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Everything posted by yikai

  1. it's true lol! the female spends most of her time in the corner coz everytime she swims out, the male will just bulldoze her. she has some missing scales on her body from the intense courtship of the male. i don't know how man... too much hormones..
  2. there's another video i posted i think in the previous page. it shows a longer video but not so clear. the only way i can show you guys is through video. as you know, nuptial fairy and flasher wrasses swim at too high speeds that only DSLR can capture.
  3. sometimes the female's belly gets crazily big and i think she may be gravid. but the eggs do not last long in her belly and after awhile they are gone. i think the pair are trying out spawning for the first time and are still practicing to get things right. the male is very excited but a bit too much for the female. the female is timid and very afraid of the ridiculously brazen male!
  4. another video of my hooded wrasse flashing at the female. here are two pictures from the cool down moment of flashing. it's impossible to take photo of the climax without DSLR. but these photos still show the pink colouration which indicates nuptial colouration. orange is changed to pink. at climax, the lower part of the body is yellow, the anal fin is yellow and dorsal fin will be opened up and is red.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AloysiusMun


      Chill pill dude! Just do water changes to bring it back down.

      I Overdosed on Iodine-Florine-Bromine too Corals fading. Now bringing it back down.

      Everything go slow can already. =)

    3. yikai


      i've had this kh spike before. reliving it again brings back the chills.

      you're dosing halide salts to your tank? interesting. maybe i should try.

    4. AloysiusMun


      Yup halides! Hahaha. Really do bring about lighting in coral colors, useful if your colors are too dark =)

  6. Rusty angel us very variable in appearance. If you're lucky you can even find some with no dots and are entirely white instead if orange. Super rare though
  7. hmm.. reverting back to females. i have not personally observed this in flasher wrasses but it is possible for fairy wrasse. so i can't advice you on that. they won't kill each other. only chasing alot and flashing alot. u need to cover the tank or you will lose them to jumping.
  8. mccosker's flasher wrasse. Paracheilinus mccoskeri. sorry from your description i thought they were flavianalis but these are nice beautiful full grown males of mccosker's flasher wrasse. these are very often imported from the Maldives, but these at CF are imported from Indonesia. a rare import from indonesia but somehow CF manage to find a sustainable and cheap source! there is another morph of mccosker's flasher wrasse from africa that has pure red anal fins and a blackish tail fin. this morph is rarer and seldom available! i've gotten a few pieces before from LCK. the african ones differ from the maldivian/indonesian ones by the anal fin and tail.
  9. out of all the rare butterflies u listed above, gardinieri is the most obtainable one. gardinieri, selene and leucopleura are all very similar in appearance and closely related. gardinieri is found in arabian peninsula and Sri lanka. it's obtainable from sri lanka shipment just that no one catches it. selene is found in indoenesia, western new guinea and north japan. it's obtainable from indonesia shipment but maybe it's in another part where there's no collection, or people simply dont want to collect it. selene butterfly is however, rare in it's range and not common like other butterflies. leucopleura is found in africa and has appeared before.
  10. the closest you will ever get to st helena is spotfin which LCK has brought in before from carribean. litus butterfly is to hotumatua angel tricincta butterfly is to ballinae angel/semicinctus swallowtail st helena butterfly is to resplendent angel don't forget prognathodes dichrous, the bicolor butterfly is also found in st helena and ascension islands. so correspondingly rare also. smithi butterfly is also rare in it's own leage, but you can compare it to the hemitaurichthys multispinnis which also overlap in range in some parts of the world. oblique butterfly is to st paul rock's queen so many rare butterflies are rare hand in hand with angels! hmph makes me mad. can't get the butterfly means u cant get the angel also.
  11. depends on SPS also. birdnest corals don't tend to encrust much, or encrust at all.
  12. omg the smithi. makes me want to cry! gardinieri is very nice. i like selene also and they all so similar.
  13. wah this piece dam rare. i have only seen it once and bought long ago from GO. good luck for ur search!
  14. v hard to tell. it could be a lunatus female also. but female lunatus have stripes. maybe transitioning. female fairies v hard to differentiate.
  15. very closely related to flame angel. thats why can produce the super coveted and sought after hybrid called the rusty flame hybrid. digiman and i are looking high and low for this fish and pulling as many strings as we can just to bring it in. our LFS dont carry it in philippine shipments so no choice. we have to be proactive. for more information and about a hundred more photos you can find them in the hybrid thread. ok sorry to off topic. enjoy ur rusty angel.
  16. a rusty angelfish? very perculiar and interesting choice of fish. this dwarf angel is very seldom kept in captivity. and i'm not sure why too. some specimens can look quite nice. especially if they're pretty orange.
  17. no i think he meant i was asking him. haha. anyway let's put this to rest.
  18. we just need to know the reason that's all. don't take offense ya? it's just my job. the other account is inactive as far as i know and hardly used. so i don't see a problem. and as you've said above, same I.P doesn't mean same person using same nick but most of the time it is based on experience. but in future just stick to one account if that's ok? (if you have 2) thanks for the understanding there's been many bad cases of double nick and scamming going on so the moderators are keeping eye on things for now.
  19. Helping cool guy to post a photo of the Genicanthus bellus Btw cool guy, very beautiful MALE lamarck's angel. Males are very rare. did you get this from shipment? or did you grow it out from a female. i only saw male lamarck for sale once at ah beng. very nice. the defining features for male lamarcks is the jet black pelvic fins and the white tail streamers.
  20. terryz basket star you also want to keep!? don't keep this kind of exotic and difficult creatures lah! easier than crinoid but still difficult.
  21. may i know why you have two different accounts with the same I.P? double nicking is not allowed so i hope you have a good reason. ran through your I.P address and you have another account named trickyduck.
  22. the whitespots on achilles tangs and powder tangs are very very persistant and difficult to eliminate 100%. tangs as you know, have no scales. that's why their tendency for spots are very high. moreover AT belong to the powder series which are extra sensitive to white spots for some reason. best bet is to improve water quality to the best of your ability and do many water changes. eventually the spots will dissapear as the fish gains immunity. the best is to of course, quarantine everything from the start. but singaporeans hardly practice quarantine unlike the states or japan where quarantine is EVERYTHING.
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