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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Centropyge flavipectoralis. a most beautiful and uncommon dwarf angel. from sri lanka and maldive shipments.
  2. this johnsoni is the same one last time right? new diver's den update didn't have johnsoni,.
  3. yup. i see a little plectranthias at the bottom of the leuco picture. wats that. sagami?
  4. are they all cyanide caught? i think not all bah but a great majority are.
  5. leucozonas came in ONCE only from irene. now it's dead. the carribean biotope tank is v v nice.
  6. according to john coppolino, world famous angelfish nut and influential american reefer, he says that no angelfish is difficult. getting them to adapt is difficult" it's true. because overcoming the adaption stage is the hardest. and many of your paracentropyge angels will be lost in this stage. but once u overcome it, it's just as easy as any other fish. feeding wise, food choice, etc. it feeds well, eats well, but mostly die coz cannot adapt to our tanks. so just try ur best. u've succeeded in golden angel. i don't see why u can't for these. but prepare yourself for initial losses.
  7. oh yeah forgot to share my experience. multibar - tried 5 times. all feeding but none made it. still die. max length was 4 weeks. (1 inch specimen kept before, lasted 2 months then MIA suddenly) venustus - tried 5 times. 3 not feeding, all die. 1 inch baby juvenile feeding very well, kept for 2 months, then MIA (same time as my multibar). kept an adult 5th and last one, a yellow head variant. feeding vey very well on mysis but sold it away due to aggression. fate unknown. see? how difficult? i give up on this genus completely liao. i wish u more luck!
  8. As i've explained to you in PM. I'll elaborate more here so others can read and share with the rest. Paracentropyge is a genus of angelfish with 3 known species. P. multifasciata (multibar), P. venusta (venustus angel) and P. boylei (the famous peppermint). They are very secretive angels that prefer rather deeper water and tend to hide alot. the peppermint angel inhabits extremely deep water that require only the most skillful and life-risking divers to collect. the other 2 are easily collected in mid depth-shallower waters. all three are found living amongst caves and under ledges where they swim upside down. swimming style is unique and unlike Centropyge. They tend to flutter and stop occasionally, and extend their ventral fins. Ventral fins have 2 short filaments at the tips, which gives an extended look. Main problem with them is adapting to our tanks. feeding is an issue and at times, even feeding is no use. they still die in the end either from stress or cyanide poisoning. smaller specimens adapt much better. 1-2 inch. as with the golden angel and colini angel, the multibar and venusta are one of the hardest "dwarf angels". making the above 4 angels, the fantastically difficult 4. wish you luck in something that i've tried, succeeded, failed, and now have lost interest.
  9. wwah some of the zoas. not bad not bad!
  10. very happy to see a reefer practicing quarantine!
  11. his body nice mah. most guys aspire to have a fit and nice body? unless i'm wrong.
  12. Ahbeng has a v small and v rare wunderpus!! a mimic octopus close relative. Aunty shop opposite ahbeng got 2 v big emperor shrimps
  13. Holy crap so many!!! Lennardi is gorgeous and ultra rare. N Many of them in the video look very stressed. Half will die as it's a terribly difficult fish. Sand too shallow for them. Many are trying to bury but cannot and will add to more stress
  14. yah sigh. girls want them. guys want to be them.
  15. haha. i see. i like both. both super good looking and very cool! i like ghost whisperer also
  16. supernatural!? which channel are they showing it? omg i love this show. did not know it's showing now.
  17. now this i like. super rare Cirrhilabrus sp. 1 unidentified "nahacky fairy wrasse" in LADD today! gorgeous x1000
  18. rare but many ppl believe it will harm the sps. so they throw away.
  19. the pseudanthias cf. kashiwae is gorgeous but usually don't look so nice in real life. but i've never seen before
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