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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Hi reefers, it's been a very long time since we've last played the ID game! care to play again? there's no prizes this time but that's not saying there won't be in the near future. but i thought maybe we could just play for fun here's something easy for starters. anyone can guess the name of this anthias? so everytime someone guesses it right, i'll put another picture and the game continues on and on. it could be anything from fish, to corals, to inverts and etc etc! anything goes here! and hopefully we all learn something new everyday
  2. haha no need la if it's troublesome. anyway FYI to everyone, Henry had 8 Halichoered rubricephalus but not sure if all sold or not. if interested, can give him a buzz!
  3. never update the red head wrasse? Halichoeres rubricephalus. Or all sold out already?
  4. following his sanguineus hog was the fuscipinnis anthias. Odontanthias fuscipinnis. another super rare deepwater anthias.
  5. Let's re-live digiman's fame and glory when he was the first person in singapore to ever got the first Sanguineus hogfish, endemic to Hawaii. This video was made famous in glassbox design and reefbuilders and something so substantial and ground breaking at that time, was worthy of applaud. Since then, the sunrise hogfish has been collected regulary. for those who don't know what a sanguineus or sunrise hogfish is, take a look at this video. it's neon highlighter orange and yellow colours will stun you. this is what rare fish is about and the epitome of rare, and deserve more than just a glassbox or reefbuilder article!
  6. i must be more careful when i put my hand into the tank. clumsy me always accidently knocking my fragile SPS like birdnest and breaking off the tips! grrr

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yikai


      now i know where all these little scratches and cuts appear on my hand come from!

    3. cedricang


      Yes it is for most sps like birdnest or digi. But even if you dont cut them, the original branch will just continue to split like nothing ^^

    4. yikai



      now i hope my turbinaria can extend it's polyp all the way! sad to see it closed. now it's only peeking out. sigh :(

  7. hahaha. very nice right? all the rusty flames in one big picture.
  8. we are lucky to be near the indo pacific region where many rare fishes such as white cap goby, rusty x flame hybrid, roseafascia fairy wrasse, yellow mask swallowtail angel, tonozukai fairy wrasse, orange back fairy wrasse, and SO MANY MORE. but because our market here have very little interest in exotic fishes, the suppliers never send to us but instead, send to US and Japan where people there have more buying power!
  9. no. liveaquaria and many shops in the states sell 2 inch juveniles and 3 inch subadults also. sometimes 4 inch specimens will come. they come in ALL sizes! but the 2 that came to Singapore were about 4 inch from tip of snout to tail. as expected. Singapore is the dumping ground for all the fishes. so the larger ones that cannot sell, the australian suppliers just dump to us.
  10. Whole world is getting the Rusty X Flame angel hybrid except Singapore! US, Japan, Europe, Taiwan, hong kong, thailand, EVERYWHERE! here's just a small sample collage of some of the uncountable rusty flames that have been exported!
  11. marginalis marginalis marginalis. here are just some out of the HUNDREDS that liveaquaria offer for sale every month! everyweek there will be at least one, if not more, marginalis offered for sale at the diver's den. this fish should be made more available in singapore. so far only 2 have ever came in and one is in my tank now.
  12. Hawaii shipment this week at Iwarna. Most probably Friday, but subject to changes. Exciting christmas shipment happening soon but don't PM me anything coz i will not reveal until it's confirmed. Merry CHRISTMAS!
  13. Christmas surprise coming soon for everyone! :)

  14. you have very sharp eyes too! i was wondering if anyone would see that hehe. no not another rusty flame. the edges of the fins should have the blue and black stripes. it's pure orange in that one. so it could be a rare fish. it's definitely a centropyge.
  15. aiyah. this kind of things, very difficult to know. even with molecular DNA work. do u know that brown tang and yellow tang have 99.9% same DNA? some even say 100% but both are 2 separate valid species. so even with molecular work, sometimes too similar a species may turn out to be the same. brown tang and yellow tang could be allopatric mah, both fish originating from 1 fish that's why same DNA. but evolved to separate species due to environmental change. but even then the DNA should have been different. due to evolution. but may not be also? so this kind of things very grey and unknown unless very very detailed work is done.
  16. Rusty flame hybrids and a shepardi? whatever it is, very beautiful. I WANT RUSTY FLAME!
  17. this one is very shepardi. u sure it's not shepardi? the bars so many and so close together. very very shepardi.
  18. I have this crab also. Comes from my liverock. Just a scavenger like other crabs.
  19. No la I think it's a hybrid. The bars so thin and don't have the thick first bar that all flame angels have. The dorsal and anal fun very colourful!
  20. Blob looks like bristleworm or bobbitworm eggs
  21. That rusty flame looksvery much like a relular flame angel Thairun clOwn is diff. I saw before
  22. you can get those bleaching or dying brain or blastos for them. dying LPS coral will exhibit some kind of smell that angels and butterflies are very attracted to. it should tide them over but it will not sustain them for long. u still need to train them to take food.
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