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Everything posted by yikai

  1. people copy nvm. as long as u put ur correct answer first with most number correct u will win. the rules states it goes by time. first to post = win. unless other ppl have more correct.
  2. IwArna have many male kashiwa anthias (paeudanthias kashiwae) 2 alpha male randalli anthias also
  3. Hawaii shipment at Iwarna Saturday morning. Yellow tang Achilles tang Fisheri angel Flame angel goldflake angel Declivis butterfly Flame wrasse many! Males and females Rhomboid wrasse Black and gold damsel Red banded hawkfish Potters angel
  4. Aloysius, I accidentally deleted ur status update. So sorry bout that. Wanted to cl

    1. yikai


      Wanted to click read comments but accidentally click delete. Stupid iPhone v hard to type

    2. lcf425


      you can always throw that phone to me^^

    3. AloysiusMun


      Hahaha. It's alright. =)

  5. iwarna hawaii shipment postponed until further notice. most likely tomorrow or monday.
  6. very well. FYI for participants, i've received iskay's guess on digiman's fish. 10/18 so he's currently the only contestent for digiman's game and in the lead.
  7. no one attempting digiman's game? it's even easier than mine!
  8. good job. the defining win will be the super hard anthias and that butterfly. Here's your clue. T X Q P - C
  9. the starfish looks really unhealthy. too skinny.
  10. come on don't give up on mine and digiman's one. i will bring forward my dateline to saturday too. 1 week is too long i find. take your time!
  11. rare fairy wrasses and other fishes don't escape my eyes! how could a badly glued crocea escape them then? hahaha.
  12. did you superglue the croceas.....?
  13. Found a hybrid filamentosus X flavianalis flasher wrasse today. A fairly common hybrid with super variable colours. The specimen i found today has distinct traits from both parent.s Unfortunately they are very difficult to distinguish from the parents, and only a fish geek will be able to separate hybrids from parents.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Digiman


      Fuel u also geek! Clownfish geek!

      I love the GSP of yours, v green v nice!See u on sat for the dottyback.

    3. yikai


      haha digiman.

      commenting on the kaypo box? hehehe.

    4. Digiman


      Ya i finally know how to use this kaypo box now!

  14. looks like you need to visit Fiji for the latter!
  15. mccullochi would be an obvious guess but now with captive bred mccullochi, i don't think so? perhaps zumaboy has already obtained it. but who knows. i'm curious about the 2 clowns he lacks too.
  16. i wish you all the best in obtaining Fuscocaudatus. It is my favourite clown! While you're there, try getting Paracheilinus hemitaeniatus. If labrids interest you as much as clowns.
  17. all this while it's alwas been percula percula percula. From ORA and from many other sources. finally someone with something much rarer and ground breaking. like digiman i am not a big fan of clowns but the rarity and subtle beauty of oman clown have always captivated me!
  18. thanks! Singapore is indeed clean because the penalty for littering is pretty high! Yes please do tell Karen. I am a big fan of hers and obtaining G. personatus is not only a world wide phenomenon, but breeding it and raising the fry, that's legendary! So you have 26 out of the 29 clowns known? I am not really a big fan of clowns but i love the oman, fuscocaudatus, latifasciatus and latezonatus. you have oman and latifasciatus right? It would be fantastic if you could post some photos. as for fuscocaudatus, the tail is simply marvelous! it would be really awesome if you have that too!
  19. YOU HAVE OMANENSIS AND MADAGASCAR CLOWN!?!? omg u have to show me pics. do you have fuscocaudatus as well?
  20. excellent. thank you very much for posting here. congratulations on Karen and i've heard much about her with regards to Genicanthus personatus! If you could pass the message on to her, a couple of my friends and i are extremely impressed by her work. good job. we do have some local breeders here but breeding mostly percula clowns, gobies and some dottybacks. I do hope one day to see the full barred captive latezonatus clown in Singapore, as all we've gotten so far are mis-barred ones.
  21. Veliferium in the lead with 9 Onizuka and Iskay in 2nd place with both scoring 8 each. In the event where all are tied, then the first person who posted their list will win. i'll have to check the time of posting. in the event where there is a tie and all posted at the same time which is quite unlikely, then there will be a tie breaker.
  22. Iskay Bandit Angel - Apolemichthys arcuatus Cleaner Wrasse - Labroides dimidiatus Royal Gramma - Gramma Loreto Ventralis Anthias - Pseudanthias ventralis Yellow Spotted Anthias - Pseudanthias flavoguttatus Helfrichi Firefish - Nemateleotris helfrichi Masked Angelfish (F) - Genicanthus personatus Skunk Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata Amboinensis Not 100% sure: Squarback Anthias (F) - Pseudoanthias pleurotaenia Lipropoma Swalesi / Rubre / Carmabi 8 correct. iskay which of the not 100% sure ones are you going to put up in the confirmed list? it's ok if it's wrong. just put it up so we can count it in.
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