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Everything posted by yikai

  1. Wah v v v v v rare collection of fish! This just means Digiman cannot be beaten!! In a Big tank all the rare fish, in small tank also all the rare fish! Rosae dottyback, jonsoni fairy!, tapeinosoma dottyback, whitecap goby!
  2. Ah yes Hiroyuki tanaka. A good friend of mine from japan and is an expert on wrasses. If he said it's a Lennardi then it is. Intermediate phase male
  3. Wow I dunno wat this! It could be a Lennardi but the anal fins look different. Photo also not very clear. The blue lined pattern also looks abut diff. But the colourful is same. So without clearer images I dun dare to confirm the ID If he got it at a halichoeres price then he is lying or it's not a Lennardi. Coz There is only a few Lennardi in the market and it won't be anyhow sold
  4. Both can be obtained via Aussie shipments. But Lennardi is only available from west australia. West Australia fishes are very very difficult almost impossible to obtain, because there's no shipments from there. They don't want to collect fish. Femininus can be obtained from east Australia, tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu etc. They have a wide Range but very difficult to catch and keep alive. Only saw it once from LCK but a reefer bought it but unfortunately died.
  5. haha. ok. Anthias: Pseudanthis leucozonas. came once before. no one knew what it was and it died in the LFS. irene sell $25, US ppl paying $500. Butterflyfish: mitratus butterfly. Chaetdon mitratus Clownfish: latezonatus clown. obtainable wild caught from aussy Dwarf Angels: rusty flame hybrid. waiting for it to come one day. it's obtainable. Gobies: flabelligobius. my fren has 2. from reborn! Large Angels: semifasciatus swallowtail angel. used to be common but now unavailable. waiting for it to reappear again Predator Fish: none Tangs: none Wrasse: pintail wrasse from cebu. cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus. Others: none
  6. obtaining and lennardi and a femininus will make a show stopping duo!
  7. more pics of the lennardi wrasse in an american reefer's tank. in one of the shots u can see a latezonatus clownfish also. these pictures do no justice to the lennard's wrasse!
  8. yes. live aquaria is selling them at $700 USD. actually i'm quite surprised with the price. the lennard's wrasse close cousin, the feminine wrasse, is retailing for >$1k USD at live aquaria. feminine is alot more common but very very seldom collected and v difficult. so why is the feminine more expensive than the lennard? recently there was a huge collection of lennard's wrasse from west australia. about a dozen or more were collected. maybe due to the influx, the price drop. lennard's wrasse is very very rare and is holy grail of the tamarin wrasses. the other one is feminine wrasse which is more common but very very seldom collected. both are very difficult to keep. here's a pic of feminine wrasse.
  9. Anthias: Regal anthias (Pseudanthias regalis) Butterflyfish: Smith's butterflyfish (Chaetodon smithi) Clownfish: Madagascar clownfish (Amphiprion fuscocaudatus) Dwarf Angels: Rusty flame angel (Rusty X flame angel hybrid) Gobies: Flabelligobius sp. Large Angels: Yellow-masked swallowtail angel (Genicanthus semifasciatus) Predator Fish: none Tangs: none Wrasse: Oh too many! but the one i want MOST is a big healthy alpha male lanceolatus wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus) Others: I would want another fish from the above category. a yellow crowned butterflyfish (Chaetodon flavocoronatus) i think my christmas wishlist is too hard to fulfill. regal anthias, smithi butterfly, lanceolatus and flavocoronatus butterfly are all unobtainable
  10. yah these have been posted before but we always refresh the photos after awhile. some are very rare and deserving of multiple posts. the fisher x potteri is super rare and only one in the world has ever been documented. the 2nd pic is a flame x potteri. more common and some have been caught before. but only a handful. the bicolor is very unusual and many bicolors with such morphs have been found before. very nice. the two regals are my fav. first one is a famous white morph or "xanthic" regal, where only white and yellow colour remains. its v v beautiful and a few have been caught. the second regal is my fav. it's grey with many unusual circles and patterns and it's super rare and beautiful. a unique dirty regal but very nice nonetheless. argi x aurantonota i have not seen before and looks interesting! but because the "argi" complex are very very very very similar, the resulting hybrids will not differ much. this one looks like an argi with a bigger orange patch on the head. v nice and interesting
  11. haha here's a flame x coral beauty from marshall islands instead of Vanuatu! very nice right? hope one day iwarna's hawaii supplier stupid enuf to send this as a normal flame angel and i get to buy it!
  12. here's a very sickly looking rusty angel with no spots no stripes and an aberrant pure white body. i posted this photo way back but post again. so ugly but interesting!
  13. This is a shepardi X coral beauty from guam! Shepardi angel is found in guam and mariana islands and some parts of Japan. it resembles 99.9% phenotypically (outer appearance) to the rusty flame angel (rusty x flame) this has lead some people to believe that shepardi angels are actually rusty flame angels! so you see below, shepardi x coral beauty is almost identical, if not, identical in appearance, to rusty flame x coral beauty. since both hybrids are identical, eliminate the common parent (coral beauty), you can deduce that shepardi = rusty flame! that's what most people believe anyway. what are your opinions, that's up to you! fishes are so interesting and studying things like this in my free time is so rewarding and thought provoking. keeps my mind active. attached below is the shepardi x coral beauty and a rusty flame x coral beauty. CAN U TELL WHICH IS WHICH? it's identical! (ignore colour intensity coz one is from a book one is from internet. books usually have more saturated colours)
  14. some pics i posted before. here's a rusty angel x coral beauty hybrid.
  15. sorry. it's scott michael's book not kiyoshi endoh. and the one from philippine is abit more yellow and not pure orange like urs. the pure orange one i posted above is from Samoa.
  16. you mean there's more than one? because kiyoshi endoh's book had a pure orange coral beauty from philippines!
  17. the world's only coral beauty x multicolor. it's residing in koji wada's tank of bluehabour. i find it dull but it's super suppppppppppper rare!!!!! world's only bispinosus x multicolour hybrid in captivity.
  18. you've seen orange coral beauty. now check these out. pure blue pure yellow pure white orange koi mix bright orange blue light orange blue gold mauritian tiger variant! purple!! such a variable fish!
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