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Everything posted by yikai

  1. haha no. hybridisation between fisheri and coral beauty has never been documented before. fisheri has only undergone hybridisation with potter's angel before and that was the only known fisher hybrid. that's the super rare pure orange coral beauty. it's very orange and it's even more orange than a clarion angel. it was found in the philippines and it's really really rare. here's some pic and one pic in a tank with a clarion! coral beauty is a very very variable fish. we've posted many amazing variants before like pure blue, pure white, pure orange, mauritian tiger. they can also form super amazing hybrids like rusty x coral beauty flame x coral beauty (rusty x flame) x coral beauty and the ultra rare multicolor x coral beauty!
  2. a v nice collage with many nice and rare fish. can u ID them all?
  3. v nice ocellaris. from this photo it looks almost as if it has 2 pectoral fins haha.
  4. First time i see this. dunno wat it is. labelled as Amphiprion rubrocinctus?
  5. A closer look at the Lennard's wrasse on LA! super beautiful.
  6. Pseudanthias regalis My fav species of Pseudanthias. Its v v rare and unobtainable because it is only found in Marquesas where there is no collection. a truly remarkable and beautiful species. the subtle beauty is so royal and it's name is so deserving!
  7. CF's marbled white and blue mushroom is fantastic in real life but the cost is 4 red notes PER polyp! hard to swallow. anyone wanna share can PM me only want 1 polyp. the giant polyp pipe organ is insane. i've never seen such big polyps on pipe organs. it's like a clove! but too bad its brown.
  8. I can do for u via somatic cell hybridization. Since the above 3 conventions are proven to be fertile in nature, no reason y it should not work in science. Aiyah but then again it does not need to work in nature. Science can do it for u
  9. tonga shipment from Eddie corals SPS LPS softies. ETA 1PM at iwarna. Christmas surprise shipment! Merry christmas everyone/
  10. wow a hybrid with a hybrid. (rusty x flame) X (coral beauty) 1 angelfish 3 genotypes. amazing.
  11. here's pictures of nursalim and waltoni flasher. waltoni can be differentiated from nursalim but the absence of the black bands on the dorsal and caudal region in flashing males. P. waltoni is found only in Raja Ampat, West Papua. P. nursalim is found on the southwestern side of Bird's Head peninsula, also in West Papua, and southeast to Triton Bay. None have been caught so far and all photos are from the wild. first and last pics - nursalim. middle - waltoni
  12. nursalim flasher is super gorgeous and i posted all about it here before. search nursalim in this thread and you should see some pictures. there's another new flasher discovered around that time called Paracheilinus waltoni. waltoni and nursalim flashers were discovered about the same time and both look very very nice.
  13. SPS and i think LPS. Heard it's from Eddie. Unsure if it's from the famous Eddie's corals from eddie's coral adventure blog. no fishes as far as i know. maybe have maybe don't.
  14. omg i just did something crazy.

    1. cool guy

      cool guy

      Wat did u do???

    2. yikai


      i cut my own hair.

      now i look very funny hahahah!

    3. cool guy

      cool guy

      Ahakz.... Post pic... Gehehe....

  15. wah so many prizes! hope the next ID game will be really tough!
  16. venustus angel is rather seasonal and won't come in at any time. it will come in batches and when one LFS come in venustus, most other LFS will have. will update you if i see any.
  17. yah the shape does resemble the rainbow. smithi butterfly is found in the remote islands near tahiti and it's unobtainable because of it's location. it's very beautiful and gorgeous and very abundant in the wild
  18. OMG SMITHI BUTTERFLY!!!!!! the only fish that can make my heart melt to a puddle instantaneously. how apt! behind it is a bicolor foxface with exact same colour combination.
  19. R.I.P to my Chelmon marginalis. Although i have not kept you long and your death has been a mystery, i will always remember you as the most puppy like fish that enjoy all the pampering and hand feeding. the rarest and most gorgeous fish i have ever had the fortune to keep.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vt_snowman87


      take it easy bro, sometimes, (poo) happens..

    3. braincoral


      just because of the death of one fishes, u lost interest in the fishes in your tank? a bit too carried away

    4. yikai



      losing this fish is like losing a puppy. you did not keep it so you won't know how interactive it can be.

      one day u will understand :)

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