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Everything posted by yikai

  1. finally obtained my C. mitratus. after managing to miss 6 consecutive shipments. 2 inch beauty. thanks so much to the bros who help me!

  2. Chaetodon mitratus. a long long long wait for me to finally obtain one. it's not a terribly rare fish. but it's not common either. i just have no luck with it. i always not fast enough. it's only the size of a triple A battery. very rare size for a mitratus. most of the time come in 3-4 inch. it's a member of the roaps butterflies and it's the only one to be found in the Indian ocean. the other 4 of it's cousins are found in the Pacific. that's the reason why it's the most different looking of all the rest. i must thank the reefers who help me. receive a call from cf aunty to notify me that my mitrtus is here. and thanks to my frens for calling me up to tell me the size and helping me try to reserve it. as cf does not allow reservations, they bought it for me first and deliver to me. i'm endlessly grateful and so fortunate to have reefing frens who are so helpful. now living in my sump temporarily until it's fit enough to go into the display where the boss, a C. declivis lives. if the two cannot get along, the declivis will have to go.
  3. nice tank! ahh! another reefer after the elusive choati leopard. i've kept 4 times but all to no success. super difficult fish. praziquantel is a MUST if you want to keep it alive. always comes in with internal parasites and it needs to be de-wormed.
  4. thanks everybody for the response. i have enough potential buyers already.
  5. yes i have F. flavissimus. F. longirostris is available in singapore. search harder, it can be found. but it's quite rare. i only see it occasionally. you know how to differentiate right? Longirostris vs flavissimus: longer nose vs shorter nose. black mask covers the whole eye vs black mask covering only half the eye chest has tiny black spots vs chest without spots longirostris is harder to keep tha flavissimus. flavisimmus is VERY VERY easy. eats mysis almost instantly.
  6. there's one more member to the hemitaurichthys genus. it's H. multispinnis and it's incredibly rare. this makes it the 4th member of the genus (if you don't count smithi as a member of hemitaurichthys. some ppl consider that it should be H. smithi). how rare? not a single photo of a living specimen available anywhere. only recently there has been one photo in a new book which feature fishes of tahiti. not a single one has ever made it in aquarium. but like any other hemitaurichthys, probably swarm in the thousands in the wild. it's found in tahiti and nearby islands and it looks like a nicer more streamlined version of thompsoni. yes very nice. must scan nxt time but super low chance. if it's from bali, it's lamarck X melanospilos. if it's from Cebu, it could contain semifasciatus blood or watanabe blood. but from the looks of it it's definitely a melanospilos X _____________. the second parent could be anything. but i'm betting on watanabe.
  7. very very nice. but unfortunately no where as near as the hemitaurichthys hybrid you posted before. this one definitely has melanospilos as one of it's parents. the other parent could either be watanabei or lamarck. a very beautiful hybrid and also v rare. but not legendary. there are some like this posted in this thread. can search to see.
  8. OH MY GOD!!! hybrids of hemitaurichthys are unheard of!!! H. thompsoni is already ridiculously rare in the trade due to it's ugliness, but a hybrdi with polylepis is.... .... legendary! this butterfly can be added to the list of legends which includes the king x rock beauty, emperor x chrysurus etc etc. legend legend.
  9. mitratus is ex. about 25 red notes. which is considered expensive compared to AM and RB. resplendent anthias i'm not sure. resplendent anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus) is almost indistinguishable from the randall's anthias (Pseudanthias randalli). randall's anthias can be found at iwarna and ah beng at veryyy cheap price. i'm not sure how much resplendent anthias is. both are closely related and look identical. resplendent replaces randall's anthias in the maldives and indian ocean, while randall's anthias replaces resplendant anthias in the indo-pacific region. darwin's theory of allopatric speciation at it's prime! awesome.
  10. it's sensitive.but once stabalise, it does very well and is as hardy as any leather.
  11. just coz it eat GSP in my tank doesn't mean all MI eat GSP. individual fish individual preference. some may not even eat any corals. but i dun suggest keeping it. coz it will die sooner or later and i don't think you want to live everyday of your life wondering when it will die.
  12. ahhhh diatom outbreak. remove egg crate to have better light exposure and suddenly diatom bloom! :(

    1. yikai


      one staghorn very minor STN also. 2cm patch of STN. looks as though it has stopped for now. if not.. have to start fragging.


  13. Reef safe with caution. They may eat lps and sOfties Kept one for 9 months before. One fine day die even feeding on EVERyThInG. Ate my candy cane and GSP
  14. Cf maldive shipment. Mitratus butterfly, resplendent anthias etc. Other fish not sure
  15. LoNg nose safe with everything except tube worms
  16. ok will keep you in mind should i decide to sell. thanks. long nose butterfly not for sale. it's very common and very easy fish. and reef safe also.
  17. may i know wat time is shipment? and what are the misc do you know?
  18. ha np. ornate butterflies are super beautiful. the pic u posted is in stress colouration. the bars became brown. when it's relaxed, it's orange. but sadly, a heart breaker that never survives in captivity. there are very very very isolated cases, less than the number of fingers on one hand, of them surviving and eating pellets. but no one knows how the survival rate is long term.
  19. iwarna. - rhomboid - flame - balteatus fairy wrasse including female which is very rare! females are very rare! - dissapearing wrasse - potter's - bartletts - lemonpeel all this when i was there at 4pm. no more fisheri terryz.
  20. This is the ornate butterflyfish. Chaetodon ornatissimus. An obligate coralivore that eats nothing but SPS and cannot survive in captivity unless fed a continuous supply of SPS. survival rate is less than 1%. please be adviced not to buy this fish. haha surprisingly, this super super rare armitagei angelfish is hopelessly unpopular in the states! this fish has been stuck in diver's den for many months already! too bad liveaquaria does not ship anywhere out of the states. and i do hope to find an armitagei one day in maldive shipments where the two parent species overlap in range. there is another kind of armitagei from the pacific which is a xanthopunctatus x trimaculatus hybrid. a goldflake x flagfin which is 10000x rarer!
  21. it's very very VERY difficult to photograph. it keeps moving ALOT. and the colours are not very dramatic. it's very subtle and pastel. so doesn't capture well. i'll try again tomorrow.
  22. yes it's mine. i have a pair. in the photo it is not displaying. it's just swimming normally. when it displays to the female, the tail has a thick red margin. i cannot catch a photo of it displaying because it swims way too fast.
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