black, whilst the vanderbilt only has the lower lobe outlined in black and the top part of the tail is yellow. a bicolored black/yellow tail. The one we are getting i'm now sure it's C. lineata. anyway no problem and glad you like it. This chromis is very pretty and will look even better once settled down. it's nicer than the blue-green chromis and it should get more attention!! all of them are just left there un-sold coz no one knows about this hidden gem
  4. Janss!!

    1. Digiman


      janss nicer than blue stripe. Too bad the janss to0 big for my nano! Else would have kept the janns instead.

    2. cool guy
    3. yikai


      janns pipefish.

  5. ahbeng has plenty of very very gorgeous blood red bubble tip anemones! and scarlet red and orange too. also many very red scooter blennies.
  6. come come i book air ticket already. changi airport T1 tomorrow 12pm flight. we can stop at pitcairn to catch my smithi also.
  7. CF's chromises are not vanderbilt, but they look 99% similar except the tail. there are 3 chromises in the "vanderbilt complex" but none are the CF one. i have no idea CF one is what. but it's equally beautiful and the only thing diff is having a tail with both lobes that are black while vanderbilt only has one black lobe. anyway they will look very nice once settled down. IMO, 2-3 will be very nice in your tank. too many will look v messy and the beauty will be better appreciated when there is a few. too many will make them less special. that's just my opinion.
  8. Decisions and comments should be made on wrong or right. Not old or young. Archaic ideologies must stop.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. cedricang


      No worry lemon, we are behind you :)

    3. wilsontantw
    4. Eniram


      Again behind lemon or again being pushed? =)

  9. thank you. good to hear that. i try my best to keep everything alive but sometimes that's just not do-able. and yes, i'm freaking awesome. HAHAHA! just kidding anyway i was at CF with digiman today and heard you looking for some chromis. check out the vanderbilt chromises. they are beautiful and will bring out the colour of your SPS a million times. look at my video and you can see 2 of them.
  10. CF have 5 pairs of male + female bellus. the males are big and very gorgeous. Irene also has many male bellus angels. the season for male bellus is now here. those wishing to get them must hurry for this short window.
  11. golden is the hardest angel to keep in the genus Centropyge (by experience and by literature). others may disagree. colini is rarer but also hard, if not, just as hard. but it's less shy than golden and easier to get feeding. colini is found in greater depths than golden angel and most die from decompression illnesses. colini is seldom caught by cyanide because of it's depth and it's less shy than golden. golden are almost always cyanide caught because they are extremely cryptic. however this is not to say that colini are not cyanide caught. some are. they always die anyway, very hard. i've tried 4 times. each time manage to pair. and all times manage to get feeding. but died from decompression problem. they are also very sensitive. if something happen to the tank they don't like, they can just stop feeding altogether. if you want to try, get those that come in from Fiji. Fiji colini cost many times more and is very much rarer but they are not cyanide caught and tend to have better success. your best bet is to wait for season during philippine shipments coz when there's season, they will start trickling in and you can try them. best of luck. one of then nicest and most beautiful dwarves out there. and they have very unique swimming style.
  12. a colini and a golden will make an awesom duo. 2 of the hardest dwarf angels to make a stunning display. good job on your success!
  13. Fijian blue nox. USD $79.99 only. not bad. i thought LADD will severely rip this fish off.
  14. occasionally available time to time. keep your eyes open.
  15. anyone interested in Conspic angel? serious buyers pls. pls PM me if you're interested and seriously want to buy. don't PM me for fun and ask how much, from where, etc. only do so if you wish to buy. thank you
  16. he had a pair. but he sold it liao. i'm waiting for this fish. i like G. watanabe alot also but i will wait for semifasciatus!
  17. Declivis butterfly. (Chaetodon (roaps) declivis). African coral beauty? Could it be the mauritian coral beauty? the one with tiger stripes on the tail.
  18. i'm waiting and still waiting for this fish. It's been more than a year since it last appeared. It's coming soon. i can feel it. i just feel it. this time i won't let it slip past my fingers again. the last time bro greencloud selling his and he asked if i wanted to buy. not once, but a few times. that was my chance but it's gone now! fret not for i will one day obtain the Genicanthus semifasciatus. omg just look at it. it looks so gorgeous even when it's dead!
  19. yes i hate casualties no matter what it is. even the humble snail that dies is not a nice feeling. i just hope that the death of a few SPS frags don't mean the rest are all going down. esp my pink millie with green polyps. i love it so much then suddenly come home today see 2-3 tips abit white and brown? burnt off. so sian. i have no time to keep such close detail on the tank so i never really notice.
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